Sunday, April 30, 2017

DAY 101: EPILOGUE: The day after, and we're back to square one

Nobody has ever complained about the the 100-day benchmark for a presidency before. The first one to complain about it, even though he made a whole bunch of promises for his first 100 days was Donald Trump. And he only complained about it after it was clear he would not have any achievements to brag about by day 100.

He wasn't the only one, though. In an interview with The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, NBC anchor Katy Tur said on April 27, 2017, two days before day 100, that the 100 day benchmark is an "artificial construct."

I disagree. The first 100 days in office do paint a picture not only of what the new administration will be like, but how the new administration learns from its mistakes and how the administration is willing to fix those mistakes.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Trump inadvertently admitted he's a loser, then he blamed it on the media

This entry actually started yesterday evening, when Washington Post correspondent Philip Rucker said the following on air on MSNBC in regards to his recent interview with Donald Trump regarding his 100 days in office and making a reference to the fact that Donald Trump had given maps of the USA marked in red with the regions in which he won the electoral college to three reporters from Reuters:

"He actually did the same thing with me, he actually brought up the map, he said "aren't you impressed by this map? Are you surprised by this map?" He encouraged me to take it home to my colleages at the Washington Post and try to run it on the front page of our newspaper. So he cares a lot about the map, he cares a lot about these states."

I disagree. Trump doesn't actually care about those states. By trying to get the media to show that map on the story for his 100 days in office, Trump inadvertently admitted he's actually a LOSER. And since he has nothing to show as a win for his 100 days in office, he seems to be thinking that running that map will show him as a winner and not, as reality shows, as a huge failure in office.

But that's not the end of the story.

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At day 100, Trump still has more disapproval than approval

According to Gallup, on April 29, 2017, day 100 of the Trump administration, Donald Trump has a 42% approval and a 53% disapproval, which is a record low for any president in modern history.

To put things in perspective, on day 3, January 22, 2017, Trump had a 45% approval and 45% disapproval rating. Five days later, the disapproval jumped and the approval sunk. Things have pretty much been the same in terms of approval in the Gallup poll.

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Rodrigo Duterte, who admitted to killing people personally, got invited to the White House

Apparently inviting ruthless Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to the White House wasn't enough for Donald Trump to show just how low his administration can sink. Today, Trump invited Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte admitted IN ENGLISH that he committed murder and that he asked the police to commit murder by killing drug dealers instead of arresting them and applying the law by sending them to trial for their crimes.

Here's the invitation:

I'm not making this up, by the way. Duterte's admission in English can be found in a 2016 article published by the BBC here:

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On his 100th day in office, Trump gets yet another huge protest against him

This morning thousands of people in several cities across America participated in a march against climate change that in reality was a protest against Donald Trump's environmental policies. According to The New York Times this is what happened in Washington D.C.:

Tens of thousands of demonstrators, alarmed at what they see as a dangerous assault on the environment by the Trump administration, poured into the streets here on Saturday to sound warnings both planetary and political about the Earth’s warming climate.

Starting at the foot of the Capitol, the protesters marched to the White House, surrounding the mansion while President Trump was inside on his 100th day in office. Once there, the demonstrators let out a collective roar, meant to symbolically drown out the voices of the administration’s climate change deniers.

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Donald Trump's unpopularity made Congressional Republican's job more difficult

Today The New York Times published an article pointing out that Donald Trump actually made things worse for Republicans in Congress by means of Trump being historically unpopular.

Here's a quote from the article. The quote is actually from Sarah A. Binder, a professor of political science at George Washington University:

“If there is anything specific to Trump here,” Ms. Binder said, “it is his historic degree of unpopularity, which means there is very little hope or chance that he could provide cover for his own party to take controversial votes, and no chance in hell Democrats will take such a vote because the president has asked them to.”

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DAY 100: Trump ends 100 days in office without Obamacare repeal, no border wall, and with 80% failure

Donald Trump ended his 100th day in office without an Obamacare repeal, as the Republicans had to withdraw it once again because even among Republicans in Congress they could not get enough votes to pass it.

In fact, according to CNN, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus tried for the last two weeks to pressure Republicans into approving the Obamacare repeal before the end of the 100 days.

The "100 Days" milestone approaching, Priebus was "aggressive" in his calls to Capitol Hill in search of converts on the controversial legislation, the sources said.

One source likened the chief of staff's efforts to securing a "100 Days" trophy for President Donald Trump, and a senior GOP congressional aide said "definitely Reince" when asked who has been the most aggressive in trying to whip up support for a vote.
"Priebus had really made the push to get the vote. To get this done. Just in terms of the political side -- the political win," a House GOP aide said.

But in the end, Trump failed to get the Obamacare repeal within his first 100 days.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Trump knew Michael Flynn had conflicts of interests with Turkey, but hired him anyway

MSNBC reported today that the Trump transition team conducted a background check on Michael Flynn before naming him National Security Adviser and they knew he had conflicts of interests with Turkey, but they hired him anyway.

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Trump's tax plan would save HIM tens of millions of dollars

While Donald Trump's tax plan would be terrible for independent workers and freelancers, as it eliminates many itemized deductions freelancers rely on, his tax plan would actually save Trump tens of millions of dollars in taxes.

According to The New York Times:

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Republicans had to bail out Donald Trump from a government shutdown

Today the Repubicans in Congress had to vote to approve a one-week spending measure in order to avoid a government shutdown by April 29.

That means the Republicans had to bail out Donald Trump from getting a government shutdown within his first 100 days in office.

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Trump admits he thought governing would be easier

According to Reuters, Donald Trump said the following in an interview:

"I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

Oh really? NOW he's saying that?

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DAY 99: The US economy had its worst quarter in 3 years with Donald Trump

Early today the Commerce Department released data on showing the American economy grew a measly 0.7% in the first quarter of 2017 (January, February and March), misssing economists' forecasts that the economy would grow 1% in the first quarter.

Barack Obama's last full quarter in office (October, November and December) saw a growth 2.5%, and the quarter before that (July, August, September) saw a growth of over 3%.

But with Trump, who was in office over a third of the first quarter, the economy took a nosedive.

Ironically, despite Trump's attacks against imports, imports actually increased.

And that's not all.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

DAY 98: Trump lies about needing money for the military and other issues in a morning Twitter diarrhea

Because of the fact that the Democrats will not approve a budget for Donald Trump if he holds Obamacare subsides hostage, and thus government could be shut down by tomorrow if that happens, Trump posted several tweets this morning lying against the Democrats in a very infantile attempt to get them to pressure them.

Some of those tweets with lies against the Democrats stand out:

OK, two things about this:

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Trump lied about his supposed dislike for executive orders

As of today, April 26, 2017, Donald Trump has signed 28 executive orders. Which is nearly one every 3 days.

But guess what? During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump criticized Barack Obama for signing executive orders and he said he would not sign too many exectuive orders if he were president.

And here's the video to prove it:

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Fox News poll shows only 36% of voters would reelect Trump and 55% would vote for somebody else

A Fox New poll conducted between April 23 and April 25, 2017 (that is days 94 to 96 of his presidency) shows only 36% of voters would reelect Donald Trump if the elections were held today, while 55% of voters would vote for somebody else.

By comparison, by the same time in 2009 52% said they would reelect Barack Obama and 31% said they would vote for somebody else.

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DAY 97: Trump claims his tax cut plan is the biggest in history, but it isn't

Today the Trump administration officially unveiled its tax reform proposal, claiming it would be the biggest tax cut in history.

But that's a double lie because, to start, it isn't a tax reform, but a tax cut, since it has no provisions to close loopholes nor to recover money to pay for the tax cuts it does contain, mainly for the richest Americans and corporations. And second of all, it isn't the biggest tax cut in history either. According to The New York Times, the biggest tax cuts in the history of the United Sates happened during the administration of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Trump used taxpayer money to promote his private Mar-a-Lago club

Donald Trump was caught using taxpayer money to promote his private Mar-a-Lago club through a blog post by the State Department.

According to CNN, watchdog groups are calling the incident illegal, as it violates the emoluments clause to use the government to promote Trump's own private businesses.

How do we know Trump was benefiting from doing this? The answer is in this paragraph from the CNN article:

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Trump lied about the jobs he "created" in office, backtracked, and even that was off

CNN published an article showing how Donald Trump and Sean Spicer have been lying about the amount of jobs supposedly created by Trump in his first 100 days in office.

First, on April 11, Trump said he had created 600,000 jobs.

Then on April 25, Sean Spicer claimed that Trump had "created" 500,000 jobs, 100,000 less than what Trump claimed.

But CNN did the math and exposed Trump and Spicer for lying about the amount of jobs created.

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Ivanka Trump got booed in Germany for defending Donald Trump

Ivanka Trump good booed for defending Donald Trump on stage at an event with Christine Lagarde and Angela Mekel in Berlin.

According to The New York Times, the incident took place during an event of female businesswomen in which Ivanka Trump said the following:

“[Donald Trump is] a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive.”

The booing and the hissing took place right after that.

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DAY 96: TRUMP LOSES: Court blocks his threat to sanctuary cities

This isn't the first thing that happened today, but it certainly is the biggest: A federal court blocked Donald Trump's threat to cut funding to sanctuary cities. Why? Because the court said Trump can't do that, as only Congress can do that.

According to The New York Times:

A judge in San Francisco on Tuesday temporarily blocked President Trump’s efforts to starve localities of federal funds when they limit their cooperation with immigration enforcement, a stinging rejection of his threats to make so-called sanctuary cities fall in line.

The judge, William H. Orrick of United States District Court, wrote that the president had overstepped his powers with his January executive order on immigration by tying billions of dollars in federal funding to immigration enforcement. Judge Orrick said only Congress could place such conditions on spending.

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Monday, April 24, 2017

DAY 95: 16 hours after praising ABC poll, Trump says it's "fake"

This was Donald Trump's first tweet of the day:

Fake, huh? Well, literally he praised the ABC poll in his previous two tweets, claiming the poll demonstrated he would win the elections again because he only lost 4% of his voteres in less than 100 days in office.

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Jeff Sessions lies about Mexico paying for the border wall

In case you're wondering why Donald Trump tweeted about the border wall today...

...the reason is because his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, a well known racist, went on George Stephanopoulos's Sunday morning show and said Mexico would pay for Trump's border wall one way or another, but the examples Sessions gave of ways in which Mexico could pay for the wall would end up in American taxpayers having to pay for the wall.

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DAY 94: Trump lies about poll that shows he would lose the election today

Donald Trump tweeted some pretty bad lies about him winning the presidential election today based on an ABC-Washington Post polll that actually shows he would lose the election if it were today, as he lost 4% of his voters in the course of less than 100 days in office:

No. It's the exact opposite. And here are the numbers to prove it.

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

DAY 93: Thousands march in defense of science and against Donald Trump

Thousands of people marched today to defend science and to protest against Donald Trump, as his policies on the environment, for example, are clearly an attack on science.

The protests took place in Washington D.C. and in many cities around the world. According to The New York Times, one of the protesters in Washington carried a sign that read “science is not an alternative fact,” in a clear reference to Kellyanne Conway's lie to justify Sean Spicer's own lies. Other protesters pointed out that Albert Einstein was a refugee.

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Friday, April 21, 2017

Now Trump claims he's not ina hurry to to pass Trumpcare 2.0

According to TIME magazine, Donald Trump now claims he's not in a hurry to pass his repeal and replacement of Obamacare. From the TIME article:

In brief comments to reporters Friday, Trump said the attempt to rekindle the GOP drive to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law is "coming along well." But he said there was "no particular rush" to do it next week, when Congress returns from its spring recess.

"It doesn't matter if it's next week. Next week doesn't matter," Trump said at the White House.

Oh really? Then why did he threaten Republicans in Congress to pass the repeal and replacement the first time around? He even forced them to bring the bill to a vote after they told him no.

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Trump offered Democrats to pay for Obamacare subsidies in exchange for money for border wall

Oh you're going to love this one. Here's more evidence that Donald Trump was lying about the Mexico paying for the Border Wall and about Obamacare being a "disaster."

According to Politico, Trump offered Democrats in Congress a deal: His administration would pay 1 dollar for Obamacare subsidies for each dollar the Democrats approved for the construction of Trump's border wall.

Guess what Democratic leader Chuck Schumer responded to the "master negotiator's" offer? He said no.

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Boeign lays off hundreds of workers after Trump claimed he would talk "jobs" with the company

Back in February 17, 2017, Donald Trump tweeted this:

Well, on April 21, 2017, the Seattle Times revealed that Boeign had actually fired 494 workers after Trump's visit.

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DAY 92: Trump calles firs 100 days benchmark "ridiculous" but he used it in his 2016 campaign

So not that it's clear Donald Trump has not accomplished anything that truly changes the United States for the better in his first 100 days in office, he's calling the 100 day benchmark "ridiculous":

Well, in 2016 Trump didn't think it was a "rudiculous standard". In fact, he used it as a campaign ad called "Donald Trump’s Contract with the American Voter." In that "contract" he promised he would accomplish a lot of things that he clearly hasn't accomplished or even tried to do. And in some cases he has done the opposite of what he offered.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jeff Sessions insulted Hawaii calling it "an island in the Pacific" in a derogatory way

Donald Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions insulted Hawaii by calling it "an island in the Pacific" in a derogatory manner.

It all started when Sessions bitched and moaned about the fact that a Federal Judge in Hawaii blocked Donald Trump's second Muslim ban. He said according to CNN:

"We are confident that the President will prevail on appeal and particularly in the Supreme Court, if not the Ninth Circuit. So this is a huge matter. I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power."

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Trump lies about the Patriots and The New York Times

This morning Trump tweeted this:

Actually the "big lie" came from Trump. This is what happened:

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DAY 91: Donald Trump fails to deliver on his promise to investigate Russian hacking

First of all some context:

On Juanary 13, 2017, after evidence grew on Russia hacking the 2016 to favor Donald Trump, the US Senate announced it would initiate a probe to find out of the Trump campaign had contacts with Russia. By then, additionally, Trump was the butt of late night TV because of allegations that he had been recorded by Russia with prostitutes doing golden showers at a Russian hotel.

We now know the Trump campaign did have contacts with Russian officials and even a hacker. Among them Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page and others.

But Trump went nuts that day on Twitter and said this:

He followed that tweet with this one:

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The swamp donated a record $107 million for Trump's inaugural, and still Obama had larger crowds

Yesterday The New York Times reported corporations, special interests and lobbyists --that is, "the swamp" Donald Trump talked about during the 2016 campaign-- donated a record breaking $107 million dollars for Trump's inaugural, twice as much as Obama's $53 million for his 2009 inauguration.

Today, the NYT added another piece of information to that report: conservative billionnaire Sheldon Adelson donated $5 million dollars to Trump's inaugural, the largest individual donation by far.

The report also mentioned the following:

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Trump administration admits Iran is complying with nuclear deal

During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump claimed many times the deal made by the Obama administration to stop Iran's nuclear program was a terrible deal and that he would trash it and make a better deal.

But today, the Trump administration, via the State Department, admitted that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal.

However, even though it has nothing to do with the agreement, Trump ordered a review of the deal claiming Iran supports terrorism.

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Told ya: Exxon wants Trump to waiver sanctions against Russia

See? We told you this was coming. According to The New York Times, Exxon, who had Donald Trump's secretary of state Rex Tillerson as its CEO until recently, wants the Trump administration to waiver sanctions imposed to Russia over its intervention in Ukraine so Exxon can drill in the Black Sea. Waiver was filed during the Obama administration but was not accepted. Now Exxon wants Trump go give the green light.

We told you this was coming. We told ya.

From the New York Times Article:

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Many of the New England Patriots didn't want to meet with Donald Trump in the White House

Today the New England Patriots, who won the Superbowl this year, showed up at the White House for a forma ceremony and photo. But according to The Boston Globe, only 34 of the players showed up to meet with Donald Trump, while in 2015 50 players showed up to meet with President Barack Obama.

Among those absent was Tom Brady, who claimed he had famly matters to attend to. Go figure.

Anyway, the New York Times pointed out the smaller number of Patriots meeting with Trump compared to the amount of Patriots who met with Barack Obama, and even tweeted a comparison photo clearly showing there were more players filling the stairs flanking the center of the photo with Obama and none with Trump:

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DAY 90: Trump loses thousands of votes in Georgia 6 election

Once again Donald Trump lost thousands of votes una traditionally Republican district, this time in Georgia's district 6, which had a special election on April 18 to replace Tom Price's seat in the House of Representatives.

According to The New York Times, the results with 100% of the votes counted are:

Republicans (all candidates combined): 97,997 votes (51.02%)

Democrats (all candidates combined): 93,911 votes (48.89%)

Independents (all candidates combined): 176 votes (0.09%)

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ivanka Trump got 4 trademaks approved in China the day his father met with Xi Jinping

Fox News asked Donald Trump today about the fact that the media is pointing out that he changed his position on China, from calling them a currency manipulator in the 2016 campaign to saying China isn't a currency manipulator after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump responded the media made up the accusation and he hasn't changed his position. And that the reason why he's not calling China a currency manipulator is because China is working with the US with North Korea.

But there was one thing in Trump's statement that was very suspicious; Trump said literally that he didn't know if China was going to help or not. Here's the video:

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Trump promotes "hire American" but he and his kids don't don't always hire American

Today Donald Trump announced he would make it more difficult for companies to use the H-1B visa, intended for highly skilled workers. With this order, Trump is essentially screwing over high tech companies that relie heavily on highly skilled immigrant workers.

But guess what? CNBC published that Donald Trump himself and his kids don't always hire American.

In fact, Trump has hired workers using the H-2B visa, intended for seasonal low-skilled workers. From the CNBC report:

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DAY 89: Trump administration lied about sending military to deter North Korea; It was in the opposite direction

The New York Times reported today that when the Trump administration announced last week it would send an Aircraft carrier to deterr North Korea, the Aircraft carrier was actually sailing in the opposite direction, away from North Korea.

The whole thing started on April 11, when North Korea announced they would test a messile capable of carrying a nuclear weapon. As a response, the Trump administration said they would send the carrier Carl Vinson and four more warships to the Korean Penninsula. But instead, the carrier was heading in the opposite direction, into the Indian Ocean, in order to participate in joint excercises with the Australian navy.

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Trump, who is not from Georgia, records robocall accusing Democrats of outside support for candidate

Because there will be a special election for Congress in Georgia's district 6, Donald Trump recorded a robocall accusing the Democrats of using money from outside District 6 to support the Democratic candidate.

The thing is, Trump is NOT from Georgia's district 6 and most attack adds from the Republicans are paid using money from outside the district. Here's the content of the robocall according to CNN's Phil Mattingly:

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Steve Mnuchin admits Trump's tax reform timing was not realistic

According to the Financial Times, Donald Trump's Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, admitted Donald Trump's time table for tax reform is not realistic. The reason? Because Trump wants to do health care reform first. Here's what the FT published:

Steve Mnuchin conceded that the administration’s timetable for its ambitious tax reform package is set to slip following the failure of Donald Trump’s healthcare bill. Mr Mnuchin told the FT that the target to get tax reforms through Congress and onto President Donald Trump’s desk before August was “highly aggressive to not realistic at this point”. (FT)

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DAY 88: Trump retweets inflated approval poll... and he fails

This morning Donald Trump retweeted a tweet from the right-wing blog Drudge Report about a Rasmunssen Reports poll showing Donald Trump had an alleged 50% approval rating. Which also means he has a 50% DISapproval rating. Here's the tweet Trump retweeted:

But apparently either nobody believed Trump or nobody cared, because about 9 hours later he tweeted this:

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Sunday, April 16, 2017

DAY 87: Trump lies about protests, China and Electoral College

Today Donald Trump, via Twitter, insisted on lying about the Electoral College and about the protests against him. Additionally, he confirmed he lied about China and he doesn't care if China is "raping" America. Let's see the tweets one at a time, starting with his tweet against the protests on the day before demanding that Trump releases his tax returns:

That's a lie. Nobody paid the protesters. And if the election is over, then why is Trump campaigning for the 2020 election already?

Let's see the next tweet, also on the subject of tax returns:

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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Trump lied about producing his tax returns if he ran for the presidency

A Twitter user found this clip of an interview with Donald Trump in 2014 in which he said he would produce his tax returns if he were to run for office. Why is this relevant today? Because today there were several protests in the United States demanding Trump to release his tax returns, which he still keeps secret, contrary to what all modern presidents have done:

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Trump claims he can't be sued by protesters because of presidential immunity

Remember how a Federal Judge allowed a lawsuit by three protesters against Donald Trump for inciting his followers to harm them during a rally? Well, Trump's lawyer is asking for the lawsuit to be dropped, claiming Trump can't be sued by the protesters because he has presidential immunity.

Well, the Judge didn't agree. According to Associated Press, the lawsuit will go forward because the Supreme Court has ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites to violence:

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Trump has been waiving his own ethics rules to allow the "swamp" into the White House

The New York Times revealed today that the Trump administration has been quietly issuing waivers to its own ethics rules in order to allow lobbyists, lawyers and consultants with conflicts of interests into the administration.

From the NYT article:

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DAY 86: Trump demands golden carriage to meet the queen of England

This is not just petty but just plain stupid: According to UK's The Times, Donald Trump demanded to be taken in a gold-plated carriage to meet with the queen of England. I quote:

Donald Trump waving from the Queen’s royal carriage is not a scenario many would have foreseen a year ago, but it has become a very real prospect, forcing security services to plan an unprecedented lockdown.

The White House has made clear it regards the carriage procession down the Mall as an essential element of the itinerary for the visit currently planned for the second week of October, according to officials.

Security sources have warned, however, that the procession will require a “monster” security operation, far greater than for any recent state visit.

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Friday, April 14, 2017

Donald Trump donesn't want you to know who is visiting the White House

Barack Obama made all visits to the White House public. That policy allowed the public to see if any lobbyists went to the see the President.

Well, today the Trump administration announced they would keep all visitor logs to the White House --and who they are meeting with-- secret, and they would remain secret for 5 years after Trump leaves office.

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DAY 85: "Mother of all bombs" is a financial disaster

Donald Trump and the right-wing media saw the failed air strike in Syria boosted Donald Trump's in the polls, so Trump now dropped a big bomb in Afghanistan known as the "Mother of all Bombs" (MOAB) that's the biggest non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal. The bomb was dropped on a series of tunnels that were used by the US-sponsred Mujahideen in the 1980s, but now supposedly are being used by ISIS.

Well, today, a day after the MOAB was dropped, we know now the financial numbers from that bomb and it is a disaster for the United States.

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Trump's CIA director Mike Pompeo slams WikiLeaks after him and Trump praised it in 2016

Donald Trump's CIA director, Mike Pompeo, delivered a speech today slamming WikiLeaks and accusing it of being abetted by Russia.

"It's time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors, like Russia," pompeo said according to CNN.

Ten days prior, WikiLeaks had already shown a tweet by Pompeo posted in July of 2016 actually using information leaked by WikiLeaks against Hillary Clinton:

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Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort's food labeled "potentially hazardous" by health inspectors

Not only the security is weak at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, but the food is also "potentially hazardous" according to Florida's health inspectors.

According to a report by BuzzFeed news, the kitchen at Mar-a-Lago was cited for 10 health violations including potentially dangerous handling of raw meat and uncooked fish.

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DAY 84: Trump bombs Syrian rebels opposed to Assad

Early today several media outlets revealed that the Trump administration bombed Syrian rebels opposed to Bashar al-Assad, killing 18 of them. The Trump administration said they bombed them by "mistake."

This after Trump bragged that all of the missiles launched against a Syrian air base hit the target and after bragging to Fox News that the American military was the best in the world by "a factor of five."

So how was it then that the US military "by mistake" killed 18 anti-Assad rebels?

And that's not all. According to The New York Times:

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

And now Trump lies about... not knowing Steve Bannon!

The New York Times called on Donald Trump's bullshit when Trump tried to distance himself from Steve Bannon.

Apparently because of the bad publicity Bannon has been getting lately, Trump said to The New York Post he didn't know him before his presidential campaign.

But that was, as usual with Trump, a lie.

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Trump admits he lied about China, and then makes the US Dollar drop in value

Trump managed today to admit he lied about China and to decrease the value of the US Dollar in a single interview with The Wall Street Journal.

First he said China is not a currency manipulator, thus admitting he lied during the 2016 campaign when said the opposite. Why? Because he claims saying they are currency manipultors could jeorpardize talks about North Korea, which is false as there is no official position by China on North Korea.

But the worst part was this; Trump literally said:

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After criticizing the war in Iraq, Trump says he bombed Iraq, not Syria

Fox News aired today an interview with Donald Trump recorded yesterday. In the interview, Trump bad mouths Barack Obama, criticizes the war in Iraq (says it's a disaster), and then he says he bombed... Iraq, when in reality he ordered a missile strike on Syria. What's even worse is the fact that the woman interviewing him had to correct him because Trump himself didn't realized his mistake:

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DAY 83: Trump lost 20% of the vote in Kansas special election, but he says is a big win

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

He was talking about the special election in Kansas to elect a Representative for District 4. The Republicans won, but they lost a HUGE amount of votes compared to the 2016 election, which shows that Trump is no longer having an effect even in the most conservative parts of the nation (as we will see shortly).

But there's more. Yesterday Donald Trump tweeted this:

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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

FBI had FISA order to monitor Trump adviser because of links with Russia

According to the Washington Post, the FBI had a FISA order from a judge to monitor the communications of Carter Page, an adviser to Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

A FISA order allows the FBI to monitors the communications of anyone suspected of illegal activities when there's sufficient evidence to convince the judge the person should me monitored.

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Finally the White House says something about Russia and Syria, and Russia strikes back

Today the White House, though not directly Donald Trump, who is still silent about the matter, issued a declassified report accusing Russia of trying to cover up Syria's role in last week's chemical attack.

According to The New York Times, the White House accused Russia of using misinformation to try to cover up the attack.

Well, apparently Russia dicided to strike back after that accusation.

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Sean Spicer says in front of the press that Hitler did not use chemical weapons

In an attempt to criticize Bashar al-Assad, Sean Spicer said in his press briefing today that even Hitler did not use chemical weapons.

Which is false, of course. Hitler used gas chambers to commit genocide against Jewish people.

This is exactly what Spicer said:

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DAY 82: Trump lies about Toyota investing in Kentucky because of him

This is something Donald Trump has lied about in the past, but today Trump said it out loud, with cameras present, claiming that without him "winning" the presidency Toyota would not had innouced a $1.3 billion dollar investment on a production plant in Kentucky. CNBC's Steve Kopack caught Trump's lie and pointed out in Twitter Toyota has been investing billions of dollars in the US every 5 years:

But there's more.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

DAY 81: Russia knew in advance about Syrian chemical attack, and Trump keeps quiet

Associated Press published published an article revealing that the United States concluded that Russia knew in advance of the chemical weapons attack by Bashar al-Assad's regime. From the article:

The official said a drone operated by Russians was flying over a hospital as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment. Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons.

And what did Donald Trump say about this today either on Twiiter or in person? Absolutely NOTHING.

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Sunday, April 9, 2017

DAY 80: Rex Tillerson admits the Trump administration is working with Assad's regime

Pretty much a day after Donald Trump bombed a Syrian air field the air field was back in use and the Assad regime bombed another rebel town. Thus, Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, was asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos about Syria. This is verbatim what Tillerson responded (jump to minute 1:50):

"Well, you know George, the situation in Syria relative to the battlefield is quite complex because there are multiple engagements underway, I said we have the war to defeat ISIS, in which many of those battle plans are being coordinated, uh, between US, uh, its coalition agreements, Turkey, uh, some of the Syrian opposition and others. And it is being coordinated somewhat with the Syrian regime and the Russian forces."

And here's the video:

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Saturday, April 8, 2017

DAY 79: Trump has to explain why wasn't the runway at the Syrian air base hit by missiles

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

The tweet probably refers to comments on the satellite images of the Syrian air base hit by less then half of the missiles launched by Trump supposedly in retaliation against the chemical attack by Bashar al-Assad. In the images, the runways

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Friday, April 7, 2017

Less than half of Trump's missiles hit Syrian airbase, which is still functioning

UPDATE: According to the US Navy, 59 missiles hit the taget. According to Russia, only 23 missiles hit targets. This entry is based on the 23 missile report, which was reported by several media outlets.

This missile attack Donald Trump launched against a Syrian air base is looking increasingly fishy. First, he told Russia in advance he was going to fire the missiles at the air base, knowing full well Russia could alert Assad.

Then he launches 59 missiles towards the base, but only 23 actually hit the base according to British newspaper Metro.

And they don't seem to have destroyed the base, judging by the photos of the base with just some smoke, but no actual destruction, although there is a report that 6 Syrian fighter jets were hit.

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Donald Trump lies about China, and The New York Times debunks him

Since China's president Xi Jinping is visting Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, The New York Times debunked some of the biggest lies Trump has said about China. Here are some highlights:

On the supposed $500 billion trade deficit with China
False. There is a trade deficit but it amounts to $347 billion. In exchange, Americans get cheap products.

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Employment didn't meet expectations; Jobs that grew were mostly beacuse of Obamacare

This morning the Department of Labor released its numbers for jobs created in March of 2017. 98,000 jobs were created, a number well below the numbers economists expected.

And unemployement went down a measely 0.2%. But guess what? One of the reasons why unemployement went down and jobs were created was Obamacare.

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DAY 78: Trump backs down from seeking Twitter critic's identity

A day after the media revealed that the Trump administration was trying to get the identity of an anonymous Twitter user who is critical of Trump, Trump backed down.

AP reports that as a result, Twitter also withdrew its lawsuit against the Trump administration for First Amendment violations.

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trump orders missile strike on Syria, but without touching Syria's chemical weapons

As a response to Bashar al-Assad's chemical attack, Donald Trump ordered a missile strike against the Syrian base from which the chemical attack was launched. However, according to The New York Times, while the Tomahawk missile attack targetted fighter jets and the airbase's infrastructure, it did not target any chemical weapons. The NYT says:

A senior military official said that 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles had hit Al Shayrat airfield in Syria. The missiles were aimed at Syrian fighter jets and other infrastructure but did not target anything that may have had chemical weapons.

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Ivanka Trump still manufactures her clothing line in China

Donald Trump's "America first" claim is proven to be bullshit once again, as his Ivanka Trump keeps on manufacturing her clothing line in China. According to CNBC:

Despite President Donald Trump's calls for American companies to manufacture their products in the U.S., shipments of his daughter's branded, Chinese-made dresses have continued to land on U.S. shores since he took office, documents reviewed by NBC News show.

And what did Donald Trump say about China?

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Trump lies about having the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency

Donald Trump told reporters on Air Force One that he had one of the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency.

Which is bullshit. Let's do a quick recap of Trump's failure so far:

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Devin Nunes steps down from Trump's Russia investigation

The good news: Donald Trump's puppet Devin Nunes temporarily stepped down as chair of the Congressional investigation on Donald Trump's ties with Russia.

And, oh, what a coincidence; Nunes stepped down the same morning the House Committee on Ethics said Nunes was under investigation because of public reports that he may have made unauthorized disclosures of classified information.

Oh, and Nunes threw a tantrump after he stepped down.

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DAY 75: Trump Administration is seeking information about a Trump critic on Twitter

So Donald Trump has used Twitter for years to insult people and lie. But today Reuters revealed that Twitter is suing the Trump administration because the Trump administration is asking for information on a Trump critic on Twitter.

Twitter said in a lawsuit on Thursday that it had received a demand from U.S. officials for records that could reveal the user behind an account opposed to President Donald Trump and that it was challenging the demand in court.

The lawsuit over the anonymous account was filed in federal court in San Francisco, where Twitter is based.

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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Trump administration admits there will be no border wall from coast to coast

We knew the idea of Donald Trump's border wall was bullshit, but today John Kelly, Trump's Secretary of Homeland Security, pretty much admitted it while being questioned by the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

According to the New York Post, Kelly said there would not be a border wall extending the entire length of the US-Mexico border.

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Trump accuses Susan Rice without proof of committing crimes simply based on fake news

After Donald Trump retweeted yesterday a fake news piece --that was debunked immediately-- claiming former Attorney General Susan Rice ordering the unmasking of his campaign people who were caught by intelligence agencies talking to Russian officials, he repeated the fake news claim again. This time in an interview at the Oval Office. I quote from The New York Times:

President Trump said on Wednesday that he thought that the former national security adviser Susan E. Rice may have committed a crime by seeking the identities of Trump associates who were swept up in the surveillance of foreign officials by American spy agencies and that other Obama administration officials may also have been involved.

The president provided no evidence to back his claim. Current and former intelligence officials from both Republican and Democratic administrations have said that nothing they have seen led them to believe that Ms. Rice’s actions were unusual or unlawful. When Americans are swept up in surveillance of foreign officials by intelligence agencies, their identities are supposed to be obscured, but they can be revealed for national security reasons, and intelligence officials say it is a regular occurrence.

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Donald Trump's hypocrisy on Syria debunked: First he said "why do we care?" about it

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump said today that the chemical attack by Syria's Bashar al-Assad that killed 72 people including 11 children changed his mind about Syria. I quote:

Mr. Trump said the images of death inside Syria in the aftermath of the chemical attacks “crosses many lines, beyond a red line, many many lines.” And he said that the death of “innocent children, innocent babies, little babies” has made him reassess the situation and Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.

“It’s very, very possible, and I will tell you it has already happened, that my attitude toward Syria and Assad, has changed very much,” Mr. Trump said as he stood next to King Abdullah of Jordan in the Rose Garden for a news conference with reporters.

Well, that's a pretty hypocritical thing to say. You see, not only Trump knew Assad had used chemical weapons in the past, but he refused to do anything about it saying “Let Syria and ISIS fight. Why do we care?”

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DAY 76: Steve Bannon gets removed from the National Security Council... after the Syrian chemical attack

As of 3:38 PM Central time, Donald Trump has not tweeted anything. Which is odd, since this morning it was announced that Trump removed Steve Bannon from the National Security Council, a position that was criticized because of Bannon not being an intelligence expert nor a General, nor a member of the Departmenf or Defense.

Bannon's removal took place pretty much the same day the Syrian government attacked with chemical weapons a rebel-controlled town, killing 72 people, including 11 children, and 4 days after the Trump administration said they would not go after Bashar al-Assad, Syria's leader.

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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Donald Trump blames Obama for Assad's chemical attack on Syrian people, but Trump sided with Assad

The big news today was the fact that Bashad al-Assad's regime in Syria used chemical weapons to attack the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun, killing at least 58 people, including 11 children.

The Trump administration had no choice but to blame Assad for the attack, but it also blamed Barack Obama, claiming the attacked was the result of Obama's "weakness."

Except that's false, as Obama opposed to Assad regime, while Trump not only praised Assad, but his administration changed its policy towards Syria, withdrawing US opposition against Assad, a favorite of Vladimir Putin.

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Trump donates $78K to the Department of the Interior, but wants to cut its budget by $1.6 billion

In what looked like a cheap attempt at PR stunt, the Trump administration said Donald Trump donated his $78,000 salary to the department of the Interior, which is in charge of national parks.

But there's one problem: Trump also wants to cut $1.6 billion dollars from the Department's budget.

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DAY 75: Trump and son push fake news about Susan Rice ordering spying on him that never happened

The first thing Donald Trump did on Twitter today was to retweet a post from right-wing website Drudge Report. This is the tweet Trump retweeted:

The tweet refers to a fake news piece published at a website called Daily Caller, which claims that former US Attorney General Susan Rice ordered spy agencies to produce "detailed spreadsheets" on Donald Trump.

Problem is, that claim is 100% false.

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Monday, April 3, 2017

Trump praises Egypt's authoritarian dictator

Donald Trump not only received Egypt's authoritarian military dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, but he also praised him. Trump said according to The New York Times:

“We agree on so many things,” Mr. Trump said as he sat beside Mr. Sisi in the Oval Office. “I just want to let everybody know in case there was any doubt that we are very much behind President el-Sisi. He’s done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation. We are very much behind Egypt and the people of Egypt. The United States has, believe me, backing, and we have strong backing.”

Really? Did Trump know about this?:

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DAY 74: Hypocrisy: Trump suddenly likes leaks again

Donald Trump posted several tweets about some unsubstantiated claims Fox News made about Trump being spied before being nominated as Republican candidate during its show Fox and Friends, which is more foa talk morning show and not really a news show. These two are the key tweets:

The claim by Fox News is fake news, of course. Not a single intelligence agency has backed such claim, nor has Congress. And the only conversations intelligence agencies heard from Donald Trump's people were from AFTER the elections when they were listenning to Russiaan officials, thus incidentally hearing Trump's people when they talked to Russian officials.

But that's not the interesting part. The interesting part is this:

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Trump lies about being the one who halted the Trumpcare vote

In an interview with the Financial Times, Donald Trump claimed he was the one who halted the vote on Trumpcare because he doesn't want to lose. Trump said:

I didn’t want to take a vote. It was my idea. I said why should I take a vote.


Yeah, I don’t lose. I don’t like to lose. But that wasn’t a definitive day. They are negotiating as we speak. I don’t know if you know. They are negotiating right now. There was no reason to take a vote. I said, ‘Don’t take a vote,’ and we will see what happens.

But that's actually a big lie. It was Trump who demanded a vote the next day after the first time it was postponed for a lack of Republican votes to pass Trumpcare.

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Federal Judge green-lights lawsuit against Donald Trump for inciting riot at Kentucky campaign rally

A Federal Judge gave his permission for a lawsuit against Donald Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign to go forward, ruling it is plausible that Trump incited to a riot when he told people at a rally in Kentucky to act against three people who were protesting peacefully.

According to CNN, after Trump said "get 'em out of here" to his followers, two men, including a white nationalist, shoved, and physically and verbally abused Kashiya Nwanguma, an African American woman who was protesting peacefully in the March 1, 2016 rally.

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DAY 73: Trump lies about "love and strength" within the Republicans

Donald Trump tweeted this in reference to his failure with Trumpcare:

Oh really? That's not what he tweeted on March 27:

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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Once again Trump uses a Fox News conspiracy theory to lie about being spied

Once again Donald Trump uses a conspiracy theory on Fox News to back his lies about being spied. He tweeted the following this morning:

Let's analyze this step by step:

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DAY 72: Donald Trump misleads about Obamacare and again

Donald Trump started his daily tweets with this:

Let's skip the fact that just a few days ago Trump said the NYT keeps on getting it all wrong about him and let's focus on the misleading use of the NYT to try to attack Obamacare.

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