Saturday, April 29, 2017

Rodrigo Duterte, who admitted to killing people personally, got invited to the White House

Apparently inviting ruthless Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to the White House wasn't enough for Donald Trump to show just how low his administration can sink. Today, Trump invited Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte admitted IN ENGLISH that he committed murder and that he asked the police to commit murder by killing drug dealers instead of arresting them and applying the law by sending them to trial for their crimes.

Here's the invitation:

I'm not making this up, by the way. Duterte's admission in English can be found in a 2016 article published by the BBC here:

From the article:

Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte has admitted he personally killed criminal suspects as mayor of Davao.

It is the first such admission he has made since becoming president in June, but echoes comments he made in 2015.

He ran the southern city for two decades, earning a reputation for cutting crime, and criticism for allegedly supporting death squads.

And that's not all. Duterte has accusations of serious human rights violations from human right groups. That's the guy Trump is inviting to the White House.

Duterte, of course, is one of the world leaders of questionable reputation who said they liked Trump.

The only reason I can think of for Trump doing this is that by inviting over a president, no matter how bad his reputation, he thinks he appears "presidential" in the eyes of the public. That's why he brags about presidential visits all the time.

Well, no. That doesn't make him presidential. It makes him an embarrassment.

Now world leaders who were hoping to meet with the leader of the free world, are forced to meet with Donald Trump instead.

For the despicable ones, like el-Sisi or Duterte, that must be fantastic. But for the better ones, like Angela Merkel or Justin Trudea, it must be a real chore.

UPDATE: The next day after Trump invited Duterte to the White House, day 101, somebody posted a photo of a billboard in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, featuring Ivanka Trump promoting a Trump Tower there:

The photo, turns out, is from 2012. But Trump still has business dealings in the Philippines. According to The New York Times, a DC envoy named Jose E.B. Antonio, is the chairman for the company that built the Trump Tower in that country. And he was appointed DC envoy by Duterte.

So I guess that was the reason for the invite. It reeks of conflict of interests and using the White House for Trump's own benefit.

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