Sunday, April 23, 2017

DAY 94: Trump lies about poll that shows he would lose the election today

Donald Trump tweeted some pretty bad lies about him winning the presidential election today based on an ABC-Washington Post polll that actually shows he would lose the election if it were today, as he lost 4% of his voters in the course of less than 100 days in office:

No. It's the exact opposite. And here are the numbers to prove it.

The ABC-Washington Post poll says the following:

1. 96% of those who voted for Trump would do it again today.

2. Trump has the lowest approval rating for a president in his first 100 since 1945. To make this clearer: NO president since Harry Truman had more disapproval than approval in his first 100 days in office. And that includes George W. Bush.

3. Quote: "6 out of 10 doubt Trump's honesty and trustworthiness, see him as out of touch and don't think he understands the problems of the people like them."

4. Quote: "56% say he hasn't accomplished much in his first 100 days."

5. Quote: "42 percent of Americans approve of Trump's performance as president, while 53 percent disapprove. That compares to an average of 69-19 percent for past presidents at or near 100 days in office -– for example, 69-26 percent for Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama."

The detailed poll can be found here.

Now, if Trump were to lose 4% of his voters, then...

1. Trump would lose about 2% of the overall 2016 vote. That would increase Hillary Clinton's margin in the popular vote to 50% of the vote.

2. Trump would lose Florida by 0.82 points.

3. Trump would lose Michigan by 1.81 points.

4. Trump would Pennsylvania by 1.3 Points.

5. Trump would lose Wisconsin by 1.27 points.

Just with those changes in the electoral college, Trump would lose the presidential election. A Democratic candidate would get 307 Electoral College votes and Trump would get 231.

So either Trump is lying, or he doesn't know how to do simple math. A 4-point difference in an America presidential election is A LOT today. Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes or about 2% of the vote. And he won the electorale college by razor thin margins in several states. Thus, a 2-point overall difference would completely change the result of the elections.

What's interesting is the fact that there should be people who actually know math at the White House, but they are not correcting Trump, who still either is delusional about the poll numbers or is knowlingly lying to the public.

Regardless, the good thing is Trump would lose the election if it were held today. Just imagine how bad he would lose the election in 2020.

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