Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Trump administration admits there will be no border wall from coast to coast

We knew the idea of Donald Trump's border wall was bullshit, but today John Kelly, Trump's Secretary of Homeland Security, pretty much admitted it while being questioned by the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

According to the New York Post, Kelly said there would not be a border wall extending the entire length of the US-Mexico border.

“It’s unlikely that we will build wall or physical barrier from sea to shining sea,” Kelly said. He also mentioned concerns with the acquisition of border land on Native American reservations, and eminent domain environmental habitats.

Kelly claimed “we’re not going to build a wall … where it doesn’t make sense. But we’ll do something across the Southwest border.”

Oh. So the border wall now became the "Southwest" border wall.

That's, what, California, Arizona and New Mexico till the Rio Grande?

And who exactly is going to pay for this? Oh, that's right: the American taxpayers. Because Mexico isn't paying for it. Not even with a border tax, since that tax is added to the cost of products sold in the US, thus ultimately ending up being paid by... American consumers.

So no muslim ban, no border wall, and no repeal of Obamacare in Trump's first 100 days in office. Sounds like Trump is losing bigly.

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