Saturday, April 15, 2017

Trump has been waiving his own ethics rules to allow the "swamp" into the White House

The New York Times revealed today that the Trump administration has been quietly issuing waivers to its own ethics rules in order to allow lobbyists, lawyers and consultants with conflicts of interests into the administration.

From the NYT article:

President Trump is populating the White House and federal agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who in many cases are helping to craft new policies for the same industries in which they recently earned a paycheck.

The potential conflicts are arising across the executive branch, according to an analysis of recently released financial disclosures, lobbying records and interviews with current and former ethics officials by The New York Times in collaboration with ProPublica.

The NYT points out at least two violations of the Trump's administration's own ethics rules with the people it has appointed. Problem is, Trump made it impossible to evaluate when the violations took place because of Trump waiving the ethics rules.

Specifically, the NYT points out to Michael Catanzaro, who is top White House energy adviser, and who until last year was an energy industry lobbyist.

Another case is Chad Wolf, who was "spent the past several years lobbying to secure funding for the Transportation Security Administration to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a new carry-on luggage screening device."

And there are also lobbyists at the labor department.

In other words, Trump is allowing the "swamp" straight into his administration.

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