Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trump orders missile strike on Syria, but without touching Syria's chemical weapons

As a response to Bashar al-Assad's chemical attack, Donald Trump ordered a missile strike against the Syrian base from which the chemical attack was launched. However, according to The New York Times, while the Tomahawk missile attack targetted fighter jets and the airbase's infrastructure, it did not target any chemical weapons. The NYT says:

A senior military official said that 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles had hit Al Shayrat airfield in Syria. The missiles were aimed at Syrian fighter jets and other infrastructure but did not target anything that may have had chemical weapons.

Which means Assad can still use his chemical weapons.

This important to point because Trump said the following regarding the missile strike:

“Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike on the air base in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched. It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.”

How exactly is he going to deter the spread of chemical weapons if he doesn't target them?

Which means this missile strike was just for show.

It gets worse: Trump alerted Russia about the strike knowing quite well that the Russians could in turn alert Assad's regime:

The Pentagon informed Russian military officials, through its established deconfliction channel, of the strike before the launching of the missiles, the official said, with American officials knowing when they did that that Russian authorities may well have alerted the Assad regime. “With a lot of Tomahawks flying, we didn’t want to hit any Russian planes,” he said.

So Trump wasted taxpayer money just for show and without any tangible results.

Oh, because the missiles were, according to the Trump administration, just to "send a message" to Assad:

The official said that the cruise missile strike was at the more limited end of the military options presented to Mr. Trump Thursday by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. The cruise missile strike, the official said, was intended to send a message to Mr. Assad about the American intention to use military force if he continues to use chemical weapons.

Right. So Trump doesn't touch Assad's chemical weapons and simply sends "a message", but first alerting the Russians who, in turn, may have alerted Assad.

This is just plain DUMB.

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