Sunday, April 16, 2017

DAY 87: Trump lies about protests, China and Electoral College

Today Donald Trump, via Twitter, insisted on lying about the Electoral College and about the protests against him. Additionally, he confirmed he lied about China and he doesn't care if China is "raping" America. Let's see the tweets one at a time, starting with his tweet against the protests on the day before demanding that Trump releases his tax returns:

That's a lie. Nobody paid the protesters. And if the election is over, then why is Trump campaigning for the 2020 election already?

Let's see the next tweet, also on the subject of tax returns:

Another lie. It wasn't impossible. Since World War II Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II have won the electoral college. That's an average of one new Republican for every Democrat. It went like this:

Bush I
Bush II

In fact, statistically there's a bigger chance of a Republican winning the Electoral College than a Democrat, as Democrats have won the popular vote TWICE but not the electoral college.

However, it should be noted that Trump didn't win "easily" the electoral college. He won by very narrow margins in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida. And the ONLY reason why he won is because of the division of the leftist vote. If the people who voted for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson as a "punishment" for not making Bernie Sanders the Democratic candidate would've voted for Hillary Clinton, Trump would not have won.

And no, it's not "now tax returns are brought up again". The issue has never gone away because Trump has kept them secret even though legally nothing keeps him from releasing them. Besides, Trump offered to release his tax returns in 2014 before he even was a candidate.

So that's three lies in a single tweet.


Why? Because he said China was "raping" the United States. He said it in a rally in May of 2016.

As per the North Korea "problem", there is no problem. North Korea brags and makes show, but its missiles fail upon launch. So aside from empty threats, there's not much North Korea can do.

That means Trump wants the public to believe that China is "working" with the US on a problem that doesn't exist. Trump might as well said "I'm not calling them currency manipultaors because they are not manipulating their currency. And if they were, there's nothing I can do about it because we owe the largest chunk of the national debt to China."

So the whole "they are helping with North Korea" thing is just an excuse for Trump to weasel out of his bullshit campaign speeches and do nothing. Lie upon lie upon lie.

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