Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Donald Trump blames Obama for Assad's chemical attack on Syrian people, but Trump sided with Assad

The big news today was the fact that Bashad al-Assad's regime in Syria used chemical weapons to attack the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun, killing at least 58 people, including 11 children.

The Trump administration had no choice but to blame Assad for the attack, but it also blamed Barack Obama, claiming the attacked was the result of Obama's "weakness."

Except that's false, as Obama opposed to Assad regime, while Trump not only praised Assad, but his administration changed its policy towards Syria, withdrawing US opposition against Assad, a favorite of Vladimir Putin.

In fact, on September 5, 2013, Trump tweeted the following:

Fast forward to April 1, 2017, a mere 3 days before the deadly chemical attack. Reuters reported that Donald Trump had changed the US policy on Syria and it would no longer go after Assad. This is verbatim what Sean Spicer said:

"With respect to Assad, there is a political reality that we have to accept in terms of where we are right now. We lost a lot of opportunity the last administration with respect to Assad. We need to focus on now defeating ISIS. The United States has profound priorities in Syria and Iraq and we've made it clear that counterterrorism, particularly the defeat of ISIS, is foremost among those priorities."

So how is the chemical attack Obama's fault if, A) Obama is no longer in power, and Trump has been in power for two months and a half, and B) Trump was the one who changed the policy towards Assad.

Spicer wasn't the only one who said Trump would no longer go after Assad. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and UN Ambassador Nikky Haley also confirmed it according to the Irish Times:

US president Donald Trump has delivered on a campaign pledge by instructing the US military to focus on defeating Islamic State rather than toppling Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.


Trump’s instruction to the Pentagon was preceded by a statement made by US secretary of state Rex Tillerson, who broke with Obama administration policy by saying Assad’s future “will be decided by the Syrian people” rather than external powers.


US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley reinforced Tillerson’s line when she said the US would no longer focus on “getting Assad out”.

So in other words, Trump defended Assad, he changed the US policy so the US would leave Assad alone, and now, after Assad killed dozones of people with chemical weapons, Trump blames Obama.

That is absolutely despicable. Even for Trump's low standards.

PS: By the way, and Trump has the nerve to try to stop Syrian refugees from entering the US?

UPDATE: A day after the chemical attack, news outlets report the death toll increased to 72 people. The images of children intoxicated with the chlorine from the attack are just horrible. Trump truly is a MONSTER for trying to use this attack for political gain:

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