Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ivanka Trump got 4 trademaks approved in China the day his father met with Xi Jinping

Fox News asked Donald Trump today about the fact that the media is pointing out that he changed his position on China, from calling them a currency manipulator in the 2016 campaign to saying China isn't a currency manipulator after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump responded the media made up the accusation and he hasn't changed his position. And that the reason why he's not calling China a currency manipulator is because China is working with the US with North Korea.

But there was one thing in Trump's statement that was very suspicious; Trump said literally that he didn't know if China was going to help or not. Here's the video:

Verbatim from Trump: "We'll see what he (Xi Jinping) can do. He might not be able to help. It's possible. I think he's trying but maybe he won't be able to help."

What do you mean "maybe he won't be able to help?" What kind of deal is that in which Trump doesn't bother China in exchange for a "maybe he won't be able to help"?

You may be wondering; "what's that got to do with the title of this entry about Ivanka Trump getting trademarks in China?" Well, a lot. Here's what CNN published about it:

CNN's search of Chinese trademark databases show Ivanka Trump's company already holds 16 fully registered trademarks in the country. And it got another provisional approval for a leather bag trademark on February 20.

Which begs the question: So what exactly was the real reason why Trump didn't lable China a currency manipulator anymore? Because of a deal on North Korea that's not even a deal, as China may not help at all? Or because of the trademarks for Ivanka Trump?

And by the way, as per the alleged disdain Donald Trump has for China, then perhaps he should explain why Ivanka Trump's imports from China increased almost 166% in 2016.

The explanation is pretty simple, actually: because Trump has been lying about China all this time.

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