Saturday, April 29, 2017

Donald Trump's unpopularity made Congressional Republican's job more difficult

Today The New York Times published an article pointing out that Donald Trump actually made things worse for Republicans in Congress by means of Trump being historically unpopular.

Here's a quote from the article. The quote is actually from Sarah A. Binder, a professor of political science at George Washington University:

“If there is anything specific to Trump here,” Ms. Binder said, “it is his historic degree of unpopularity, which means there is very little hope or chance that he could provide cover for his own party to take controversial votes, and no chance in hell Democrats will take such a vote because the president has asked them to.”

And, the NYT article points out, Trump also made things difficult for Republicans in Congress because the Trump administration was disorganized and not focusing on the things it should be focusing:

In some ways, Mr. Trump has caused the constriction. Although Republicans looked forward to reducing regulations and changing the tax code — and both parties were interested in fixes to the nation’s infrastructure — Mr. Trump pushed them to work to repeal the health care law after years of promising to do so.

He has also hampered their agenda by being remarkably disorganized in his nominations and by not putting forward important subcabinet nominees for a vote.

So instead of doing what he was supposed to do, Trump did whatever the hell wanted to do.

And chaos ensued.

But guess what? Even though it was Trump's fault for hampering his own political party, Trump says HE is the one who is disappointed in Congress. He said in an interview with Fox News, in which he claimed he was disappointed in House Republicans for not passing his Trumpcare quicker.

Additionally, Trump said “I think everybody is trying very hard. It is a very tough system.”

Which, of couse, is a lie. The "system" didn't do a thing. Trump can't get his Trumpcare approved because his own party knows Trumpcare is so terrible is going to cost them their seat in Congress next year.

But that's how Trump's warped vision of reality works. He fails, and then he blames it on somebody else.

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