Thursday, April 27, 2017

DAY 98: Trump lies about needing money for the military and other issues in a morning Twitter diarrhea

Because of the fact that the Democrats will not approve a budget for Donald Trump if he holds Obamacare subsides hostage, and thus government could be shut down by tomorrow if that happens, Trump posted several tweets this morning lying against the Democrats in a very infantile attempt to get them to pressure them.

Some of those tweets with lies against the Democrats stand out:

OK, two things about this:

1. The problem with Puerto Rico's finances is not new. And it won't go away. And guess what? Puerto Rico is an American territory. Puert Ricans are US citizens. So why is it that Trump doesn't want to help them out? I assume because of racism.

2. The "billions to their insurance companies" thing refers to the subsidies for the sickest people in America. Those are the subsidies Trump was willing to approve if the Democrats agreed to allocate American taxpayer money for the border wall. The Democrats said no. Trump claimed the Democrats would come to him for a deal. It didn't happen. Now, after his "master negotiator" tactic failed bigly, he claims it's money for insurance companies. It isn't. It's money for people who are sick and need medical attention.

Next tweet:

No. It's actually the Republicans who want to block miners and other blue collar workers from getting health care by repealing and replacing Obamacare. The Republican plan would allow Republican states, including those in coal country, to stop requiring insurers to offer essential benefits and not to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. Guess what? Miners are at risk of having black-lung, a pre-existing condition.

That statement can be responded with Trump's own words. After the missile strike to Syria (that did nothing) he said the following verbatim to Fox News:

“We’ve just fired 59 missiles, all of which hit, by the way, unbelievable, from, you know, hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, amazing … It’s so incredible. It’s brilliant. It’s genius. Our technology, our equipment, is better than anybody by a factor of five.”

So if America's military equipment and technology is "better than anybody by a factor of five", why does Trump need more money for the military?

He doesn't. He is simply trying to score political points. He promised the wall within the first 100 days in office and he failed. He promised repealing Obamacare within the first 100 days in office and he failed. He promised a muslim ban within the first 100 days in office, and he also failed. The only thing has lef of his 100 day promises is tha huge military spending budget. If he doesn't get that, his first 100 days in office will be an unmitigated disaster. Trump will have nothing to show for "winning" other than Neil Gorsuch, which was a Mitch McConnell win, not Trump's.

And finally:

Just a month ago, Trump tweeted this:

So which one is it? The immigrants are "not even trying to come in anymore" or the immigrants will "pour through our borders"?

And guess what? Border detentions are in fact down. The Los Angeles Times calculated they were down by 44% in the first month Trump was in office. So why does he need more money for the border if he has nearly half the crossings he had before with the same budget?

We'll see what happens tomorrow. Most likely, the border budget will be increased somewhat. Maybe the military budget too, but nor nearly as much as Trump wants. But if the Obamacare subsidies are not paid, the government will shut down.

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