Sunday, April 30, 2017

DAY 101: EPILOGUE: The day after, and we're back to square one

Nobody has ever complained about the the 100-day benchmark for a presidency before. The first one to complain about it, even though he made a whole bunch of promises for his first 100 days was Donald Trump. And he only complained about it after it was clear he would not have any achievements to brag about by day 100.

He wasn't the only one, though. In an interview with The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, NBC anchor Katy Tur said on April 27, 2017, two days before day 100, that the 100 day benchmark is an "artificial construct."

I disagree. The first 100 days in office do paint a picture not only of what the new administration will be like, but how the new administration learns from its mistakes and how the administration is willing to fix those mistakes.

What did Trump learn from his huge failure in his first 100 days in office? Nothing.

And how is he making changes to fix what he did wrong in his failed 100 days? Also nothing. In fact Trump is repeating the very things that made his first 100 days in office a huge failure.

I'm serious. On day 101 all of this happened:

1. Donald Trump's Chief of Staff Reince Priebus goes on Sunday morning TV (ABC This Week) and he dodges the question about whether or not Trump said anything abou Rodrigo Duterte's human rights violation accusations. Instead of explain why did Trump invite Duterte to the White House despite of his human rights violations (Duterte admitted in English he personally murdered people and he asked the police to do the same), Priebus kept trying to change the subject to North Korea, even though all of the attempts by North Korea at testing a ballistic missile have failed.

2. CBS Face The Nation aired an interview with Donald Trump in which, faced with the question about Russia hacking the 2016 election, Trump insisted on trying to blame somebody else. This time he even blamed it on China, even though the previous day he said in a rally in Pennsylvania China was "helping with North Korea" and despite the fact that 17 intelligence agencies said spefically Russia was behind the hacking of the Democratic party. In other words, Trump repeated the SAME lie he said in the 2016 campaign. Verbatim:

TRUMP: “It’s very hard to say who did the hacking. With that being said, I’ll go along with Russia. Could’ve been China”

3. The same CBS interview with Donald Trump shows Trump not only didn't even know what's in the new version of Trumpcare, but he also lied about it, claiming the new version would allow the purchase of insurance across state lines, something that can't possibly be the case because that can't be added to a budget bill, which is the method the Republicans are using to avoid a filibuster. After claiming the issue of pre-existing conditions was fixed in the new version, the reporter, John Dickerson, asks:

JOHN DICKERSON: But has that been fixed?

DONALD TRUMP: Totally fixed.


DONALD TRUMP: How? We've made many changes to the bill.

Take a couple of minutes to understand what Trump did here. He was asked basically "how did the bill change." And Trump responded "it changed because we made changes to it."

And then this:

DONALD TRUMP: Let me explain. Let me explain it to you.


DONALD TRUMP: This bill is much different than it was a little while ago, okay? This bill has evolved. And we didn't have a failure on the bill. You know, it was reported like a failure. Now, the one thing I wouldn't have done again is put a timeline. That's why on the second iteration, I didn't put a timeline.

So according to Trump, Trumpcare 1.0 didn't fail even though it had to be pulled from the House floor a mere 30 minutes before it was supposed to be voted because Trump didn't have enough votes to get it approved by his own party.

Finally, this:

DONALD TRUMP: We're taking across all of the borders or the lines so that insurance companies can compete nationwide.

JOHN DICKERSON: But that's not in this bill. The borders are not in--

DONALD TRUMP: Of course, it's in.

No, it's not in this bill. The Republicans are trying to pass Trumpcare as a budget bill to avoid a filibuster by the Democrats. And when a bill is voted as a budget bill, issues not related to the budget are not allowed in it. For example, eliminating border lines for selling insurance, which is not related to the federal budget.

So Trump is still repeating the same lies in exactly the same way.

4. Business Insider showed that during his first 100 days in office, Bill Clinton visited one country: Canada. George W. Bush visited Canada and Mexico during his first 100 days in office. And Barack Obama visited nine countries including, yes, Mexico and Canada. How many countries did Trump visit during his first 100 days in office? ZERO.

5. On day 101, Trump went golfing again. That makes 19 times he has been golfing during his first 100 days in office, meaning Trump has been golfing on average more than once per week since he took office even though he complained several times on twitter about Barack Obama golfing. Times Obama went golfing in his first 100 days in office? Zero.

In other words, after 100 days in office, we're back on square one.

So no; I don't agree with the idea of the first 100 days in office is an "artificial construct." They do show what the administration will look like for the rest of the next four years. In the case of Donald Trump, it shows Trump is bound to repeat his failures again and again, as he is not even trying to fix what he did wrong. He's simply denying any wrongdoing and any responsibility.

The problem is, the fact that Trump is a loser and a liar, and his administration is a failure, doesn't really change anything about Donald Trump. But it is doing a lot of damage to the United States and to the people of the United States.

Hopefuly, if the people of the United States elect a Democratic Congress in 2018, Trump will be stopped. Maybe even impeached. And if in 2020 the far-left learns from its 2016 mistake and votes Democrat, Trump will be voted out of office and the damage he made will be reversed.

PS: One last thing: According to The New York Times, today Congress reached an agreement for a budget that will keep the federal government running through September of 2017... but without funding for Donald Trump's border wall. Yup; Donald Trump loses again.

UPDATE: On Monday, May 1, 2017, day 102 of the Trump presidency, CBS aired a clip apparently from the same Trump interview with John Dickerson, that took place before the 100-day mark, in which not only Trump lies again about Barack Obama wiretapping him, but he gets pissed off when Dickerson asks him about it and Trump cuts the interview saying "I'm entitled to my own opinions." In other words, admitting his claim against Obama was his opinion and not a fact. And yet, in the same exchanged Trump claims his opinion should be investigated. Here's the transcript of the exchange:

JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that [wiretap] claim about him [Obama]?

TRUMP: I don't stand by anything. I just --you can take it the way you want. I think your side's been proven very strongly. And everybody's talking abuot it. And frankly it should be discussed. I think this is a very big surveillance of our citizens. I think it's a very big topic. And it's a topic that should be number one. And we should find out what the hell is going on.

JOHN DICKERSON: I just wanted to find out, though. You're--you're the President of the United States. You said he [Obama] was "sick" and "bad" because he had tapped you. I'm just--

TRUMP: You can take--any way. You can take it any way you want.

JOHN DICKERSON: But I'm asking you. Because you don't want it to be fake news. I want to hear it from President Donald Trump-

TRUMP: You don't have to ask me. You don't have to ask me.


TRUMP: Because I have my own opinions. You can have your own opinions.

JOHN DICKERSON: But I want to know your opinions. You're the President of the United States.

TRUMP: Okay, it's enough. Thank you. Thank you very much.

The video is even worse because you can see the anger in Trump's face at beingh caught in his own lie:

That's how big a liar and loser Trup is.

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