Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Trump used taxpayer money to promote his private Mar-a-Lago club

Donald Trump was caught using taxpayer money to promote his private Mar-a-Lago club through a blog post by the State Department.

According to CNN, watchdog groups are calling the incident illegal, as it violates the emoluments clause to use the government to promote Trump's own private businesses.

How do we know Trump was benefiting from doing this? The answer is in this paragraph from the CNN article:

The Mar-a-Lago Club has already seemingly benefited from Trump's presidency. The club raised its initiation fee from $100,000 to $200,000 after Trump was elected and members and former members around Mar-a-Lago have said there is now an added cachet with frequently visiting the President's club.

So by constantly being at the Mar-a-Lago club and bring with him foreign leaders, apparently Trump os justifying charging twice as much to the people who pay them for memberships.

If the Democrats take over Congress in 2018, this could easily be used to impeach Trump.

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