Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Trump promotes "hire American" but he and his kids don't don't always hire American

Today Donald Trump announced he would make it more difficult for companies to use the H-1B visa, intended for highly skilled workers. With this order, Trump is essentially screwing over high tech companies that relie heavily on highly skilled immigrant workers.

But guess what? CNBC published that Donald Trump himself and his kids don't always hire American.

In fact, Trump has hired workers using the H-2B visa, intended for seasonal low-skilled workers. From the CNBC report:

Last year, Trump got approval to hire 64 foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida through the government's H-2B visa program, according to the Palm Beach Post. Trump has heavily criticized the H-1B program, but not the H-2B, which applies to seasonal or temporary workers.

Trump defended the hiring move in a presidential debate last March, saying it is "very, very hard" to find workers to fill those jobs — which included positions for waiters, cooks and housekeepers, according to the Post report.

It's very hard to find waiters, cooks and housekeepers? Really?

Oh, but that's not all. For his winery, Donald Trump's son Eric has also used the H-2A visa, intended for agricultura workers.

In other words, the Trumps are hiring the same type of workers who cross the border illegally.

As per the "buy American" part of Trump's motto, his daughter Ivanka and Trump himself have manufatured their clothes in China.

So this whole "buy American, hire American" thing is just another load of hypocritical bullshit from Trump.

Let's see what does when high tech companies can't find enough highly skilled American-citizen workers to hire because there aren't enough highly-skilled American graduating from college because of the high costs of tuition.

UPDTE: According to CNN, this year H-1B visa applications declinded for the first time in 5 years. So Trump's meddling with the H-1B visa program had no reason t be anyway. That means it was just for show. But he's going to screw over a lot of American tech companies just for political gain.

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