Saturday, April 29, 2017

Trump inadvertently admitted he's a loser, then he blamed it on the media

This entry actually started yesterday evening, when Washington Post correspondent Philip Rucker said the following on air on MSNBC in regards to his recent interview with Donald Trump regarding his 100 days in office and making a reference to the fact that Donald Trump had given maps of the USA marked in red with the regions in which he won the electoral college to three reporters from Reuters:

"He actually did the same thing with me, he actually brought up the map, he said "aren't you impressed by this map? Are you surprised by this map?" He encouraged me to take it home to my colleages at the Washington Post and try to run it on the front page of our newspaper. So he cares a lot about the map, he cares a lot about these states."

I disagree. Trump doesn't actually care about those states. By trying to get the media to show that map on the story for his 100 days in office, Trump inadvertently admitted he's actually a LOSER. And since he has nothing to show as a win for his 100 days in office, he seems to be thinking that running that map will show him as a winner and not, as reality shows, as a huge failure in office.

But that's not the end of the story.

Today, in the evening of Trump's 100th day in office, the White House Correspondents dinner was held in Washingtong. Typically there's a comedian at that dinner that jokes and criticizes the President. Donald Trump declined the invitation to go to that dinner and, instead, he organized for himself one of those narcissistic rallies he's been doing since he took office. This time in Pennsylvania. You know; those rallies where only the most fanatical, racist and xenophobic extreme right-wing peple go. Easy applause from a few thousands of people that hardly at all represent the majority of the voters, but that always give Trump an ego boost.

Of course, Trump attacked the White House Correspondents Dinner saying it was full of "Hollywood actors", even though he used to work for Hollywood and WITH Hollywood actors.

He also went on to justify his failure in his 100 days in office repeating the same lies that have been debunked time after time during the 2016 campaign, during the transition, and during his 100 days in office. Such as:

Trump lied saying The New York Times had to "apologize" to him. False. And the NYT said it was false.
Video clip here:

Trump lied about "totally failing New York Times." Not only it isn't failing, but it's getting a lot of suscriptions.
Video clip here:

Trump said "get 'em outta here" against a protester. The very thing he's being sued for right now.
Video clip here:

(By the way: Somebody threw Russian flags in front of Trump's lectern)
Video clip here:

Trump brags about lobby ban, but he lied, as he approved a waiver for former officials to lobby
Video clip here:

Trump lies about creating 600,000 jobs that were never created by him.
Video clip here:

Trump repeats his bullshit story about why he didn't lable China a currency manipulator, claiming China is helping with North Korea. Not true. North Korea is not stopping and Trump tweeted about it yesterday.
Here's the video clip (notice how Trump admits he was lying and China was NOT manipulating its currency):

And here's the tweet in which Donald Trump admits North Korea is not stopping its missile tests even though Trump claims he didn't want to call China a currency manipulator because maybe China would "help" with North Korea:

So according to Trump it's not his failure, but China's. And if North Korea is not changing its ways, then why is Trump not honoring his campaign promise of calling China a currency manipulator?

Well, even though Trump lied again and again, his far-right fanatics clapped and cheered him. One would think that would shield Trump's fragile ego and notorious thin skin from the reality of the failure and disaster his first 100 days in office turned out to be.

But guess what Trump did after the rally was over? He tweeted this:

That's right. Trump bitched about the media not praising him for inexistent "achievements" (we'll get to that in a minute). That means the reality of Trump's failure was too big even for his narcissistic rally in Pennsylvania to shield him from.

In bitching about the media not praising for 100 days of at best doing nothing, and a worst screwing over the economy and the lives of millions of Americans, Trump was once again inadvertently acknowledging he is a LOSER.

Because 28 legislative signings is NOT an achievement. That's his job. The ones who got legislation done is Congress, not him. And when he actually did try to influence Congress to pass legislation, specifically the Obamacare repeal known as Trumpcare, and getting funding for his useless border wall, Trump failed. Miserably.

By the way; if there are "strong borders", why does he need a border wall at all? In fact, at the Pennsylvania rally Trump claimed without the border wall drugs and gangs are coming into the US. So which one is it? Strong borders or weak border that needs a wall?

Finally, Trump expects the media to praise him for an "optism" that doesn't exist. We saw it before. The Department of Commerce numbers on the weak 0.7% economic growth in the first quarter of 2017, with Trump in office, shows that consumers are NOT being optimist and they are NOT spending. Numbers don't lie. And the numbers are clear: there is NO optimism in America with Donald Trump in power.

And Donald Trump knows it. That's why he's bitching about it. Because Donald Trump is a loser, he's making America lose along with him.

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