Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Trump administration admits Iran is complying with nuclear deal

During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump claimed many times the deal made by the Obama administration to stop Iran's nuclear program was a terrible deal and that he would trash it and make a better deal.

But today, the Trump administration, via the State Department, admitted that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal.

However, even though it has nothing to do with the agreement, Trump ordered a review of the deal claiming Iran supports terrorism.

The nuclear agreement has nothing to do with the issue of terrorism. It was itended to stop Iran from building a nuclear weapon. And it worked. But instead of acknowledging he lied about the deal in 2016, Trump now wants to put the agreement at risk.

Why at risk? Because if Trump imposes sanctions on Iran, then the nuclear deal is off and Iran doesn't have to comply with it anymore. Again; the issue of terrorism has nothing to do with the nuclear deal, so imposing sanctions based on terrorism would automatically break the deal for the sake of an issue that's not part of the deal.

That's how inept Trump is. He wants to appear tough and keep up his 2016 lies even if it costs a nuclear agreement that his administration admits it works.

By the way: Exxon is asking Trump to lift Russian sanctions. Is Trump going to do that too even though Russia supports Syria, which used chemical weapons? How's that for hypocrisy?

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