Thursday, April 13, 2017

DAY 84: Trump bombs Syrian rebels opposed to Assad

Early today several media outlets revealed that the Trump administration bombed Syrian rebels opposed to Bashar al-Assad, killing 18 of them. The Trump administration said they bombed them by "mistake."

This after Trump bragged that all of the missiles launched against a Syrian air base hit the target and after bragging to Fox News that the American military was the best in the world by "a factor of five."

So how was it then that the US military "by mistake" killed 18 anti-Assad rebels?

And that's not all. According to The New York Times:

The strike, on Tuesday in Tabqah, Syria, was the third time in a month that American-led airstrikes may have killed civilians or allies, and it comes even as the Pentagon is investigating two previous airstrikes that killed or wounded scores of civilians in a mosque complex in Syria and in a building in the west of Mosul, Iraq.

The third "mistake" in a month? That doesn't sound like a "mistake" anymore. It sounds like Trump helping Bashar al-Assad as a way to keep Vladimit Putin happy.

"LIAR! Trump ordered a missile strike on the Syrian air base and has spoken against Bashar and Putin!" some Republicans may say. But thet's analyze that:

1. Yes, Trump bombed an air base, but first he told Russia and then the missiles didn't destroy the air base. In fact, the next day the air base was back un business because the runways were left intact.

2. Trump's "tough talk" on Syria was very, very mild. More posturing than actual policy.

3. As per Putin, Trump himself has said nothing. His minions have. And they haven't really said anything beyond some mild comments that don't really amount to an actual policy change.

So one has to wonder: were those actual "mistakes" by the Trump administration in Syria, or were they deliberate attacks against Assad's enemies in an effort to keep Vladimir Putin happy?

Because, honestly, those are too many "mistakes" to really consider them mistakes.

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