Sunday, April 9, 2017

DAY 80: Rex Tillerson admits the Trump administration is working with Assad's regime

Pretty much a day after Donald Trump bombed a Syrian air field the air field was back in use and the Assad regime bombed another rebel town. Thus, Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, was asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos about Syria. This is verbatim what Tillerson responded (jump to minute 1:50):

"Well, you know George, the situation in Syria relative to the battlefield is quite complex because there are multiple engagements underway, I said we have the war to defeat ISIS, in which many of those battle plans are being coordinated, uh, between US, uh, its coalition agreements, Turkey, uh, some of the Syrian opposition and others. And it is being coordinated somewhat with the Syrian regime and the Russian forces."

And here's the video:


So Trump launches missiles at Syria. But before doing it he tells Russia about it. Couple of days later the air based Trump attacked is back in business. And then Rex Tillerson says the US is coordinating with the Syrian regim against ISIS.

Again: What?

Oh, and in case you're understanding what Tillerson said, let me translated to you: The Trump administration is NOT going to do anything against Assad again and they're using "we're fighting ISIS first" as an excuse.

Remember I told you this whole thing with the missiles was just for show? Well...

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