Saturday, April 29, 2017

DAY 100: Trump ends 100 days in office without Obamacare repeal, no border wall, and with 80% failure

Donald Trump ended his 100th day in office without an Obamacare repeal, as the Republicans had to withdraw it once again because even among Republicans in Congress they could not get enough votes to pass it.

In fact, according to CNN, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus tried for the last two weeks to pressure Republicans into approving the Obamacare repeal before the end of the 100 days.

The "100 Days" milestone approaching, Priebus was "aggressive" in his calls to Capitol Hill in search of converts on the controversial legislation, the sources said.

One source likened the chief of staff's efforts to securing a "100 Days" trophy for President Donald Trump, and a senior GOP congressional aide said "definitely Reince" when asked who has been the most aggressive in trying to whip up support for a vote.
"Priebus had really made the push to get the vote. To get this done. Just in terms of the political side -- the political win," a House GOP aide said.

But in the end, Trump failed to get the Obamacare repeal within his first 100 days.

Trump also finishes his 100th day in office without a border wall, without withdrawing from NAFTA, withouta Muslim ban, without defunding sanctuary cities, and with a lawsuit for inciting people to attack protesters at one of his rallies last year.

In fact, according to British newspaper The Independent, Trump failed at 80% of the things he said he would do within his first 100 days in office.

I quote from The Independent's article:

Less than one month before election day, Donald Trump addressed a crowd of supporters in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Candidate Trump promised the crowd that, if elected, he would carry out every proposal laid out in his “Contract with the American Voter” – a 100-day, 38-prong plan to “restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.”


According to The Independent’s tally, Mr Trump has fully achieved seven of his 38 proposals. Others have been partially completed; some are impossible to quantify.

Among Trump's failures:

- He did not freeze federal employee hiring. In fact, he invented a federal job for his daughter Ivanka.

- He did not propose a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress. In fact, the only thing he has sent to Congress is his tax plan.

- He backed off from his promise to ban federal employees from lobbying for five years. He in fact allowed waivers so members of Congress can lobby and allowing federal employees to lobby on subjects different from their offices. So the swamp is alive and well.

- He did not renegotiate NAFTA. No. He has made noise about it, but nothing more. There is no renegotiation and NAFTA is still the law of the land.

- He did not label China a currency manipulator. And he has made up a bullshit excuse for that: that China is "helping" with North Kora "maybe." But North Korea keeps on testing missiles.

Plus, there's not even a budget approved for the border wall, there's no Obamacare repeal, and in general Trump has failed at all of his ridiculous campaign promises.

Now, I included the paragraph about Pennsylvania in The Independent's article because today Donald Trump held another rally in Pennsylvania in which he promised... to build the border wall, repeal and replace Obamacare, etc.

And he even threatened the Republican Congresspeople if they didn't pass it.

So to cover up his 100-day failure, Trump is simply making the same broken promises again.

Something tells me this is going to keep on happening again and again over the course of 2017 and 2018. After 2018 Congress will probably go Democrat.

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