Tuesday, June 13, 2017

DAY 145: Trump tries to distract the public after refusing to testify under oath and because of Trumpcare

Last Friday Donald, June 9, Donald Trump said he would "100 percent" testify under oath before Congress on the Russia investigation. Yesterday, Monday, June 12, the White House backetracked and said Trump didn't mean he would testify before Congress. In other words, somebody explained Trump that if he were to testify before Congress, he would commit perjury if he were to contradict James Comey, and if he told the truth about Russia, he would probably be admitting crimes.

So today, even though the one who is deep legal trouble because of James Comey's confirmation that Trump basically obstructed the Russia investigation, Trump posted a whole bunch of tweets trying to distract the public. Among them:

Except Lynch never committed any crimes. Trump apparently did (obstruction of justice).

But there's more. The Trump went on to attack the Democrats on Obamacare:

Except that's completely normal. As Vox.com explained, every year a few people drop from an Obamacare plan because it is impossible to have 100% coverage under a private coverage scheme. From the Vox article:

You will never have 100 percent of people make their monthly payments for something — that is true about much more than health insurance and was true before Obamacare.

Last year, about 87 percent of people who signed up for Obamacare plans ended up paying their premiums. This year’s figure is a little lower — 84 percent — but that is not much more than a statistical error.

In other words, fewer people end up not paying their health plans than last year so far.

In reality what Trump is trying to distract the public from is the fact that the Republicans in the Senate will not make public their replacement plan for Obamacare because they know it will be rejected by the public.

Not only that, but, according to Salon, the Republicans tried to barr reporters from recording in the Senate hallawys. When reporters complained about this on Twitter, Republicans immediately backtracked and denied having done what the reportes accused them of doing.

THAT bad is Trumpcare. And that's why Trump is trying to change the subject.

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