Friday, March 31, 2017

DAY 71: Trump tries to justify immunity for Flynn, but in 2016 he said immunity meant crime

This is the first thing Donald Trump tweeted today in a response to the fact that Michael Flynn asked for imminity from prosecution in exchange for testifying before Congress:

"Witch hunt", huh? That's not what Trump said when he was campaigning on September 27, 2016. Back then, as the following video shows, he said "If you're not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?"

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Michael Flynn offers to testify on Trump and Russia if he is given immunity

Former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn issued a statement today saying he is willing to testify before Congress on the investigation regarding the ties between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia if he is given immunity.

Really? Well, guess what? Back in 2016 Michael Flynn said that if somebody has immunity it means that person "probably" commited a crime. Here's the video:

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Trump supporters admit they can't prove Trump's illegal voter claims

While this isn't exactly something Trump or his minions said or did, it is interesting to see how Trump supporter's can't prove Trump's claim of illegal voters voting in the 2016 election.

This was tweeted by CNN today: An interview with a group of Trump voters who claimed there were illegal votes for Hillary Clinton and that cost Donald Trump the popular vote. But when the reporter asked them to specify their claims, two of the Trump voteres changed their versions. One who said he saw buses full with illegal voters changed his claim to "cars full of peoplr with license plates from other states." And another one change the claim that he saw buses full of illegal voters to seeing it on TV:

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DAY 70: Once again Trump lies about changing libel laws

While Donald Trump dedicated most of his tweets today to pick up a fight with the Freedom Caucus (which is basically the Tea Party in the House of Representatives) he also tweeted the following this morning:

Which is an empty threat, as he can't change libel laws.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

TRUMP LOSES: Federal Judge extends block against Trump's second Muslim ban

Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson extended the block to Donald Trump's second Muslim ban after hearing arguments from the Trump administration in which Department of Justice lawyer Chad Readler asked the Judge to narrow his block to the issuing of visas to people from 6 Muslim countries, and leave the refugee ban in place.

According to The New York Times, Judge Watson refused and responded that the ban on refugees was also motivated by racial bias.

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Trump's approval rating drops again to a record 35 percent

According to Gallup, Donald Trump's approval rate just dropped to 35%. A one point decrease from his previous record low of 36%.

His disapproval jumped even more. From 56% in the previous poll just a day before, it jumped to 59%.

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DAY 69: Once again Trump lies claiming The New York Times apologized to him; It never happened

This was Donald Trump's first tweet of the day today:

That's a lie. The New York Times never apologized to Trump. Not only that, that lie was debunked back in November of 2016.

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Trump administration just realized border wall would block access to the Rio Grande for the USA

Turns out Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke just realized you can't build a border wall along the US border because if you do, the US loses access to the Rio Grande.

This is what Zinke said today at a meeting with the Public Lands Council:

"The border is complicated, as far as building a physical wall. The Rio Grande, what side of the river are you going to put the wall? We're not going to put it on our side and cede the river to Mexico. And we're probably not going to put it in the middle of the river."

So... is Zinke suggesting the US should build the border wall... in Mexico?

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Trump signs into law bill that rewards employers who abuse workers

Today Donald Trump signed into law a bill passed by Republicans in Congress that rewards employers who abuse workers by stealing their money or by making the workplace unsafe.

You see, President Barack Obama set up a rule during his administration barring companies who steal money from workers, or who do not provide a safe working environment, from getting federal government contracts. But Republicans in Congress voted to repeal that regulation using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which is a law that allows Congress to overturn executive branch decisions.

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Trump administration tried to keep Sally Yates from testifying before Congress about Russia

The Washington Post published today that the Trump administration "sought to block former acting attorney general Sally Yates from testifying to Congress in the House investigation of links between Russian officials and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, The Washington Post has learned, a position that is likely to further anger Democrats who have accused Republicans of trying to damage the inquiry."

In fact, according to the WP, the Trump administration, through the department of justice, "notified Yates earlier this month that the administration considers a great deal of her possible testimony to be barred from discussion in a congressional hearing because the topics are covered by the presidential communication privilege," even though Trump had fired Yates over month before, after she refused to defend Trump's first Muslim ban.

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Trump's "big announcement" on "jobs" turned out to be a flop

This morning Donald Trump tweeted this:

He was referring to an investment plan Ford had announced back in 2015, when Barack Obama was president (thus it has nothing to do with Trump). But as it turned out, the plan would only create... less than 130 jobs.

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DAY 68: Trump repeals Obama's environmental policy based on Trump's lies about coal

Today Donald Trump signed an executive order repealing Barack Obama's policy on environmental protection, meaning the US won't reduce its pollution goals as per the Paris Agreement.

Trump signed the executive order based on lies, claiming it would create coal mining hobs and decrease energy dependency from other countries.

This is whay both of those claims are lies:

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Monday, March 27, 2017

Trump lies about uranium and the border

Two tweets from Donald Trump today that are lies.

The biggest one is an accusation from Trump against Hillary Clinton, in which Trump claims Hillary Clinton gave 20% of America's uranium to Russia:

This is not the first time Trump has made this claim and this is not the first time it has been debunked.

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The swamp is back: Trump adviser's company would save $200 million with his deregulation proposal

According to The New York Times, CVR Energy, an energy company owned by Carl Icahn, who is a top adviser for Donald Trump, would save $205.9 million dollars per year if a deregulation for the EPA Icahn is proposing is enacted.

The deregulation has to do with the the way in which corn ethanol and gasoline are mixed.

That's not all.

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Trump's staff is wiping their electronic devices in case they receive a subpoena: The Independent

According to British newspaper The Independent, "White House officials and members of Donald Trump’s transition team are reportedly “purging” their electronic devices to avoid being compromised by subpoenas."

The claim was first reported by MSNBC citing an inside source.

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Trump's approval sinks to a new low of 36%; 57% disapprove him

Donald Trump's approval rating sunk to 36% and his disapproval increased to 57% according to Gallup.

The poll was conducted from March 24 to March 26. That is, over the weekend after Trumpcare failed in Congress.

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DAY 67: Dollar, stocks and market confidence drop because Trump losing with Trumpcare

This morning different stocks and the price of the US Dollar went down as a result of Donald Trump's failure with Trumpcare.

According to CNBC, An economist from the Mizuho Bank in Singaport said that the US Dollar fell in price is "just follow through on disappointment on the health-care bill and to doubts on whether Trump can push through his other policies."

Experts also warned the market rallies since Trump took office is about to end because it is not clear Trump is not going to deliver on his campaign promises:

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

DAY 66: Now Trump blames the Republicans for the failure of Trumpcare... but not himself

Donald Trump tweeted this this morning in reference to the failure of Trumpcare in Congres:

And that's not all. The day before Trump tweeted this:

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Saturday, March 25, 2017

DAY 65: After his defeat with Trumpcare, Donald Trump keeps in promising "great healthcare"

After being defeated with Trumpcare, Donald Trump insists on promising "great healthcare". On Twitter, that is.

Well, here's the thing: The only way Obamacare would "explode" is if the Trump admnistration cuts the subsidies for health insurance plans. If that happens, people would be affected starting in 2018. And guess what? That's what the midterms are. And increasing insurance premiums would mean a defeat for Republicans in the midterms, after 11 months of increased premiums.

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Friday, March 24, 2017

The New York Times debunks Trump's lies on the defeat of Trumpcare

After Trumpcare was defeated in Congress by a lack of Republican legislators to vote for it, Donald Trump tried to blame others because of the failure of the bill except him. Well, the New York Times fact-checked Trump's claims and, as usual, it turned out Trump was lying. Here are the highlights of the NYT article:

1. Trump claimed he nevere promised to repeal Obamacare quickly.

The NYT says:

False. Mr. Trump has, of course, repeatedly vowed to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement. While Mr. Trump never specified doing so within 64 days, killing the health care law was part of his 100-day plan, released in October, and he often promised an even more urgent timeline during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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DAY 64: TRUMP LOSES: Trumpcare fails in Congress due to Republican opposition but Trump blames... the Democrats!

Donald Trump and Republican House majority leader Paul Ryan had to pull from the House floor the American Health Care Act, also known as Trumpcare, because they could not get enough Republicans to vote for it, delivering Donald Trump a major political loss after he campaigned against Obamacare, promised "something terriffic" to replace Obamacare, and then threatened Republicans with going against them in 2018 if they didn't vote for the bill. They still didn't (as the bill is simply terrible and it would affect Republican voters the most), and Trump lost.

The story starts the previous day. On Thursday, March 23, Republicans were supposed to vote on the bill, but because Trump and Ryan could not get enough Republican votes to pass the bill --despite the fact that Trump threatened the Republicans-- Ryan postponed the vote. But Trump insisted on forcing a vote today, March 24. According to

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Trump lied to TIME magazine about wiretapping

Donald Trump gave an interview to TIME magazine and lied about getting basing his lie about Barack Obama wiretapping him from The New York Times. In response, the NYT responded with an article debunking Trump's lies.

These the lies Trump told TIME magazine:

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DAY 63: TRUMP FAILS: Republicans had to postpone voting Trumpcare in Congress for lack of votes

Even though Donald Trump met with Republican legislators yesterday and today to try to convince them to vote for Trumpcare (since many Republicans oppose it), he could not get enough votes to pass the bill in the House of Representatives and, as a result, Republicans had to postpone its vote.

What's interesting is the fact that on Wednesday, March 22, Trump pretty much threatened Republicans with losing their seats in the House in 2018 if they didn't vote for the bill. But more than 30 Republicans still said no either because they want a full repeal of the law (Trumpcare only eliminates some parts of Obamacare) or because they fear Trumpcare will affect negatively their constituents with higher insurance premiums and lost Medicaid coverage.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trump's team lied about asking the Pentagon for military vehicles for inaugural parade

The Huffington Post revealed that for months Donald Trump's transition team asked the Pentagon for military vehicles for a military parade during his inauguration. But then, on the record, Trump's transition team wouldn't comment about it. Anf off the record they denied it.

Problem is, the transition team did ask for the military vehicles, but the Pentagon said no.

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Trump's first campaign manager worked for Russia to aid Putin

The Trump campaign denied they had anything to do with Russia, but AP reported Paul Manafort, Trump's first campaign manager, not only did work for Russia, but he also did so in order to aid Vladimit Putin. And he did so for $10 million dollars per year starting in 2006.

Here's what AP reported:

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DAY 62: Trump now lies because of Devin Nunes's misleading information about wiretapping

Donald Trump claimed today he feels "somewhat vindicated" because House Intelligence Chief, Devin Nunes, said it can't be ruled out that the Obama administration was involved in surveillance against Trump. Which is a lie.

What Nunes did was to give misleading information after he clearly said there was no wiretapping of Trump. First he said it was "possible" that Trump was right in his wiretapping claim. And then, seconds later, he said the phone wiretapping Trump claimed "did not happen." Here's the video:

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

That's not funny: Trump doesn't want a legislative branch either

Donald Trump already attacked the judiciary branch of government when federal judges blocked his racist Muslim ban. Now, he thinks it's funny to threaten to "send congress to space."

You see, when Trump was about to sign some bill allocating budget for NASA, Ted Cruz said "you could send Congress to space". TO which Trump replied that's a "great idea":

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Trump lied about giving his children security clearance

Shortly after the 2016 elections Donald Trump denied he wanted to give his children security clearance:

But now his daughter Ivanka not only is getting in office in the White House, but she's also getting top level security clearance.

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DAY 61: Dow Jones and S&P 500 fall and Sean Spicer won't say it's because of Trump

For months, even before he took office, Donald Trump claimed the stock market was rallying because of him and a supposed "optimism" from him being the president.

But today the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 had a sharp fall losses. According to CNBC:

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Fox News suspends Andrew Napolitano over Trump's bullshit about being spied by England

Fox News suspended indefinitely Andrew Napolitano, one of his conservative on-air commentators, because he said without providing proof, that the UK helped Barack Obama spy on Donald Trump.... and then Trump's White House repeated that lie... and when he was caught lying Trump claimed he just repeated what Fox News said.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano is being kept off the air indefinitely amid the controversy over his unverified claims that British intelligence wiretapped Trump Tower at the behest of former President Obama.

Fox News did not respond to inquiries about Napolitano’s status Monday. Napolitano was conspicuously missing from the network’s coverage of the confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch — an event in which he typically would have played a significant role. He has not been on the air since Thursday.

People familiar with the situation who could speak only on the condition of anonymity said Napolitano is not expected to be on Fox News Channel any time in the near future. Napolitano was not available for comment.

Which brings up an interesting question: What will happen when Trump runs out of bullshit sources --like Napolitano-- to blame for his own bullshit?

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Trump lies about 9-11 in order to justify his racist Muslim ban

In a rally in Kentucky, Donald Trump claimed that his Muslim ban is the only way to stop terrorist attacks such as the ones on 9-11 2001 and Boston.

The problem is, none of the terrorists in those two attacks came from the countries listed in his Muslim ban:

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DAY 60: House hearings FBI is investigating Trump's campaign for Russia-gate and Trump lies about it

Before the Congressional hearings no Donald Trump's bullshit wiretap accusations against Barack Obama, Trump tried to preempt them on Twitter:

But what the FBI revealed during the Congressional hearings was that they are investigating Trump's campaign links to the Russian hacking of the 2016 election.

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trump's security at Mar-a-Lago seems to be weak... again...

Somebody at Mar-a-Lago actually bypassed the Secret Service's security in order to take a selfie in front of a Donald Trump painting even though the Secret Service told him not to go in there. And then he posted the photo on Facebook:

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Germany proves Trump was lying about them owing money to NATO

A day after Donald Trump tweeted that Germany owes "vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid", Germany responded proving there is o such debt.

According to Reuters, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said "there is no debt account at NATO," and she added that it is wrong to suggest to force NATO countries to pay 2% of their economic output on defense to NATO.

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DAY 59: Trump cancels meetig the veterans, but does play golf at Mar-a-Lago

Donald Trump cancelled a meeting he had schedulled with veterans and, instead, hung out at his Mar-a-Lago golf club.

According to the Palm Beach Post, Trump had actually called the veterans to meet with him at the Mar-a-Lago club, but then he cancelled the meeting because he failed to invite the head of the Veterans Affairs office.

The previous night, Trump had dinner with the head of Marvel Entertainment, Ike Perlmutter, who had supported his presidential campaign.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

DAY 58: After offendeing Angela Merkel, Donald Trump lies about it

This morning Donald Trump tweeted this:

He was referring to the fact that the previous day he insulted Angela Merkel in front of the press by refusing to shake her hand even though the press repeatedly asked him to do so:

And here's the video:

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Rex Tillerson ran out of stamina in South Korea, and Hillary Clinton mocked him for it

Remember how Donald Trump insisted on accusing Hillary Clinton she didn't have the stamina to be president? Well, guess what?

Rex Tillerson, Trump's Secretary of State --a position Hillary Clinton had during Barack Obama's first term in office-- had to cut short a trip to South Korea because of fatigue. According to The Hill:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson cut short his recent visit with South Korean officials due to "fatigue," the Korea Herald reported on Friday.

According to the newspaper, the top U.S. diplomat did not have lunch or dinner with South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and acting President and Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn during his visit.

Fatigue, huh? Not enough stamina?

Oh, and Hillary Clinton did comment on that one:

But then, hours after Clinton made fun of Tillerson and Trump, the White House denied Tillerson was fatigued:

The state department has denied a report that Rex Tillerson pulled out of meetings with South Korean officials because of “fatigue”.


The state department said the report that Tillerson had been too tired to hold extended meetings was untrue, adding that no joint meal had been scheduled on the Seoul leg of the trip.

There's only one problem with that. They denied after Clinton made fun of Tillerson. That suggests Tillerson was indeed fatigued. After all, if one thing the Trump administration is famous for is for lying.

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Michael Flynn lied: He was paid by Putin's government

Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser, was paid $33,450 dollars by RT, the Russian government-ran news channel, for giving a speech in Moscow.

According to CNN:

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, was paid more than $33,750 by Russia's state-run broadcaster RT TV-Russia for a speech in Moscow in December 2015, a top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee has learned.

The US intelligence community has long assessed RT to be a propaganda tool of the Kremlin, writing in its January report on Russian interference in the US election that the organization had participated in disinformation campaigns aimed at the US.

It gets worse: Flynn had denied he had gotten any money from Russia:

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DAY 57: White House apologizes to UK for Trump's wiretapping bullshit, then Trump blames Fox News

Remember Sean Spicer reading a Fox News claim that the United Kingdom spied on Trump as a justification for Trump's bullshit accusation against Barack Obama of wiretapping him? Well, the next --that's today-- the White House had to apologize to the UK for saying that. According to British newspaper The Telegraph:

Mrs May's (UK's Prime Minister) official spokesman said the White House has assured the Government that allegations that British intelligence services spied on Donald Trump will not be repeated.

The Government "made clear" to the US that the "ridiculous" claims should be ignored and received assurances in return that they will not be repeated, showing that the administration does not give them any credence, Mrs May's spokesman said.

Oh, but that wasn't the end of it.

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sean Spicer tries (and fails) to justify Trump's bullshit story about wiretapping

Donald Trump pretty much admitted to Tucker Carlson he made up his accusation against Barack Obama that he wiretapped Trump Tower, but Trump tried to weasel himself out of it by claiming The New York Times published an article claiming the Obama Administration was investigating the Russian hacking of the 2016 election:

The NYT article, of course, does NOT accuse Obama of wiretapping Trump. It merely points to the fact that there was an investigation focusing on people from the Trump campaign having contacts with Russian officials. Something that did happen, as in the case of Michael Flynn.

And yet, Sean Spicer tried to use that same bullshit excuse to justify Trump's bullshit story about wiretapping. And he did it by reading The New York Times and a Fox News piece (also with no evidence) for over 9 minutes without providing a shred of evidence to support Trump's claim. It all started with one question from the press. Here's the video:

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TRUMP LOSES: His approval rating for Trumpcare drops to 35%

Yesterday the White House said Trump would be doing rallies every two weeks. Probably as way to try to fool the public into thinking Trump is very popular.

Well, the problem is a rally can only gather a few thousands of people. But a poll can survey the entire country. And guess what? The lates Fox News poll shows that Trump's approval rating plunged to 35% because of Trumpcare.

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DAY 56: Second Federal Judge blocks Trump's Muslim ban

Early in the morning today it was revealed that a second Federal Judge blocked Donald Trump's illegal Muslim ban, just hours after a Judge in Hawaii blocked the ban.

According to The New York Times, Maryland Judge Theodore D. Chuang was the second Judge to block the Muslim ban after Hawaii Federal Judge Derrick Watson blocked the Muslim ban. Judge Chuang agreed with nonprofit groups who work with refugees and immigrants and ruled that “the effectuation of the proposed Muslim ban” that Mr. Trump pledged to enact as a presidential candidate.

In other words, Judge Chuang called Trump's executive order for what it is; not a "travel", but a Muslim ban.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Trump's leaked tax return says "client copy"; Did Trump leaked it himself?

This morning Donald Trump called the news story about his 2005 tax returns "fake news" because of the fact that somebody mailed the tax returns to the Pulitzer-winning reporter who got them:

Fake, huh? Well, there's one problem with that. Trump's tax returns say "CLIENT COPY", which means either Trump, his accountant, or somebody within the Trump organization leaked them.

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Trump (sort of) admits his wiretap accusation against Obama was bullshit

In an interview on Fox News, Donald Trump finally admitted his accusation against Barack Obama of wiretapping him was bullshit.

When the topic came up, Trump said that he put quote marks on the wiretap accusation, but nobody is focusing on that.

Oh really? Then why did insist on the accusation in more than one tweet and why did he ask Congress to investigate?

By the way: Congress also said Trump's accusation was bullshit.

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DAY 55: TRUMP LOSES: Federal Judge blocks Donald Trump's second Muslim ban

A Federal Judge in Hawaii blocked Donald Trump's second Muslim ban hours before the ban was to take effect.

Trump signed the executive order for the second Muslim ban with a 10-year period before going into effect, but several states, including Hawaii, challenged the ban in court.

One of the reasons why the Judge blocked it was because of Rudulph Giuliani's admission on Fox News that Trump asked him to find a legal way to have a Muslim ban.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Trump discloses tax returns from 2005; Journalist accuses him of lying about his net worth

Because of the fact that MSNBC got a copy of Donald Trump's from 2005, Donald Trump released information about his tax returns from that year as a preemptive measure, despite his constant claim that he can't release his tax returns because he is under audit.

According to his 2005 returns, Trump claimed he made $150 million dollars and paid $38 million in federal taxes, which is an effective 25% rate. Trump claimed “large scale depreciation for construction” as a write-off, allowing him to pay far less than rate he was supposed to pay. That's a $100 million write off according to The New York Times.

But the real issue, according to Newsweek journalist Kurt Eichenwald, is not the realease of Trump's taxes, in itself a lie, as Trump has insisted he can't release the taxes because he's under audit, but Trump's income.

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Tom Price attacks CBO's evaluation of Trumpcare even though White House analysis shows even more uninsured

Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price was asked on the Today Show about the fact that Trumpcare will leave 24 million people without health insurance and Price attacked the CBO and rejected its anlysis (he also used a very dumb reason for it: because the CBO didn't criticize Obamacacre).

But there's one problem: The White House had its own analysis done for Trumpcare and the White House analysis shows even MORE people would lose health coverage than what the CBO's analysis estimated.

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DAY 54: Trump brags about jobs created by Obamacare and says nothing about Trumpcare

Donald Trump insists in bragging about the job figures for February of 2017 even though unemployment is a tiny 0.1% smaller than the previous month. But this time he used screencaps from Fox News.

The irony here is that he's bragging about health care jobs that were created thanks to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Those same jobs will probably be lost with Trumpcare.

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Monday, March 13, 2017

Kellyanne Conway refuses to provide evidence of Trump's lies about wiretapping; Spicer finally admits it's bullshit

Kellyanne Conway went to morning shows today and was asked to provide evidence of Donald Trump's claim that he was wiretapped by Barack Obama. He provided none and, in fact, she said she's "not in the business of having evidence."

First she went on CNN and lied to Chris Cuomo's face:

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DAY 53: Trump suggests Republicans should hurt Americans through health care for political gain

This is a new low for Donald Trump. He actually suggested that instead of passing Trumpcare, Republicans should simply let Obamacare "implode" and then blame the Democrats.

In other words, Trump is willing to hurt Americans through health care for political gain.

Watch the video in which Trump makes the suggestion and see how he presses Tom Price TWICE to consider it. But Price seems unwilling to say yes to that (and you can see in his face he is actually freaked out because of the suggestion):

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Sunday, March 12, 2017

DAY 52: Donald Trump filed for trademaks for doing business in Mexico during and after the 2016 campaign

The Associated Press discovered that while Donald Trump insisted on attacking Mexico and accusing the country of taking advantage and jobs from the United States, he quietly filed for trademark registration in Mexico so he could be in the hotel and tourism business in that country.

One of the trademarks Trump filed for in Mexico was approved on October 6, 2016, just about a month before the electins. Three more were approved on February 21, 2017, a month after Trump took office.

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Saturday, March 11, 2017

DAY 51: Great again? Unemployment actually stagnated with Trump

The Associated Press fact checked Donald Trump's claims that jobs were being created under his watch. In reality, the unemployment stagnated, with a mere 0.1% reduction.

That's right: Barack Obama's last employment numbers showed a 4.8% unemployment rate. But in Februart of 2017, Trump's first full month in office, the unemployment rate went up to 4.7%.

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Friday, March 10, 2017

Trump had to fire massage therapist from Department of Energy for racist comments

According to Buzzfeed, the Trump administration gave a top position in the Energy Department to a massage therapist called Sid Bowdidge, who had no experience in energy policy. Why was he hired as an aid for Rick Perry? Apparently because he was a paid operative for Trump's campaign.

According to New York Daily News the Trump administration had to fire Bowdidge after it was revealed that "he had a habit of making racially charged social media posts about Muslims and former President Barack Obama."

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Federal Judge blocks Trump's new Muslim ban

A federal Judge temporarily blocked Donald Trump's new Muslim ban less than a week after Trump signed the executive banning refugees from six Muslim countries for 120 days.

According to The Guardian, the block came after a man who is a Syrian refugee living in Wisconsin filed a second complaint against the Muslim ban, as the ban violated his freedom of religion and right of due process by keeping his family currently living in Aleppo, Syria, from getting a visa to escape from the violence-thorn country.

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White House admits Trump pulled wiretapping accusation against Obama out of his ass -I mean- Breitbart

We already knew this, but now White House sources are confirming it: Donald Trump pulled the wiretapping accusation against Barack Obama out of his ass. Er... I mean, out of fake news extre-right website Breitbart. According to The Associated Press:

Radio host Mark Levin voiced without evidence the idea that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower. That accusation was picked up the next day by Breitbart News, the site formerly run by Trump's current chief strategist Steve Bannon.

An aide placed that piece in Trump's daily reading pile, said a White House official, who like other aides would not be named discussing the president's private routine. Fueled by that report on Saturday, Trump unleashed a series of jaw-dropping tweets that accused his predecessor of spying on him.

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The New York Times fact checked Sean Spicer's attack agains the CBO, and Spicer is lying

The Republicans prohibited the Congressional Budget Office from analyzing their Trumpcare act so the American people wouldn't know how crappy it is and how much it would cost them. And when the press confronted Sean Spicer about it, Spicer attacked the CBO for being wrong about the cost of Obamacare.

Well, The New York Times fact checked Spicer's claim and the newspaper found Spicer is full of shit.

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Trump campaign's knew Michael Flynn was being paid by Turkish interests

Remember Michael Flynn and how he was fired as National Security Adviser supposedly because he lied about his contact with Russia? Well, that was just the tip of the iceberg. According to The New York Times, the Trump campaign knew Flynn got paid half a million dollars to represent the interests of a firm with ties to the government of Turkey.

How is this bad? Well, aside from the hypocrisy in calling to "lock up" Hillary Clinton, Flynn was in the middle of a HUGE conflict of interests.

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DAY 50: Trump's hypocrisy about job numbers gets exposed

We've already talked about the fact that Donald Trump has nothing to do with the jobs being created since January 20, as the American economy is till running under Barack Obama's policies. The real impact Trump will have in the economy will be seen until next year, when his first federal budget kicks in.

Still, regardless of this truth, Trump is claiming he's the reason why around 235,000 jobs were created in February, his first full month in office.

Well, there's one problem: the employment numbers come from the same source as Obama's numbers: The Department of Labor. But guess what? During the presidential campaign Trump called the numbers from the Department of Labor were fake.

And somebody on Twitter exposed Trump with a video showing him calling the job growth numbers for Barack Obama a hoax during the 2016 campaign:

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

DAY 49: Donald Trump and Sean Spicer play dumb about WikiLeaks's data dump on the CIA

Two days after WikiLeaks published a data dump showing how the CIA spies on smarphones and even on internet-connected televisions, Donald Trump and Sean Spicer play dumb about it.

First, when a reporter asked Trump about the WikiLeaks data dump, Trump played didn't answer ans just played dumb:

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

DAY 48: Donald Trump lies about being respectful to women

Because of International Women's day, Donald Trump tweeted this today:

Which is a lie, as several twitter users pointed out using as evidence Trump's own words and tweets, starting with this one:

And then with these:

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The press ask Sean Spicer why Trump wants an investigation on information he already has

During a press briefing, a member of the press asked Press Secretary Sean Spicer why does Trump want Congress to investigate information Trump claims he already has in Barack Obama supposedly wiretapping him, which of course is a lie. Spicer responded with another lie: that Trump doesn't want to break the separation of powers:

The truth is, Trump repeated false information (fake news, actually) against Barack Obama and now him and his people at the White House don't know how to get out of that lie.

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Official photos from National Park Service show Trump's inauguration was smaller than Obama's

The National Park Service released aerial photos of Donald Trump's inauguration and they clearly show that Trump's inaugural was far smaller than Barack Obama's in 2009.

The photos were released after a Freedom of Information Act request was filed.

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And now, Trump lies about insurance across state lines and drug prices

Twice this morning Donald Trump lied about health care. First, in obvious reference to the fact that the Republicans finally made public their plan to repeal Obamacare, Trump said the following about selling insurance across state lines:

But that's a lie. The federal government can't erase state lines. It would be a violation of the US Constitution, giving the states the right to regulate the insurance market within their borders.

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DAY 47: Trump starts his day lying about Gitmo

This is the first thing Trump tweeted today, accusing Barack Obama of releasing 122 Guantanamo Bay detainees:

The accusation is a lie. The vast majority of the released prisoners were released by the Bush administration.

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Monday, March 6, 2017

Trump lies about creating Exxon jobs; They were created as part of a 2013 plan

Donald Trump tweeted four times, including a video, praising himself for a job program by Exxon that Trump had nothing to do with.

In reality, the jobs from Exxon are part of a plan approved by Exxon in 2013, during the Obama administration.

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Trump's spokespeople lied in order to defend Trump's lie about Obama wiretapping him

Even though the White House said said the previous day they would not comment about Donald Trump's lie about Barack Obama wiretapping him, today Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway appeared on 3 TV (ABC, NBC and Fox News) networks to defend Trump's lie... by lying about it.

Let's start with Conway, who said the following on Fox News:

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DAY 46: Donald Trump signs Muslim Ban 2.0 and it still is illegal

Probably as a desperate attempt to weasel himself out of having to admit he lied when he said Barack Obama wiretapped him, Donald Trump signed today in private his new Muslim ban, which he had originally schedulled for later in the week.

The new Muslim ban is still illegal, as it targets only Muslim countries on the basis of religion. However, in a clear defeat to his original racist intentions, Trump made changes.

First of all, Iraq is off the ban. Supposedly because of more cooperation with the Iraqi government. Second, the ban will be implemented within the next 10 days, contradicting Trump's original justification for his Muslim ban that had he waited, the "bad dudes" would've entered the country during the waiting time.

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

DAY 45: Trump asks Congress to investigate Obama based on Trump's lie about Obama; He gets immediatly debunked

After Trump accused Barack Obama without evidence (which means Trump LIED) that he ordered a wiretap on Trump, and after Trump got universaly debunked, now Trump tried to weasel himself out of it by asking Congress to investigate Trump's false claims of wiretapping and by saying the White House will not comment on Trump's accusation until Congress starts an investigation.

In other words, Trump is saying he won't talk about his LIE against Obama until Congress investigates... Trump's own lie.

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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Former Trump Adviser admits campaign colluded with WikiLeaks against Hillary Clinton

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone admitted on Twitter the Trump campaign did have direct contact with WikiLeak's Julian Assange. Then he deleted the tweet:

He also deleted some other tweets insulting the woman who pointed out the Julian Assange link:

According to The New York Times, Stone is one of the Trump advisers who is being investigated for the Trump campaign's link to Russia.

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DAY 44: Donald Trump lies by accusing Obama of spying on him

Out of nowhere, this morning Donald Trump posted several tweets claiming president Barack Obama ordered a Watergate-style wiretap on him, which is false. These are two of the tweets:

The claim is such a lie that Trump was immediately debunked on Twitter:

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Friday, March 3, 2017

DAY 43: Trump lies about Democrats not confirming his cabinet

This tweei shows by far just how ignorant Trump is. He doesn't even know his cabinet has already been confirmed:

But guess what? Republican Senator Marco Rubio tweeted this THE DAY BEFORE:

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

White House won't punish Kellyanne Conway for breaking the law by endorsing Ivanka Trump products

The White House not only has not given any indication that they will punish Kellyanne Conway for breaking the law by endorsing Ivanka Trump products on television, but they virtually justified her.

According to CNBC, the White House claims that Conway acted "inadvertently" and without bad intentions.

But that's not all.

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Trump says Jeff Sessions told the truth even though he didn't

Asked by the press about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the fact that he lied to the Senate about his contacts with Russian officials, Donald Trump denied Sessions lied. According to The New York Times, when asked by reporters if he thought Sessions told the truth to the Senate during his confirmation hearings, Trump said: “I think he probably did.”

In reality, Sessions lied. Here's the video:

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DAY 42: Trump lies about the economy being better because of him

Once again Donald Trump lied on Twitter, preteding to convince people that the economy got better simply because of the 2016 election. He said:

But that's 100% false. The stock market has nothing to do with job creation (it only benefits people who trade stocks), and consumer confidence is the resul of years of economic policy by Barack Obama.

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Jeff Sessions talked to Russian officials twice and didn't disclose it to Senate

Attorney General had contacts twice with Russian officials last year but he did not disclose it to the Senate during his confirmation hearings even though he was asked about contacts between Russia and the Trump campaign.

According to The Washington Post, Sessions spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak in September of 2016 in Sessions's own office.

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Trump just left veterans without daycare for their children

Donald Trump claimed he wanted to benefit American veterans, but his executive order freezing hiring in the federal governmend ended up hurting veterans because now the VA can't hire the workers needed to provide daycare services for children of veterans:

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Trump mislead about Harley Davidson and international trade deals

During his speech to Congress on February 28, 2017, Donald Trump used Harley Davidson as an example of international trade being unfair to the United States, since Harleys sometimes get a 100% tax.

What Trump didn't say is the fact that, according to CNBC, not only is Harley Davidson selling more in other countries than in the United States, but the company supported the TPP, which would've helped the company sell more overseas.

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Trump lied about Yemen... twice

The morning before he delivered a speech to Congress claiming the failed raid in Yemen that cost the lives of a Navy Seal and several civilians, Donald Trump tried to blame it on the generals who wanted the raid. This is what Trump said to Fox News:

"Well, this was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something that was, you know, just, they wanted to do. And they came to see me, they explained what they wanted to do, the generals…. And they lost Ryan."

The claim makes it sound like Trump knows the radi was a disaster and now he's dodging responsibility for approving it.

But there's more:

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DAY 41: The New York Times fact-checks Trump's speech to Congress and its full of lies

The New York Times published a fact-checking of Donald Trump's February 28 speech to Congress. And they found a whole bunch of lies. Here are some highlights:

THE LIE: Trump claimed the United States lost more than 25% of manufacturing jobs since the approval of NAFTA.
THE TRUTH: The biggest reason for the loss of those jobs was not trade agreements, but technology that replaced workers.

THE LIE: Trump claimed 2015 experienced the largest murder increase in half a century.
THE TRUTH: While there was a 10% increase in murders in 2015, compared to 1991 that was actually a net decrease, since there were 15,696 murders in 2015 mostly in a handful of cities, while in 1991 there were 24,703 murders.

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