Thursday, March 30, 2017

Trump supporters admit they can't prove Trump's illegal voter claims

While this isn't exactly something Trump or his minions said or did, it is interesting to see how Trump supporter's can't prove Trump's claim of illegal voters voting in the 2016 election.

This was tweeted by CNN today: An interview with a group of Trump voters who claimed there were illegal votes for Hillary Clinton and that cost Donald Trump the popular vote. But when the reporter asked them to specify their claims, two of the Trump voteres changed their versions. One who said he saw buses full with illegal voters changed his claim to "cars full of peoplr with license plates from other states." And another one change the claim that he saw buses full of illegal voters to seeing it on TV:

So these are the people who support Donald Trump. And they can't seem to back the illegal votes claim.

That's called lying.

And by the way: Even if it were true that some cars full of people drove people to vote, that doesn't mean the voters were from out of state. Number one, because you can't tell somebody's residence by somebody else's license plate. And second, because of voter ID laws in New Hampsire.

Oh, you didn't know there's a voter ID law in New Hampshire since 2015? It's right in the New Hampshire government website. It says:

New Hampshire Voter ID Law

659:13 Obtaining a Ballot. – I. (a) A person desiring to vote shall, before being admitted to the enclosed space within the guardrail, announce his or her name and address to one of the ballot clerks who shall, if the name is found on the checklist by the ballot clerk, repeat the name and address. If the address announced by voter is different from what appears on the checklist, but is in the same town or ward, the ballot clerk shall record the change of address in red on the paper checklist and the supervisors of the checklist shall cause the centralized voter registration database to reflect the change.

(b) The voter, if the ballot clerk determines that he or she is qualified to vote in the town or ward, and unless challenged as provided for in RSA 659:27 through 659:33, shall then be asked to present proof of his or her identity meeting the requirements of paragraph II. If the voter presents such proof of identity to the ballot clerk, the ballot clerk shall give the voter one of each ballot to be voted on in that election which shall be folded as it was upon receipt from the secretary of state.

So in order to vote in New Hampshire you have to:

1. Be listed in the voter rolls, which the clerks verify on the spot.
2. Actually have an address in New Hampshire, which will also be listed in the voter rolls.
3. Have a photo ID to identify yourself.

And that's before they even give you a ballot.

The law is also very specific about the type of ID you must show. The law says:

The following forms of identification bearing a photograph of the voter shall satisfy the identification requirements of paragraph I:

(1) A driver's license issued by any state or the federal government.

(2) An identification card issued under RSA 260:21, RSA 260:21-a, or RSA 260:21-b or a nondriver's identification card issued by the motor vehicles division, department, agency, or office of any other state.

(3) A United States armed services identification card.

(4) A United States passport or passcard.

(5) A valid student identification card if: (A) The card is issued by: (i) A college, university, or career school in New Hampshire and approved to operate or licensed to operate in New Hampshire. (ii) A public high school in New Hampshire. (iii) A nonpublic high school in New Hampshire accredited by a private school accrediting agency that is
recognized by the department of education.

Which means that in order to actually commit voter fraud, massive amounts of people from other states would have to be signed up for two voter rolls. Which would be a very dumb thing to do because you can get caught very easily.

By the way: So far, not a single person has filed a paperwork providing any proof of voter fraud in New Hampshire. Not a one. If they are so sure there was massive voter fraud, why haven't they denounced it to the athorities and provided backing proof?

Simple: because there isn't any.

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