Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Trump discloses tax returns from 2005; Journalist accuses him of lying about his net worth

Because of the fact that MSNBC got a copy of Donald Trump's from 2005, Donald Trump released information about his tax returns from that year as a preemptive measure, despite his constant claim that he can't release his tax returns because he is under audit.

According to his 2005 returns, Trump claimed he made $150 million dollars and paid $38 million in federal taxes, which is an effective 25% rate. Trump claimed “large scale depreciation for construction” as a write-off, allowing him to pay far less than rate he was supposed to pay. That's a $100 million write off according to The New York Times.

But the real issue, according to Newsweek journalist Kurt Eichenwald, is not the realease of Trump's taxes, in itself a lie, as Trump has insisted he can't release the taxes because he's under audit, but Trump's income.

Eichenwald refers to the fact that Trump has been claiming to be a billionnaire for years, but his income does not support that claim, as a person needs at least $1,000 million dollars in order to be a billionnaire. Eichenwald adds:

And by the way. Trump's taxes from before 2008 are NOT under audit:

There's one thing MSNBC didn't show because of the fact that they only got two pages from Trump's 2005 tax returns, though: the origin of the money. That still is unknown.

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