Wednesday, March 1, 2017

DAY 41: The New York Times fact-checks Trump's speech to Congress and its full of lies

The New York Times published a fact-checking of Donald Trump's February 28 speech to Congress. And they found a whole bunch of lies. Here are some highlights:

THE LIE: Trump claimed the United States lost more than 25% of manufacturing jobs since the approval of NAFTA.
THE TRUTH: The biggest reason for the loss of those jobs was not trade agreements, but technology that replaced workers.

THE LIE: Trump claimed 2015 experienced the largest murder increase in half a century.
THE TRUTH: While there was a 10% increase in murders in 2015, compared to 1991 that was actually a net decrease, since there were 15,696 murders in 2015 mostly in a handful of cities, while in 1991 there were 24,703 murders.

THE LIE: Victims of crimes by immigrantes were ignored by the media.
THE TRUTH: There was extensive coverage of the crimes affecting the people Trump mentioned in his speech in local media, including newspapers and television.

THE LIE: Immigrants cost the country billions.
THE TRUTH: While new immigrants have a net cost of $57.4 billion between 2001 and 2013, children and grandchildren of immigrants more than make up for that cost by adding up to $223.8 billion to the US economy.

THE LIE: 43 million Americans are in poverty
THE TRUTH: The figure is accurate, but the poverty rate has been decreasing compared to figures from 2009 and 2010.

THE LIE: The Dakota and Keystone pipelines will create tens of thousands of jobs.
THE TRUTH: While the pipelines will create 42,000 temporary jobs over 2 years, the pipelines will only create 35 permanent jobs.

THE LIE: 94 million Americans are out of the labor force.
THE TRUTH: Trump is counting people who are not looking for work, including high school and college students, as well as people with disabilities. In reality, the people who are looking for a job but can't find one are about 7.6 million.

THE LIE: America has left its borders open to anyone.
THE TRUTH: That's not possible, as there are 21,000 border patrol agents and close to 21,000 Border Protection officers.

THE LIE: Trump is removing criminal immigrants.
THE TRUTH: It was Barack Obama the one who ordered a focus on deporting criminal immigrants, not Trump.

THE LIE: Trump ended a regulation that threatened the future livelyhood of coal miners.
THE TRUTH: Trump rolled back a regulation that prevented coal mining companies from polluting water streams, but that regulation did not threaten coal mining jobs nor will eliminating it create new ones.

And there's more, but I think this is enough to show how Trump lied several times during his speech.

Oh, and by the way: Trump claimed the death of a Navy Seal during the raid he ordered in Yemen resulted in lots of information that will save American lives. Well, guess what? Government officials said they were unaware of such intelligence:

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