Sunday, March 5, 2017

DAY 45: Trump asks Congress to investigate Obama based on Trump's lie about Obama; He gets immediatly debunked

After Trump accused Barack Obama without evidence (which means Trump LIED) that he ordered a wiretap on Trump, and after Trump got universaly debunked, now Trump tried to weasel himself out of it by asking Congress to investigate Trump's false claims of wiretapping and by saying the White House will not comment on Trump's accusation until Congress starts an investigation.

In other words, Trump is saying he won't talk about his LIE against Obama until Congress investigates... Trump's own lie.

Well, guess what? Trump got immediately debunked again.

First of all, Trump's deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to comment on Trump's allegations. In other words, she can't provide evidence of what Trump is saying.

Second, Barack Obama's former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, publicly denied the accusation of wiretapping against Trump. In an interview for NBC's Meet the Press, Clapper said:

When Todd asked him whether he could confirm or deny if a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act) order for this existed, Clapper declared, "I can deny it."

Asked again whether there was a FISA Court order to monitor Trump Tower, Clapper said, "Not to my knowledge."

That means there was never a court order authorizing a wiretap against Trump, and no wiretapping against Trump.

But there's more. Clapper also said:

“There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign.”

And finally, even Republicans are essentially calling Trump a liar. According to The Hill:

At least two Republicans, Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.), called on Trump to provide more information about his allegation.


"The president should ask that this full application regarding surveillance of foreign operatives or operations be made available, ideally to the full public, and at a bare minimum to the U.S. Senate," Sasse said.

But instead of providing evidence --which he can do by declasifying intelligence documents-- Trump said he would not talk about it anymore unless Congress investigates.

Which means "I don't know how to get out of this mess I just got myself into for lying against Barack Obama, so instead of providing evidence to back my lies, I'm going to put the burden of proof on Congress."

By the way; Let's not forget Trump's lie is based on another lie published by fake news, extreme-right website Breitbart, which has not provided any evidence backing up its claim against Obama either.

UPDTE: According to The New York Times, FBI Director James Comey asked the Justice Department to reject Trump's accusations of wiretapping and that the accusations are false. Yes; the same guy who helped Trump by announcing he was investigating Hillary Clinton's emails some more is saying Trump is lying.

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