Monday, March 6, 2017

Trump's spokespeople lied in order to defend Trump's lie about Obama wiretapping him

Even though the White House said said the previous day they would not comment about Donald Trump's lie about Barack Obama wiretapping him, today Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway appeared on 3 TV (ABC, NBC and Fox News) networks to defend Trump's lie... by lying about it.

Let's start with Conway, who said the following on Fox News:

"He's the President of the United States. He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not."

In other words, Conway is implying that Trump got the idea of Barack Obama wiretapping him from "intelligence that the rest of us do not" have access to.

But that is a lie. Not only the intelligence community not ONCE said such a thing, but if Trump indeed had proof of such wiretapping he would've ordered the Justice Department to investigate. He didn't. There is no such "intelligence". In fact, CNBC's social media person Steve Kopack denied such intelligence existed:

Now let's see what Sarah Sanders said. Basically she defended Trump but then admitted she had not talked to Trump about his accusations. So how does she know Trump isn't lying?

Sanders is repeating Conway's lie: that Trump "may have access to documents". But she admits she has not talked to Trump about it. And yet she insists that Trump's lies should be the basis of an investigation against Barack Obama.

The truth is Trump did NOT get the of the fake wiretap from intelligence reports. He got it from extreme right fake news website Breitbart. This is what Jake Tapper said about it:

And he added:

What's even worse about this is the fact that even though Trump's own FBI director, James Comey, who actually helped Trump during the elections, rejected the wiretap accusation as a lie. But Trump claims he doesn't believe Comey according to Sarah Sanders. As The New York Times published:

A White House spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was asked early Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America” whether Mr. Trump accepted Mr. Comey’s contention. “I don’t think he does's” she said.

And then Sanders lied:

“I think he firmly believes that this is a story line that has been reported pretty widely by quite a few outlets,”

That's false. The wiretap claim was NOT reported "pretty widely by quite a few outlets". It was a conspiracy theory by some right-wing extremist and then it was repeated by extreme-right fake news website Breitbart.

This accusation is so clearly false that many see Trump as trying to weasel himself out of it by signing a new Muslim ban the same day when his people were caught lying in order to defend Trump's lie.

Oh, because, guess what? According to CNN, most American want a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's ties with Russia, a topic Trump's lie against Obama only made worse. 65% want a special prosecutor.

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