Friday, March 17, 2017

DAY 57: White House apologizes to UK for Trump's wiretapping bullshit, then Trump blames Fox News

Remember Sean Spicer reading a Fox News claim that the United Kingdom spied on Trump as a justification for Trump's bullshit accusation against Barack Obama of wiretapping him? Well, the next --that's today-- the White House had to apologize to the UK for saying that. According to British newspaper The Telegraph:

Mrs May's (UK's Prime Minister) official spokesman said the White House has assured the Government that allegations that British intelligence services spied on Donald Trump will not be repeated.

The Government "made clear" to the US that the "ridiculous" claims should be ignored and received assurances in return that they will not be repeated, showing that the administration does not give them any credence, Mrs May's spokesman said.

Oh, but that wasn't the end of it.

Then, at a press conference with Angela Merkel, Trump said he had nothing to apologize for and blamed Fox News for his own bullshit. According to The New York Times:

Trump made clear that he felt the White House had nothing to retract or apologize for. He said his spokesman was simply repeating an assertion made by a Fox News commentator.

“We said nothing,” Mr. Trump told a German reporter who asked about the matter at a joint White House news conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel. “All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it.” He added: “You shouldn’t be talking to me. You should be talking to Fox.”

That's right. Trump refused to accept responsibility for his own accusations and then blamed it on Fox News.

But guess what? After the press conference, and after Sean Spicer also repeated Trump's bullshit excuse that they were just quoting Fox News, Fox News said they had no evidence of their own claim that the UK spied on Trump:

Shortly afterward, Fox backed off the claim made by its commentator, Anthony Napolitano. “Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano’s commentary,” the anchor Shepard Smith said on air. “Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now president of the United States as surveilled at any time, any way. Full stop.”

And now, even Republicans are saying Trump should apologize to Barack Obama for lying when he accused him of wiretapping:

The controversy over Mr. Trump’s two-week-old unsubstantiated accusation that Mr. Obama had wiretapped his telephones last year continued to unnerve even fellow Republicans. Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma said on Friday that Mr. Trump had not proven his case and should apologize to Mr. Obama.

“Frankly, unless you can produce some pretty compelling truth, I think President Obama is owed an apology,” Mr. Cole told reporters. “If he didn’t do it, we shouldn’t be reckless in accusations that he did.”

But instead of apologizing, Trump blamed his own bullshit on Fox News. And then Fox News admitted Napolitano pulled it out of his ass.

Perhaps this should give pause to a lot of people and see it as a reason not to trust Fox News anymore. After all, every time Trump repeats one of their bullshit claims, he's not going to take responsibility for it; he's only going to blame Fox News, this indirectly suggesting Fox News is not trusthworthy.

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