Friday, March 10, 2017

DAY 50: Trump's hypocrisy about job numbers gets exposed

We've already talked about the fact that Donald Trump has nothing to do with the jobs being created since January 20, as the American economy is till running under Barack Obama's policies. The real impact Trump will have in the economy will be seen until next year, when his first federal budget kicks in.

Still, regardless of this truth, Trump is claiming he's the reason why around 235,000 jobs were created in February, his first full month in office.

Well, there's one problem: the employment numbers come from the same source as Obama's numbers: The Department of Labor. But guess what? During the presidential campaign Trump called the numbers from the Department of Labor were fake.

And somebody on Twitter exposed Trump with a video showing him calling the job growth numbers for Barack Obama a hoax during the 2016 campaign:

So let me get this straight: Trump said "as high as 35% unemployment" in 2016. But now Trump gets LOWER job numbers than Obama's last job numbers and he wants the media to celebrate.

Oh, and the hypocrisy doesn't stop there. When confronted by the press about Trump calling the job rate numbers "phony", Sean Spicer delivered a fresh load of bullshit, claiming the job numbers in the past were fake but Trump's were not:

Te truth is, Barack Obama's last job report was 238,000 plus jobs created. But the right wing media and Trump want people to believe his 235,000 jobs are "great." They're not. They are FEWER jobs than with Obama:

PS: By the way, Sean Spicer said the job numbers were "great" 22 minutes after being released. But a federal rule prohibits comment on the numbers for 1 hour after the relase. So Spicer broke the rule. Is he going to be punished? Of course not. Like Kellyanne Conway, he will get away with breaking the law because, as it has been abundantly proven, Trump doesn't care for the rule of law.

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