Friday, March 10, 2017

White House admits Trump pulled wiretapping accusation against Obama out of his ass -I mean- Breitbart

We already knew this, but now White House sources are confirming it: Donald Trump pulled the wiretapping accusation against Barack Obama out of his ass. Er... I mean, out of fake news extre-right website Breitbart. According to The Associated Press:

Radio host Mark Levin voiced without evidence the idea that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower. That accusation was picked up the next day by Breitbart News, the site formerly run by Trump's current chief strategist Steve Bannon.

An aide placed that piece in Trump's daily reading pile, said a White House official, who like other aides would not be named discussing the president's private routine. Fueled by that report on Saturday, Trump unleashed a series of jaw-dropping tweets that accused his predecessor of spying on him.

So it goes like this: Some right-wing nut says without a shred of evidence that Obama wiretapped Trump. Then, fake news right-wing sire Breitbart repeats the false accusation also without a shred of evidence. Then, some idiot at the White House prints out the Breitbart fake news and gives it to Trump. End result? Trump accuses Obama on Twitter without evidence, that he wiretapped Trump.

That might explain why even though the press has repeatedly asked Trum DIRECTLY about his sources for the wiretap accusation, Trump has remained silent:

Of course he remained silent. Otherwise he would've had to admit he pulled the accusation out of his ass, as we all know he did.

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