Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump mislead about Harley Davidson and international trade deals

During his speech to Congress on February 28, 2017, Donald Trump used Harley Davidson as an example of international trade being unfair to the United States, since Harleys sometimes get a 100% tax.

What Trump didn't say is the fact that, according to CNBC, not only is Harley Davidson selling more in other countries than in the United States, but the company supported the TPP, which would've helped the company sell more overseas.

I quote from the CNBC article:

That's one reason Harley chief executive Matt Levatich publicly supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping 12-nation free trade agreement that was to be former President Barack Obama's signature initiative in Asia. Vietnam, to cite one country that was to be part of the trading bloc, imposes some of the highest tariffs in the continent on U.S. automotives: Motorcycles alone get hit with a 74 percent tax. TPP would have eliminated it.

But guess what? Trump attacked the TPP even though it would've helped Harley Davidson.

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