Monday, March 13, 2017

Kellyanne Conway refuses to provide evidence of Trump's lies about wiretapping; Spicer finally admits it's bullshit

Kellyanne Conway went to morning shows today and was asked to provide evidence of Donald Trump's claim that he was wiretapped by Barack Obama. He provided none and, in fact, she said she's "not in the business of having evidence."

First she went on CNN and lied to Chris Cuomo's face:

Here's the transcript, by the way, so you can see how Conway lied:

And on the Today show Conway tried to change the subject. The people at the Today show didn't let her get away with it:

Here's another clip. Notice how they reply to Conway with "that doesn't answer the question":

Conway made such an ass of herself that even Donald Trump didn't like it. Perhaps that's why he tweeted the following:

He's lying, of course. NONE of the anchors were rude to Conway. In fact, they were frustratingly nice to her. But she kept on lying and on trying to change the subject and the anchors didn't let her. Period.

The whole wiretapp thing is damaging Trump so much that apparently even Sean Spicer had to finally admit it's bullshit. According to The New York Times he said:

Two senior White House officials suggested on Monday that President Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that President Barack Obama had tapped his telephone was not meant to be taken literally, arguing that Mr. Trump had been referring more broadly to a variety of surveillance efforts during the 2016 campaign when he made the incendiary accusation.

“He doesn’t really think that President Obama went up and tapped his phone personally,” said Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary.

In fact, Mr. Spicer said, when Mr. Trump charged in a Twitter post last weekend that Mr. Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower,” he was referring generally to surveillance activities during the 2016 race — not to an actual telephone wiretap.

“The president was very clear in his tweet that it was, you know, ‘wiretapping,’” Mr. Spicer said, using his fingers to make a gesture suggesting quotation marks. “That spans a whole host of surveillance types of options.”
Continue reading the main story

Mr. Spicer said there have been “numerous reports from a variety of outlets over the last couple months that seemed to indicate that there has been different types of surveillance that occurred during the 2016 election.”

Notice two things:

1. Spicer is admitting Trump lied about wiretapping.

2. But he's also trying to keep the lie alive by pivoting it to the recent WikiLeaks data dump on the NSA spying techniques.

Pretty convenient that WikiLeaks did that dump just when Trump needed it, don't you think? Because now all of his spin doctors are using it to try to justify his lies.

Too convenient, in fact. One has to wonder how many people will think that is evidence that WikiLeaks is working for Trump now.

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