Saturday, March 4, 2017

DAY 44: Donald Trump lies by accusing Obama of spying on him

Out of nowhere, this morning Donald Trump posted several tweets claiming president Barack Obama ordered a Watergate-style wiretap on him, which is false. These are two of the tweets:

The claim is such a lie that Trump was immediately debunked on Twitter:

Here's, for example, a response by an former Obama foreign policy advisor:

Representative Ted Liu was a lot more direct:

Why would Trump be in deep shit? Because the president does not have the authority to order a wiretap. Only the FBI and the NSA. And they can only do it with a court order showing probable cause for a crime.

Which means either Trump is outright lying, or he is indeed the focus of a criminal investigation.

And where did Trump get the idea that Obama ordered a wiretap on him? Apparently, from fake news website Breitbart and from a fake news conservative radio show:

So as you can see, Trump is repeating lies. And he expect the American public to believe them.

UPDATE: The New York Times published a pretty good piece on Trump's lies about being wiredtapped. Again; if he was, then there was sufficient evidence for a judge to issue a warrant to wiretap him. In that case, Trump just admitted he was involved in criminal activies.

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