Friday, March 10, 2017

Trump had to fire massage therapist from Department of Energy for racist comments

According to Buzzfeed, the Trump administration gave a top position in the Energy Department to a massage therapist called Sid Bowdidge, who had no experience in energy policy. Why was he hired as an aid for Rick Perry? Apparently because he was a paid operative for Trump's campaign.

According to New York Daily News the Trump administration had to fire Bowdidge after it was revealed that "he had a habit of making racially charged social media posts about Muslims and former President Barack Obama."

After the San Bernardino shootings, for example, Bowdidge called Muslims "Scum suckling maggots of the world" and proposed to "exterminate them all."

Another tweet from Bowdidge said: "@OwenWHU @realDonaldTrump wouldn't say that if it was your wife, sister or family member that was murdered by some Muslim piece of shit."

That tweet is dated December 15, 2015, at 12:16 PM. Which means Trump may have known about Bowdidge's racist comments.

By the way; Bowdidge made his Twitter account @sidbow56 private, which means nobody can see what he tweeted.

So there you have it: Trump hired a massage therapist for a top position at the Department of Energy even though he knew nothing about energy policy, and he hired him even though he had tweeted racist messages.

That's the Trump administration for ya.

PS: Apparently for the Trump administration the problem wasn't that this person tweeted racist messages. Apparently for the Trump administration the problem was that his racist messages were made public. So I guess for the Trump administration being a racist is fine as long as you don't get caught in public.

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