Monday, March 27, 2017

DAY 67: Dollar, stocks and market confidence drop because Trump losing with Trumpcare

This morning different stocks and the price of the US Dollar went down as a result of Donald Trump's failure with Trumpcare.

According to CNBC, An economist from the Mizuho Bank in Singaport said that the US Dollar fell in price is "just follow through on disappointment on the health-care bill and to doubts on whether Trump can push through his other policies."

Experts also warned the market rallies since Trump took office is about to end because it is not clear Trump is not going to deliver on his campaign promises:

"The Trump rally is in danger because as a result of what we saw with the health-care bill, a lot of the optimism around Trump – which I think was unfounded – I think there's a risk of it unfolding," Jeremy O'Friel, managing director at Belmont Investments, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Monday. "He was talking about 4 percent growth rates. I don't know where he's going to get 4 percent growth rates from. We haven't done that for 15 years."

Which begs the question: SERIOUSLY somebody actually thought Trump was going to deliver on his promises?

You've got to be kidding.

As per the global markets, also according to CNBC, the markets fell today because is this:

"The market's patience is wearing thin," Vasileios Gkionakis, head of global FX strategy at Unicredit, told CNBC on Monday.

"It definitely doubts the U.S. administration's ability to push forward (with) this so much talked and discussed agenda including the fiscal stimulus, tax deregulation, tax cuts," Gkionakis added.

In other words, since Trump was not able to pass his health care bill, now the markets doubt he will be able to benefit the rich people who make billions of dollars in the markets.

And that's now all. According to NBC News:

The withdrawal of the Republican health care bill was blamed for sharp drops Monday morning in a number of leading U.S. economic indicators, including the dollar's drop to nearly a two-month low.


Coming so early in Trump's term, the blow has heightened worries about the chances to enact measures to boost the economy, such as tax reforms — a major priority of the president's — and big spending packages.

So I guess the rich are realizing Trump won't be able to gieve them what he promised THEM. And now they're pulling their money from the market because the easy money they were expecting is not going to happen.

Sounds like typical Trump to me.

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