Friday, March 24, 2017

DAY 64: TRUMP LOSES: Trumpcare fails in Congress due to Republican opposition but Trump blames... the Democrats!

Donald Trump and Republican House majority leader Paul Ryan had to pull from the House floor the American Health Care Act, also known as Trumpcare, because they could not get enough Republicans to vote for it, delivering Donald Trump a major political loss after he campaigned against Obamacare, promised "something terriffic" to replace Obamacare, and then threatened Republicans with going against them in 2018 if they didn't vote for the bill. They still didn't (as the bill is simply terrible and it would affect Republican voters the most), and Trump lost.

The story starts the previous day. On Thursday, March 23, Republicans were supposed to vote on the bill, but because Trump and Ryan could not get enough Republican votes to pass the bill --despite the fact that Trump threatened the Republicans-- Ryan postponed the vote. But Trump insisted on forcing a vote today, March 24. According to

White House officials told rank-and-file Republicans late Thursday that the president was through negotiating with holdouts. White House officials said that if the measure failed, Trump would move to the rest of his agenda — leaving lawmakers to blame for blocking the party's long-time goal of overturning Obama's overhaul.

But the next morning, Paul Ryan had to go in person to the White House to tell Trump they still didn't have enough votes to pass the Trumpcare in the House of Representatives. Thus, Trump had two options: A) Force a vote on the House, which would guarantee a major political defeat and embarassment, since it would show even Republicans don't support Trump. Or B) Pull the bill from the House floor and accept a defeat that would not be as politically damaging as a failed vote.

Incredibly, according to The New York Times, Trump insisted on forcing a vote on Trumpcare:

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, facing a revolt among conservative and moderate Republicans, told President Trump on Friday that he did not have the votes to pass legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and to decide whether to pull the bill from consideration. But the president insisted that lawmakers cast their public votes Friday afternoon.

Republicans got nervous. Even Newt Gingrich, who supported Trump in 2016, said Trumpcare was a bad idea to force the vote:

Gingrich was referring to a Quinnipiac poll released on March 23 that showed only 17% of voters supported Trumpcare, while 53% opposed it.

Other Republicans who opposed Trumpcare decided not to let Trump blame them for the failure of the bill. For example:

In the end, Trump had to agree to pull the bill. And According to the The New York Times, Paul Ryan said the Republicans had no intention of trying again to get a vote on it. Therefore, he said, Obamacare would be "the law of the land" for the "forseeble future."

Well, guess what happened next? The stock market, which was crashing because of the prospect of Trumpcare being approved, rebonuded sharply:

And even though the bill had to be pulled because Trump, a self-proclaimed expert negotiator who wrote a book called "the art of the deal", could not convince people in his own party to vote for the bill, he ended up blaming the failure of Trumpcare on the Democrats, who hardly did anything at all to stop the bill. According to The New York Times:

Mr. Trump, in a telephone interview moments after the bill was pulled, blamed Democrats and predicted that they would seek a deal within a year, he asserted, after “Obamacare explodes” because of high premiums.

He also said it to the press from the Oval Office. The Washington Post released the full video interview.

What's pathetic about the video is the fact that Trump said Trumpcare failed because the Democrats didn't want to vote for it even though, number one, the Republicans have a majority in Congress that could defeat Democratic opposition easily, and number two, the Republicans introduced this as a budget reconciliation bill, which virtually shielded them from a Democratic filibuster. So there was no real reason for the Republicans losing the vote on this... except for the fact that even Republicans knew Trumpcare would be a DISASTER and a political suicide.

Even more pathetic is the fact that Trump claimed he was just a "team player" when it was HIS healthcare bill. Aside from not having the balls to admit he failed, he also claimed the biggest losers were... wait for it... Democratic congressional leaders Nanci Pelosi and Chuck Schumer! Here's the video:

To which Nancy Pelosi responded with giggles and saying "we'll take credit for that":

So there you have it. Trump lost BIGLY. He lost with the Muslim ban --twice-- and now he lost with his number one issue; the repeal of Obamacare. So much for the master negotiator who peddled the "art of the deal".

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