Wednesday, March 22, 2017

DAY 62: Trump now lies because of Devin Nunes's misleading information about wiretapping

Donald Trump claimed today he feels "somewhat vindicated" because House Intelligence Chief, Devin Nunes, said it can't be ruled out that the Obama administration was involved in surveillance against Trump. Which is a lie.

What Nunes did was to give misleading information after he clearly said there was no wiretapping of Trump. First he said it was "possible" that Trump was right in his wiretapping claim. And then, seconds later, he said the phone wiretapping Trump claimed "did not happen." Here's the video:

But the most misleading claim Nunes made public was this: that Trump's personal communications may he been collected by intelligence agencies "incidentally" without Russia being involved. He also informed him personally even though Trump is the subject of an investigation.

The problem is, and this is the part that is misleading, an incidental collection of information takes place when somebody under investigation speaks with somebody who is not under investigation. In this case, if intelligence agencies were tapping somebody under investigation for something other than Russia, and that person called Trump or people in his campaign, they were recorded. Not because the Obama administration was spying on them, but because they were collecting information about somebody else who happened to call Trump or his people.

That is why Trump can't be "vindicated" about anything. He was not wiretapped by Obama. And he was never the target of any spying efforts.

But people who were in contact with Trump were.

And that's where Trump is using misleading information to turn it into a lie.

By the way: Nunes should not have briefed Trump personally, as Trump is being investigated by the FBI. That means Nunes must be removed from the investigations on the link between Trump and Russia and an independent investigation must be set.

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