Sunday, March 26, 2017

DAY 66: Now Trump blames the Republicans for the failure of Trumpcare... but not himself

Donald Trump tweeted this this morning in reference to the failure of Trumpcare in Congres:

And that's not all. The day before Trump tweeted this:

Nobody knew why Trump was promoting Janine Pirro's show, one of the most reactionary right-wing commentators on Fox News (she was the one who didn't even blink when Rudy Giuliani said in her show that Trump actually asked him to find a way to have a Muslim ban legally). It turned out Pirro went on a rant asking for the resignation of Republican Representative from Wisconsin Paul Ryan as House Majority Leader. And apparently Trump knew about this at least 9 hours before Pirro's show.

Several news outlets, among them Vanity Fair, picked up on this. They wrote:

On Saturday night, former prosecutor Jeanine Pirro began her Fox News show Justice with Judge Jeanine with what could only be described as a verbal evisceration: the first words she spoke were “Paul Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House.” She blasted Ryan for failing to get the votes needed to pass the Republican health care reform bill while the party holds the House, the White House, and the Senate, and said that his best course of action was for him to resign.

And indeed that's what she even plugged on Twitter after her show aired:

Pirro's rant wasn't just against Ryan; it was also an apology for Trump, in a clear attempt at cleaning his image after his failure with Trumpcare. "This is not on President Trump", Pirro said.

No wonder Trump promoted her show.

Oh by the way; Pirro added towards the second part of her rant "now, I've certainly not spoken about the President about all this." Really? Even though Trump apparently knew what she was going to say hours before she did? Did he speak with Rupert Murdoch then?

So today Trump continued her blaming of Republicans with his tweet against the hard-line Republicans in the House, the so-called Freedom Caucus.

Which should be an interesting showdown, since the Freedom Caucus is nothing more than the Tea Party 2.0. The same people who brought us Sarah Palin and of couse Trump.

Well, I guess there goes Trump's lie that Trumpcare failed because of the Democrats. And it also shows Trump is not willing to admit HE failed and, instead, points fingers at everybody else for his own failure. HE was the one who promised a repeal of Obamacare "immediately" after taking office and replace it with "something terriffic", and both of this claims were lies.

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