Monday, March 13, 2017

DAY 53: Trump suggests Republicans should hurt Americans through health care for political gain

This is a new low for Donald Trump. He actually suggested that instead of passing Trumpcare, Republicans should simply let Obamacare "implode" and then blame the Democrats.

In other words, Trump is willing to hurt Americans through health care for political gain.

Watch the video in which Trump makes the suggestion and see how he presses Tom Price TWICE to consider it. But Price seems unwilling to say yes to that (and you can see in his face he is actually freaked out because of the suggestion):

But the way: If Obamacare were to "implode" it would not be de Democrat's fault. It would be directly the fault of Donald Trump, as he signed an executive order attacking Obamacare, particularly by telling the IRS not to enforce the individual mandate.

Right now the only real problem Obamacare is facing is increasing premiums for a small percent of Americans. The vast majority of Americans are not really affected by the premium increase because they get subsidies. Only people who make over $54,000 a year are affected. The solution to that is very simple: pass legislation to increase taxes on the rich in order to pay for subsidies for the upper middle class.

But instead of doing that, Trump wants to either let Obamacare "implode" and leave millions of people without insurance, or pass his Trumpcare, which will also leave 24 million Americans without health care over the next 10 years. 14 would be left without health care in the first year alone.

Like I said; a new low for Trump.

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