Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump lied about Yemen... twice

The morning before he delivered a speech to Congress claiming the failed raid in Yemen that cost the lives of a Navy Seal and several civilians, Donald Trump tried to blame it on the generals who wanted the raid. This is what Trump said to Fox News:

"Well, this was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something that was, you know, just, they wanted to do. And they came to see me, they explained what they wanted to do, the generals…. And they lost Ryan."

The claim makes it sound like Trump knows the radi was a disaster and now he's dodging responsibility for approving it.

But there's more:

During is speech to Congress, Trump claimed the raid yielded a lot of intelligence that would save American lives.

But according to NBC, government officials confirmed the raid yielded practually nothing of value in terms of intelligence.

So Trump lied twice. First by trying to blame the raid on the generales (since Trump himself approved it), and then by claiming the raid was a success that yielded lots of intelligence, which according to NBC is not the case.

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