Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Even Trump's lawyer is now the focus of the Russia investigation by Congress

According to ABC News, Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is also the focus of the congressional investigation into the meddling of Russia into the 2016 election. But Cohen refused to testify. From the ABC article:

Cohen confirmed to ABC News that House and Senate investigators have asked him “to provide information and testimony” about any contacts he had with people connected to the Russian government, but he said he has turned down the invitation.

“I declined the invitation to participate, as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not capable of being answered,” Cohen told ABC News in an email Tuesday.

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DAY 132: Trump wants to lift sanctions imposed by Obama to Russia because of 2016 meddling

According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump is actually considering lifting sanctions imposed by Barack Obama on Russia as punishment for Russia meddling in the 2016 elections.

In this case, Trump is considering returning property in Maryland to Russia that was ordered vacated by Obama because it was being used for spying.

From the WP article:

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Trump tweets "covfefe"

Donald Trump tweeted this late at night:


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James Clapper contradicts Trump; He never said there was no collusion with Russia

Donald Trump has claimed several times that former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. Well, today Clapper said that was not true:

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White House communications director resigns

Today it was announced the White House communications director, Michael Dubke, resigned from his post. According to AP:

White House communications director Michael Dubke has confirmed he is leaving the White House and says his last day on the job has not been determined.

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Russia discussed info that could damage Trump: CNN

According to CNN, Russian officials discussed information that was "derogatory" towards Donald Trump and his associates during the 2016 campaign. From the CNN article:

Russian government officials discussed having potentially "derogatory" information about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and some of his top aides in conversations intercepted by US intelligence during the 2016 election, according to two former intelligence officials and a congressional source.

One source described the information as financial in nature and said the discussion centered on whether the Russians had leverage over Trump's inner circle. The source said the intercepted communications suggested to US intelligence that Russians believed "they had the ability to influence the administration through the derogatory information."

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DAY 131: Trump cites anonymous sources a day after saying anonymous sources are fake

Donald Trump retweeted a tweet from Fox News trying to defend Jared Kushner:

Oh really? A "source", says the same ultra-conservative news channel who had to admit they did not have evidence that the UK spied Trump for Obama, and that had to retract a story about a dead Democratic worker.

Well, this is what Trump tweeted just two days before:

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump stole the coat of arms of UK's royal family

Turns out Donald Trump stole the coat of arms of one of the British royal families and used it for one of his golf clubs:

From The New York Times:

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DAY 130: Trump blames China for North Korea even though he should be doing something about it

Apparently Donald Trump just found a scapegoat for his own inept policy with North Korea: China.

You see, after North Korea launched yet another missile into the ocean Trump tweeted this post shifting the blame on China:

Oh really?

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

DAY 129: Trump tries to disguise his lies by calling them "opinion"

The first thing Donald Trump did after returning from his overseas trip was to lie on Twitter, only this time trying to diguise them by calling them "opinion." It started with this tweet:

Did you see what Trump did? He said "it is my opinion", an old trick used by Republicans to spread lies and try to cover their asses in case somebody demands evidence to back up what they say.

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Saturday, May 27, 2017

DAY 128: Trump lies about NATO nd "bringing hundreds of billions" back to the US

Two lies from Donald Trump on Twitter today. First:

False. First of all, there is no NATO pool of money. And second, the NATO countries agreed to increase their military spending to 2% of their GDP years ago. That had nothing to do with him if that's what he's implying.

Second lie:

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Russian oligarch asked Congress for immunity un exchange for cooperating with Trump investigation

A Russian oligarch named Oleg V. Deripaska offered to cooperate with the investigation into the relationship between the Trump campaign and Russia, specifically regarding Trump's first campaign manager, Paul Manafort. But Congress turned down the offer.

According to The New York Times:

Mr. Deripaska’s offer comes amid increased attention to his ties to Paul Manafort, who is one of several Trump associates under F.B.I. scrutiny for possible collusion with Russia during the presidential campaign. The two men did business together in the mid-2000s, when Mr. Manafort, a Republican operative, was also providing campaign advice to Kremlin-backed politicians in Ukraine. Their relationship subsequently soured and devolved into a lawsuit.

Mr. Deripaska, an aluminum magnate who is a member of the inner circle of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, recently offered to cooperate with congressional intelligence committees in exchange for a grant of full immunity, according to three congressional officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the issue publicly. But the Senate and House panels turned him down because of concerns that immunity agreements create complications for federal criminal investigators, the officials said.

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Insurers are hiking premiums in 2018 because of Trump

According to CNN, insurers like Blue Cross Blue Shield are asking for insurance premium increases of more than 22% in 2018 because Donald Trump has not agreed to pay cost sharing subsidies.

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Jared Kushner asked Russian ambassador for secure channel for communication with Russia: WP

According to the Washington Post, Jared Kushner asked Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak for a secure channel of communications directly with Russia straight from the Russian embassy so the communications would stay secret. Intelligence sources confirmed the version to the Washington Post.

From the WP article:

Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on Dec. 1 or 2 at Trump Tower, according to intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials. Kislyak said Kushner suggested using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States for the communications.

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John Boehner says Donald Trump's term in office has been a disaster

Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner said that aside from foreign policy, Donald Trump's term in office so far has been a disaster.

According to AP, John Boehner's people confirmed the Republican's statements published in the energy magazine Rigzone.

From the AP article:

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DAY 127: Montana special election: Republicans lose 18.88% of their vote because of Trump

While the Republicans won the at-large House seat in the Montana special election yesterday, the Republicans lost 18.88% of their vote a mere six months after Donald Trump won the presidential election. In other words, once again Trump is making the Republicans lose votes.

These are the official results of the election according to the Montana Secretary of State:

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Trump shows no manners at NATO and shoves the Prime Minister of Montenegro

This video went viral today. Donald Trump behaved like an asshole by pushing aside the prime minister of Montenegro, Duško Marković, just to be in front during a photo op.

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FBI is investigating Jared Kushner

According to The Washington Post, the FBI is investigating Jared Kushner because of his meetings with Russians during the 2016 Trump campaign. From the Washington Post article:

Investigators are focusing on a series of meetings held by Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and an influential White House adviser, as part of their probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and related matters, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Kushner, who held meetings in December with the Russian ambassador and a banker from Moscow, is being investigated because of the extent and nature of his interactions with the Russians, the people said.

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DAY 126: TRUMP LOSES: Appeals court refuses to reinstate Muslim ban

An federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, refused to reinstate Donald Trump's travel ban, as it discriminates on the basis of religion.

According to The New York Times, the case will likely go to the Supreme Court, where Republicans now have a 5 to 4 majority with the addition of Neil Gorsuch, who is seen as a replica of Antonin Scalia, the ultraconservative Justice who died last year.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials when applying for security clearance

According to CNN, Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings he had with Russian officials when he was applying for security clearance.

Sessions had met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at least twice in 2016, but he did not disclose the meetings to the Justice Department.

From the CNN article:

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Trump finds excuse not to deliver on its promise to donate all his hotel profits from foreig officials

Donald Trump's Group found an excuse not to deliver on Trump's promise of donating all profits from his hotels generated by foreing officials.

According to The New York Times, the excuse Trump's business gruop found was saying it's impossible to track down all foreign officials who walked through their hotels.

From the NYT article:

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DAY 125: Thusands protest against Donald Trump in Belgium

Thusands of protesters marched in Brussels against the visit of Donald Trump. According to NBC News:

Thousands of protesters took to the streets Wednesday to protest U.S. President Donald Trump's arrival in the city he previously likened to a "hellhole."

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

FCC won't act against Stephen Colbert

The FCC will not act against Stephen Colber after a May 1 joke Colbert made saying Donald Trump's mouth served as Vladimir Putin's cock-holster.

According Variety the FCC said:

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DAY 124: Trump praised Duterte for killing people on the street

A transcript of Donald Trump's call with Rodrigo Duterte, The Philippines authoritarian president, circulated today in the press, showing Trump actually praised Duterte for killing people on the street without a trial for suspicion of dealing drugs.

According to The New York Times, the transcrip includes the following statements by Trump to Duterte:

“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem. Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Trump asked intelligence agencies to push back against Comey's Russia investigation

The Washington Post revealed that after Donald Trump learned about the fact that James Comey was investigating collusion of his campaign with Russia, Trump told the intelligence agencies to push back against Comey's investigation.

President Trump asked two of the nation’s top intelligence officials in March to help him push back against an FBI investigation into possible coordination between his campaign and the Russian government, according to current and former officials.

Trump made separate appeals to the director of national intelligence, Daniel Coats, and to Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, urging them to publicly deny the existence of any evidence of collusion during the 2016 election.

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Turned the one who didn't have the stamina was Trump

Remember how many times Donald Trump claimed Hillary Clinton didn't have the stamina to deal with, among other countries, Saudi Arabia? Well, guess what? According to The Independent, Trump skipped a forum in Saudi Arabia claiming "exhaustion" and sent Ivanka Trump in his place.

Here's the video showing Trump accusing Clinton of having low stamina:

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DUMB: Wilbur Ross brags about no protests against Trump in Saudi Arabia... where protests are outlawed

Donald Trump's commerce secretary Wilbut Ross bragged about the fact that there wasn't a single protest in Saudi Arabia against Donald Trump, but then MSNC told him that's because in Saudi Arabia protest are not allowed by the government:

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Trump wants to cut the budget for anti-poverty efforts; Will affect his own voters negatively

The budget for 2018 Donald Trump is proposing includes deep cuts to anti-poverty programs such as food stamps and disability payments, to Medicaid and even for student loans.

According to The New York Times, the title of the budget proposal is “A New Foundation for American Greatness.”

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Michael Flynn mislead the Pentagon, but refuses to testify before Congress and takes the 5th

According to The New York Times, not only Michael Flynn mislead the Pentagon about his income from companies in Russia and contacts with officials from that country when he applied for a renwal of his top-secret clearance in 2016, but he is also refusing to testify before Congress on the issue, pleading the 5th amendment.

From the NYT article:

Mr. Flynn, who resigned 24 days into the Trump administration, told investigators in February 2016 that he had received no income from foreign companies and had only “insubstantial contact” with foreign nationals, according to the letter. In fact, Mr. Flynn had sat two months earlier beside President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia at a Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-financed television network, which paid Mr. Flynn more than $45,000 to attend the event and give a separate speech.

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Trump administration is protecting the swamp; Tries to block investigation into lobbyists

The New York Times revealed today that the Trump administration is blocking an inquiry from the Office of Government Ethics into the identities of the former lobbyists Trump gave waivers so they could have goverment positions. From the NYT article:

The latest conflict came in recent days when the White House, in a highly unusual move, sent a letter to Walter M. Shaub Jr., the head of the Office of Government Ethics, asking him to withdraw a request he had sent to every federal agency for copies of the waivers. In the letter, the administration challenged his legal authority to demand the information.

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DAY 123: Trump lies and misleads about giving Russia intel involving Israel

Donald Trump said to the press during his visit to Israel that he never mentioned the word "Israel" when he talked to Russian officials at the White House, and that therefore the media got that story wrong.

Except the media never claimed he mentioned Israel directly. The media pointed out Trump revealed that his intel came from Israelis.

In other words, Trump is lying and misleading. See the video for yourselves:

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Notre Dame students walk out on Mike Pence during his commencement speech

Just as Mike Pence was giving his commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame, a large number of students walked out on him in protest.

Here's the video:

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Trump administration lied about competition bringing down prices

According to Reuters, the Department of Education, under Betsy DeVos, will give the exclusive contract for student loans to a monopoly.

President Donald Trump's administration will soon offer an exclusive contract that will give one company the right to service billions of dollars of outstanding federal student loans now handled by four companies, officials said on Friday.

The U.S. Education Department, led by Trump pick Betsy DeVos, said the streamlining will save money and increase efficiency. But critics said student borrowers could suffer because a single company would be granted a monopoly, with no incentive to provide better customer service.

Prior to this there were four student loan companies competing with each other, which means now there will not be an incentive for just one company to give students better deals on student loans.

But there's more.

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DAY 122: Ivanka takes $100 million from Saudi Arabia but Donald Trump criticizied Hillary Clinton for taking their money

According to news reports, Ivanka Trump took $100 million dollars from Saudi Arabia for a proposed foundation that doesn't even exist yet. This after Jared Kushner talked to Lokheed Martin so they lowered the price on weapons the Saudis wanted to buy.

But guess what? Twitter users pointed out that Trump actually criticized Hillary Clinton during one of the 2016 presidential debates for taking $25 million dollars from Saudi Arabia, and Trump said the Saudis treated women horribly. Here's the video:

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

DAY 121: Hypocrisy: Melania and Ivanka Trump didn't wear head scarves in Saudi Arabia

Several press reports have shown images of Melania and Ivanka Trump not wearing head scarves during an official visit to Saudi Arabia, even though Saudi Arabia has strict laws requiring women to wear them. From an AP report, for example:

Melania Trump’s decision not to wear a headscarf upon arrival in the Middle East is drawing attention on social media.

The first lady wore a black pantsuit with a golden belt but did not cover her head, consistent with custom for female foreign dignitaries visiting Saudi Arabia.

Why is that a problem? Actually, it isn't a problem. No American first lady has worn a head scarf in official visits to Saudi Arabia since the late 1980s, when George H.W. Bush was president.

The problem here is the fact that Donald Trump criticized Michelle Obama in 2015 for not wearing a head scarf during an official visit to Saudi Arabia. And here's the tweet:

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Friday, May 19, 2017

DAY 120: Trump bragged to Russian officials he fired Comey and that took "pressure" off him

Donald Trump bragged to the Russian officials he met with at the White House on May 10 that he had fired James Comey, and that the firing of Comey took "great pressure" off Trump because of the Russia investigation.

The contents of the meeting were revealed by The New York Times, citing an internal White House document with the notes of the meeting. From the NYT article:

President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Trump denies telling Comey to stop investigating Flynn, and the he lies about the Deputy Attorney General

During a press conference a reporter asked Donald Trump if he asked James Comey to stop the Michael Flynn investigation. Trump said "no, no" but then he lied about the reason why he fired him, claiming he was unpopular (he wasn't) and suggesting it was because of the letter written by the Deputy Attorney General. The problem is Trump told Lester Holt that letter was not the reason why he fired Comey, and that he was goin to fire him anyway. In other words, Trump lied again about why he fired Comey.

Why should be believe Trump, then, when he says "no, no", to the question about him asking Comey to stop the Flynn investigation?

Here's the video, of the press conference, by the way:

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Oh oh... Trump's advisers are telling him to get an outside lawyer for Russia investigation

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump's advisers are telling him to get an outside lawyer for any possible outcome of the Russia investigation. And they have done it even before a Special Counsel was appointed for the Russia inquiry.

Several White House advisers and personal associates of President Trump have urged him to hire an experienced outside lawyer to help him deal with issues arising from a surging controversy over whether his campaign had ties to Russia, according to several people briefed on the conversations.

The recommendations came even before a special counsel was named on Wednesday to lead the investigation into any collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian officials.

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Michael Flynn stopped Pentagon plan that would've affected Turkey... after being paid by Turkey

According to McClatchy, 10 days after Donald Trump took office, Michael Flynn stopped a plan by the Pentagon to take over the city of Raqqa, in Syria, which was controlled by ISIS as its de-facto capital.

The problem is, stopping the plan was somthing Turkey wanted, as the plan would've helped Syrian Kurdish forces.

And the problem with that is Michael Flynn had taken half a million dollars in payment from Turkey before he became Trump's national security adviser.

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Trump campaign had at east 18 undisclosed contacts with Russia

Reuters revealed today that the Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russia.

Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

The previously undisclosed interactions form part of the record now being reviewed by FBI and congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

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DAY 119: Trump throws a tantrum because of Russia investigation and lies about Clinton and Obama

So after a day of staying mostly quiet on Twitter, finally Donald Trump couldn't resist throwing a tantrum about the fact tha a
Special Counsel was appointed for the Russia investigation:

Nope. That was the McCarthy witch hunt. And that one was a true witch hunt. But then Trump outright lied:

Two things about this:

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Rurrisn bank controlled by Putin financed Trump's partener's construction in Canada

According to the Wall Street Journal, a Russian bank controlled by the Russian Government, that is, by Vladimir Putin, financed Donald Trump's construction partner in Canada. From the WSJ article:

VEB, a Russian state-run bank under scrutiny by U.S. investigators, financed a deal involving Donald Trump’s onetime partner in a Toronto hotel tower at a key moment for the project, according to people familiar with the transaction.

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Trump's team knew Michael Flynn was under investigation before he was hired as Trump's Security Adviser

The New York Times revealed Donald Trump's aides knew Michael Flynn was under investigation before he was hired by Donald Trump as National Security Adviser. From the NYT article:

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.

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Stock market plunges because of Trump's Russia scandal

The scandal Donald Trump got himself into by firing James Comey after asking him to stop te Russia investigation, and after it was revealed that Trump leaked classified information to Russia, caused the stock market to plunge of 1.8% today.

That's the same people who made the stock market climg 1% the day after the elections.

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Putin actually has transcripts of the Trump meeting with Russian officials

According to The New York Times, Vladimir Putin offered to release a transcript of the conversation between Donald Trump and Russian officials at the White House, claiming Trump did not reveal anything classified.

Which begs the question: So Trump didn't let the American press into the meeting but the Russians were able to record the whole thing?


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DAY 118: Trump asked James Comey to jail reporters who publish leaks

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to actually jail reporters who published leaked information from the Trump administration. From the NYT article:

During a private meeting in February with the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, President Trump floated a proposal that, even by the standards of a leader who routinely advertises his disdain for the news media, brought editors and reporters up short.

You should consider, Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, jailing journalists who publish classified information.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Trump asked James Comey to stop investigating Michael Flynn

According to The New York Times, back in February Donald Trump asked James Comey to stop investigating Michael Flynn and his ties to Russia. And Comey wrote about it in a memo to other FBI officials.

WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

The documentation of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.

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Russia says Trump did not give them classified information but... how do they know that?

This tweet from Associated Press looked pretty strange to me:

Oh yeah? And how does Russia know the information Trump gave them is NOT classifed?

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DAY 117: Trump admits he gave information to Russia

Donald Trump tweeted this today in response to the reports in the Washington Post that he leaked highly classified information to Russian officials:

In other words, Trump is confirming the reports from the press that he did give highly classified information to Russia about ISIS.

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Trump gave highly classified information to Russia

According to The Washington Post, Donald Trump gave highly classified information of US operations against ISIS to Russian officials during their visit to the White House. From the WP article:

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

This is the same meeting Trump had the day after firing James Comey, buy the way.

And there's more:

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Morning Joe hosts reveal Kellyanne Conway doesn't like Trump and she defends him for money

The hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, revealed today that Kellyanne Conway doesn't like Donald Trump and she only defends him for the money.

From The New York Times:

Mika Brzezinski said during Monday’s broadcast that she heard Ms. Conway denounce the candidate in private after promoting him on television.

“She would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off, and she would say ‘Blech, I need to take a shower,’ because she disliked her candidate so much,” Ms. Brzezinski said of Ms. Conway.

Joe Scarborough, Ms. Brzezinski’s co-host and fiancé, echoed the statements, saying that Ms. Conway said after being interviewed that she had only taken the job for money and that she would soon be done defending Mr. Trump.

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DAY 116: Trump's own people feed him fake news

Politico published today an article showing how Donald Trump's own people feed him fake news and Trump believes them.

One particular case has to do with a fake TIME magazine cover Trump's people gave him that supposedly proved there was no climate change. But when other members of Trump's team realized the cover was fake, they immediately tried to stop Trump from tweeting about it.

From the Politico article:

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

DAY 115: Only 29% of Americans support Trump for firing James Comey

According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released today, only 29% of Americans approve of Donald Trump firing James Comey. 38% do not approve the firing and 32% say they don't have an opinion about it.

Among independent voters, 21 approve and 36% disapprove.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Trump admits Trumpcare as passed by the House will never pass

In an interview with Fox News, Donald Trump admitted the American Health Care Act (AKA Trumpcare) passed by the House of Representatives will never pass the Senate.

Fast forward to minute 4:21 (unless you want to hear Trump trying to change the subject from James Comey to the China deal that will hurt American poultry farmers) and you will hear Janine Pirro telling Trump point blank the bill passed by the House "may never pass" and Trump responding "I agree."

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DAY 114: What bothers Trump about the Russia investigation is it proves he's a loser

The New York Times published an article today showing a second reason why the Russia investigation James Comey was expanding bothered him so much: because it proves he didn't win the presidency on his own. In other words, because it proves Trump is a loser.

Aside from the fact that the Trump campaign could face criminal charges for colluding with Russia to undermine the US elections, what seems to be making Trump furious is the fact that the Russia intervention into US elections proves Trump not only didn't win the popular vote, but he didn't win the electoral college simply because he is Donald Trump.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Corruption: Trump administration stalled investigations on fraud in for-profit colleges

According to The New York Times, during the Obama administration there was a crackdown on fraud perpetrated by for-profit colleges, but with Donald Trump in power, and Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Educations, the investigations into fraud in private schools stalled.

From the NYT article:

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NASA declines dumb request from Donald Trump

NASA declined a request from Donald Trump to send an astronaut inside a new type of deep-space rocket that will send a capsule to orbit beyong the moon. The reason? It would add nearly a billion dollars in costs to the mission.

According to The New York Times:

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Kushners' firm will not appear at Chinese events after scandal, but will keep on courting investors

According to The New York Times, the real estate firm owned by the family of Jared Kushner will not appear at events in China after the scandal that erupted when Jared Kushner's sister, Nicle Meyer, tried to use her White House connections in order to court Chinese investors to invest millions in one of the firm's projects in exchange for green cards.

BUT... the firm WILL continue to search for investors. In other words, they will lay low for now because of the scandal, but they will keep on trying to get investors regardless.

From the NYT article:

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Trump demanded loyalty to Comey three days after the FBI interviewed Michael Flynn over Russia

Three days after the FBI interviewed Michael Flynn about his ties with Russia, and nne day after former acting Attorney General Sally Yates warned Donald Trump about the fact that Michael Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia, Donald Trump called James Comey to a dinner at the White House and demanded that Comey pledged loyalty to Trump.

The FBI interview took place on January 24, 2017. Yates warned Trump on January 26. On the 27th, Trump called Comey and demanded that he pledged his loyalty to him.

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Trump says there's nothing wrong with asking for loyalty

In an interview with Janine Pirro for Fox News, Donald Trump denied asking James Comey for loyalty, but then he said he thinks there's nothing wrong with asking for loyalty. According to The Hill:

Trump also denied that he demanded Comey’s loyalty to him during a January dinner, something that has been reported by The New York Times and The Associated Press.

“No, I didn’t,” he said when asked if he gave that request. “But I don’t think it would be a bad question to ask. I think loyalty to the country, loyalty to the United States is important."

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James Clapper contradicts Trump's claims about James Comey and not being colluding with Russia

Donald Trump tweeted that even James Comey, former intelligence chief, says there's no collusion between Trump and Russia:

But that's a lie. Clapper, first of all, has been out of the federal government since the end of 2016. That means he can't possibly know if the FBI has new evidence showing Trump colluded with Russia.

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Trump admits he received millions from Russia

Because of the fact that he obviously fired James Comey because of the Russia investigation, Donald Trump tried to claim he had no business dealings with Russia by having his lawyer issue a letter saying he had no income from Russia save for some "exceptions."

Turns out those "exceptions" were worth over $100 million dollars. From The New York Times:

President Trump’s lawyers say his income tax returns do not show income from Russian sources or debt owed to Russians, with the exception of $95 million paid by a Russian billionaire for a Trump-owned estate in Florida and $12.2 million in payments in connection with holding the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013.

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Trump threatens with suspending press briefings and do them himself every two weeks

Before tweeting his threat against James Comey this morning, Donald Trump tweeted some bullshit excuse for his surrogates (Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, etc) giving contradicting excuses to the press about why Trump fired James Comey, only to get contradicted again by Trump himself during Lester Holt's interview. But he also issued a threat to suspend the press briefings:

Well, first of all, the White House DID hand out a written response about the Comey firing on May 9. The written response was signed by Sean Spicer. And it was contradicted by Trump himself two days later.

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DAY 113: Trump threatens Comey and suggests Trump wiretapped him

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

The tweet is clearly a threat against Comey and the comments he coul make about his conversations with Donald Trump, including the dinner conversation in which Trump demanded loyalty from Comey.

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Strong support for Donald Trump fell significantly

According to two polls by Quiniipiac and Survey Monkey/NBC, of the people who say who support Donald Trump, which are about 40% of American voters, the amount of people who say the strongly support Trump has fallen considerably, by 12 points in one survey and 13 points in another.

From February to May of 2017, the people who say they strongly approve Trump fell from 75% to 63% in the Quinnipiac poll. And in the Survey Monkey/NBC poll, the people who said they strongly support Trump fell from 67% to 54% in the same time period.

This is in less than 4 months of Trump being president.

The overall approval of Trump also fell 6% in Quinnipiac and 2% in Survey Monkey/NBC.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trump tries to change the subject away from Comey 3 times... and fails

Donald Trump tried three times today to change the subject and distract people away from the James Comey firing scandal.

First, he tried to change the subject to his tax returns, saying in an interview with The Economist that he might release them AFTER he leaves office.

In the same intereview, Trump claims he invented the term "Prime the Pump", which ins in reality an economics term used since the 19th century. Which is unexplainable if we consider Trump has a degree in economics. Is that fake too?

Those two items made some noise, but not enough to distrect from Comey.

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James Comey did not pledge loyalty to Trump

According to The New York Times, James Comey declined to pledge loyalty to Trump and, instead, offered honesty. The incident took place in a dinner 11 days after Trump took office. It was Trump the one who called Comey to have dinner.

The NYT article is described by AP like this:

The New York Times reports that former FBI Director James Comey declined to pledge loyalty to President Donald Trump during a dinner the two men shared in January.

The newspaper quotes two unnamed Comey associates who say they heard Comey’s account of the dinner.

Comey instead promised Trump “honesty.” When Trump then pressed for “honest loyalty,” Comey told the president, “you will have that,” say the associates, who told the newspaper they agreed to keep the story confidential while Comey was FBI director.

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Trump suspends visit to FBI after he was told he would not be greeted warmly

Here's more evidence Trump has been lying about why he fired James Comey. He was supposed to visit the FBI but he suspended his visit because, turns out, he was told the FBI agents would not greet him warmly. According to NBC:

The White House has abandoned the idea of President Trump visiting FBI headquarters after being told he would not be greeted warmly, administration officials told NBC News.

Amid the continuing fallout over his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, Trump was considering an appearance at the FBI's J Edgar Hoover Building in downtown Washington, DC. The White House publicly floated the idea as recently as Thursday morning.


But that idea was dropped later Thursday, administration officials said, after the FBI told the White House the optics would not be good. FBI officials made clear that the president would not draw many smiles and cheers, having just unceremoniously sacked a very popular director.

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Sarah Sanders lied twice: Acting FBI director contradicts her on Comey and Russia investigation

The Trump administration, through deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, claimed there was "a near, like, uprising" in the FBI against James Comey and that's why Donald Trump fired him.

Well, a few hours later acting FBI director, Andrew McCabe, testified before Congress and contradicted the Trump administration, saying James Comey had "broad support" from the FBI, contradicting the Trump administration's claim that Comey didn't have the support of the FBI angents and that there was a lack of morale with Comey at the FBI.

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James Comey had stepped up the Trump-Russia investigation before Trump fired him

The Wall Street Journal revealed today that former FBI Director James Comey was actually stepping up the investigation into te collusion of Russia and the Trump campaign before he got fired. From the WSJ article:

In the weeks before President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, a federal investigation into potential collusion between Trump associates and the Russian government was heating up, as Mr. Comey became increasingly occupied with the probe.

Mr. Comey started receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, beginning at least three weeks ago, according to people with knowledge of the matter and the progress of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe. Mr. Comey was concerned by information showing possible evidence of collusion, according to these people.

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DAY 112: Trump lied about why he fired Comey and admits it was because of Russia investigation

Donald Trump contradicted his own official excuse for firing James Comey as FBI director, supposedly because of a recommendation by the Justice Department because of how Comey handled the Hillary Clinton emails. In an interview with NBC's Lester Holt, Trump ended up saying he fired Comey because he is a "showboat". But when confronted with Trump's letter to Comey saying he was following the recommendation of the Deputy Attorney General, Trump claimed he was going to fire Comey anyway.

Then, when confronted with the fact that Comey said there is an ongoing investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, Trump said he isn't under investigation and then repeated his claim from his letter to Comey that Comey told him three times Trump wasn't under investigation, which is a lie, as we will see shortly. Here's the video:

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Deputy Attorney General threatened to quit for being made the scapegoat for Comey's firing

According to the Washington Post, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to quit his post because of the fact that the Trump administration had made him the scapegoat for the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, when in reality it was Trump the one who ordered Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions to write up an excuse to have him fired. From the WP article:

Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

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Sean Spicer had to hide behind some bushes to avoid answering the press about James Comey

According to The Washington Post, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had to hide behind some bushes to try to avoid answering to the press about the firing of FBI director James Comey. From the WP article:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer wrapped up his brief interview with Fox Business from the White House grounds late Tuesday night and then disappeared into the shadows, huddling with his staff near a clump of bushes and then behind a tall hedge. To get back to his office, Spicer would have to pass a swarm of reporters wanting to know why President Trump suddenly decided to fire the FBI director.

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Betsy DeVos gets booed and graduates turn their backs to her in protest

Betsy DeVos went to Bethune-Cookman university, a historically Black college in Florida, to deliver the commencement speech and not only got heckled and booed, but also many of the graduates turned their backs on her. Things got so bad a university official had to take the microphone and tell the gradutes that "if this behavior continues, your degrees will be mailed to you." The graduates didn't care and they continued their protest.

Here is the video:

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TRUMP LOSES: Obama climate regulation repeal is defeated in the Senate with 3 Republican votes

With the vote of three Republican Senators and all Democrat Senators, the US Senate rejected a repeal of an Obama era climate change regulation that Donald Trump wanted repealed.

The regulation curbs emissions of methane from oil and gas wells in public lands. According to The New York Times, Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Susan Collins voted against repealing the regulation.

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The Nixon library doesn't want Nixon to be compared with Donald Trump

The Nixon Library posted a tweet today subtly asking people not to compare Donald Trump with Richard Nixon, as Nixon never fired an FBI Director:

The tweet was posted after several people have been comparing Donald Trump with Nixon for firing FBI Director James Comey.

Nixon didn't fire the FBI director when he was president, but he did fire his Attorney General, his Deputy Attorney General and the person in charge of the Watergate investigation.

So why the comparison with Nixon? Because Nixon was the previous president who had fired people who were investigating wrongdoings by the current administration. Comey was investigating the dealings between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016.

In other words, Just as Nixon's firings were seen as a cover-up and an act of obstruction of justice, so is Comey's firing been seen by many as an attempt at a cover-up and obstruction of justice.

But apparently Trump is too low for Nixon Library standards.

UPDATE: Apparently the Nixon Library tweet angered Trump. According to The New York Times, the next day after the tweet, the Trump administration, through the National Archives and Records Administration, said the tweet was "inappropriate." In other words, Trump got angry because of the Tweet making Trump look worse than Nixon.

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Trump meets with Russian officials right in the middle of the Comey firing scandal, denies access to American press, but lets in Russian press

Less than 24 hours after Trump fired James Comey, raising suspicions that Trump fired him because Comey was expanding the investigation into criminal links between the Trump campaign and Russia, Trump met in the White House with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey I. Kislyak.

Kislyak's meetings with Trump campaign officials, including now Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is the focus of the FBI investigation James Comey was conducting.

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Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions praised James Comey in 2016 for the Clinton emails

During the 2016 campaign Donald and Jeff Sessions praised James Comey for his handling of the Hillary Clinton emails just days before the elections.

Trump praised Comey multiple times during the campaign, saying he had "guts" and did "the right thing." The video of Trump praising Comey was shown on CNN:

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Trump asked Jeff Sessions to come up with an excuse to fire Comey

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump started talking about firing James Comey last week, and he asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to come up with an excuse to fire him.

Senior White House and Justice Department officials had been working on building a case against Mr. Comey since at least last week, according to administration officials. Mr. Sessions had been charged with coming up with reasons to fire him, the officials said.

Which is a very serious accusation, as Sessions was supposed to be recused from the Russia investigation because he was part of Trump's campaign, and he was not supposed to even touch Comey, who was conducting the Russia investigation.

Another NYT article points out that Trump was the one who spoke privately with this top advisers about firing Comey:

Mr. Trump, according to people close to the president, had been openly talking about firing Mr. Comey for at least a week. Despite the objections from some of his aides about the optics and the lack of an obvious successor, the grumbling evolved into a tentative plan as he angrily watched the Sunday news shows at his Bedminster, N.J., golf resort.

By Monday, capping off months of festering grievances, Mr. Trump told people around him that he wanted Mr. Comey gone, repeatedly questioning Mr. Comey’s fitness for the job and telling aides there was “something wrong” with him, several people familiar with the discussions said.

Is all of this is the case, then it suggests Trump didn't fire Comey because of a recommendation from the Deputy Attorney General, as he claimed in his letter to Comey informing him of his firing. Trump instead told Sessions to come up with an excuse to fire Comey and then, knowing Sessions was not supposed to get involved with the Russian investigation, blamed it on the Deputy Attorney general, who had received a request from Comey to expand the Russia investigation.

Trump must have kown this was going to raise suspicions about the Russia investigation. That may explain why Trump added this unsolicited item in his letter to Comey:

While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.

A very obvious attempt at trying to convince the public that the Russia investigation is the not the reason, when we now know Comey was fired after he asked for more resources for the Russia investigation.

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DAY 111: Donald Trump fired James Comey days after he asked for more resources for Russia investigation

Donald Trump started his day bitching and moaning on Twitter for the criticism he received for firing James Comey. His main rebuttal is this: Democrats used to complain about Comey because of the Hillary Clinton emails, and now they're complaining because Trump fired him. Thus, Trump claims, the Democrats are being hypocrites.

But after Trump tweeted that, The New York Times revealed that Comey had asked the Justice Department, specifically the Deputy Attorney General, for more resources for the investigation of Trump's campaign and Russia.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

DAY 110: Donald Trump fired James Comey as FBI director apparently over Russia investigation

Donald Trump fired James Comey as FBI director apparently over the fact that Comey is leading an investigation into the links between Donald Trump and Russia, but using as an excuse the handling of Hillary Clinton's emails.

In a letter sent to Comey informing him he's firing him, Trump said:

“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau.”

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Reporter gets arrested for asking question about Trumpcare to Tom Price

Because he asked Trump's secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price if domestic violance counted as a pre-existing condition in Trumpcare, reporter Don Heyman, from Public News Service, was arrested and liberated only after paying a $5,000 bond. Heyman was in public space and never received a warning from the police.

According to The Hill:

According to the criminal complaint by the capitol police, Heyman was "aggressively breaching the secret service agents to the point where the agents were forced to remove him a couple of times from the area walking up the hallway in the main building of the Capitol. The defendant was causing a disturbance by yelling at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price.”

But that was not the description in the capitol police gave of the incident in the report of Heyman's arrest.

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Trump staff had to ask Justin Trudeau to call Trump to make him back down from exiting NAFTA

Remember how last month Donald Trump threatened that he would end NAFTA and then he bragged that Canada and Mexico called him to negotiate? Well, turns out it was Trump's staff the ones who called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ask him to call Trump. This was reported today by the Candaian press.

White House staff called the Prime Minister’s Office last month to urge Justin Trudeau to persuade President Donald Trump not to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement, according to multiple Canadian government sources.

The unconventional diplomatic manoeuvre — approaching the head of a foreign government to influence your own boss — proved decisive, as Trump thereafter abandoned his threat to pull out of NAFTA unilaterally, citing the arguments made by Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto as pivotal.

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Warren Buffet says Trump hasn't had much effect on the economy

You know how Donald Trump has been claiming that he created half a million jobs and that economy is better because he was elected? Well, Warrent Buffet said today Trump hasn't had much effect on the economy.

In an interview ith CNBC Buffet said "I don't think he's had that much of an effect on the economy yet." He added: "I do not make investment or business decisions based on who is president or who I think is going to be president."

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Trump's attacks against Sally Yates failed: She warned him about Michael Flynn but he didn't listen

Prior to her testimony on the issue of Michael Flynn before the Senate today, Donald Trump attacked former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates:

The tweet is just plain dumb, as Yates has nothing to do with any leaks --and Republicans in the Senate did ask her about it repeatedly-- nor did she have the power to influence the inteligence agencies to leak documents.

But Trump's attacks on Yates ended up failing, as she delivered quite a bomb to the Senate.

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DAY 109: Barack Obama warned Donald Trump about Michael Flynn but Trump hired him anyway

Former White House officials revealed that President Barack Obama actually warned Donald Trump about Michael Flynn in their first meeting two days after the 2016 election.

According to The New York Times:

"Mr. Obama, who had fired Mr. Flynn as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told Mr. Trump that he would have profound concerns about Mr. Flynn becoming a top national security aide, said the administration officials, who were briefed on the Oval Office conversation. Mr. Trump later ignored the advice, naming Mr. Flynn to be his national security adviser."

And that's not all. Sean Spicer admitted the leak was true, saying in today's press conference that Obama “wasn’t exactly a fan of General Flynn’s.”

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

DAY 108: Trump tries to justify his racist threat about defunding African-American Universities

Last Friday, May 5, Donald Trump issued a series of signing statements about the $1.1 trillion budget billed pass by Congress. One of the statements was about a relatively tiny part of the budget: $20 million dollars set aside for loan subsidies and other forms of aid for historically Black universities.

This is the exact text of the statement signed by Trump:

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Trump lies about why he's staying at his golf club in New Jersey

Today Donald Trump tweeted this, apparently as a response to the criticism he generated for spending the weekend in his golf club in New Jersey and claiming it was to save money, since flying him and the Secret Service to New Jersey is NOT cheap:

That's false. First, because it's not less expensive to fly Trump and the Secret Service to New Jersey. Second, because Trump is running ads on TV promoting his New Jersey club, which means he's using the White House to promote his private business.

And third...

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DAY 107: Jared Kushener's sister uses her family ties in pitch to Chinese investors

The New York Times published today an article revealing that Nicole Meyer, Jared Kushner's sister, used her family ties as part of her sales pitch to Chinese investors for $150 million in funding for a Jersey City real estate development.

Meyer said the project “means a lot to me and my entire family.”

Which means "it means a lot to Donald Trump."

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Once again Trump doesn't respect the separation of powers and states' rights

Donald Trump issued a "signing statement" essentially telling Congress he will not comply with the spending bill Congress passed, thus not respecting the separation of powers.

Congress added a provision in the spending bill banning the federal government from using federal funds to interfere with state laws legalizing medical and recreational marijuana. According to The Hill, Trump issued a statement saying he will not comply with the ban.

The statement says:

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Even Trump doesn't want Trumpcare approved quickly by the Senate

White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mike Huckabee's daughter, said in a press conference today the Trump administration is not in a rush to get Trumpcare approved by the Senate. According to CBS:

When asked if President Trump is setting a deadline for the Senate to pass its measure, Sanders said that the administration doesn't want to set an artificial deadline because she said the president is focused on "get it right, not fast." The House, however, voted on the GOP-sponsored legislation Thursday afternoon, just a day after revisions were made to it, and without a score from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

Oh really? So why is it then that Trump pushed Republicans in the House to approve Trumpcare without an evaluation from the Congressional Budget Office, without public hearings and without the Representatives even reading the bill?

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Trump administration goes after Stephen Colbert for making a joke against Donald Trump

Last Monday, day 102 of the Trump administration, Stephen Colbert made a joke insulting Donald Trump after Trump insulted CBS's show Face the Nation (Trump called it "Deface the Nation" during an interview for that show). The joke, that got a lot of Trump followers quite butt-hurt, was this referring to Donald Trump:

“The only thing your mouth is good at is being [Russian President] Vladimir Putin’s c—k holster.”

Two days later, after Trump supporters threw a tantrum demanding Colbert to be fired by CBS, Colbert said in regards to the joke:

“I don’t regret [saying] that. I believe, can take care of himself. I have jokes; he has the launch codes. So, it’s a fair fight.”

Well, the FCC said today they will investigate Colbert for obscenity for saying that joke, something the FCC NEVER did when Fox News aired truly obscene comments from Ted Nugent against Hillary Clinton.

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Trump wants to cut funding for the Office of Drug Control Policy by 95

Throughout his campaign, during his inauguration speech, and even recently on Twitter in defense of his border wall, Donald Trump has been either claiming or suggesting he will fight drugs. Well, guess what? His administration proposed today to cut the Office of Drug Control Policy by 95%.

According to The New York Times:

President Trump’s administration revealed plans to gut the 2018 budget of his Office of National Drug Control Policy. According to an Office of Management and Budget document obtained by The New York Times, the White House is proposing to slash the drug policy office budget about 95 percent, to just $24 million from $388 million. The cuts would mean the office could lose up to 33 employees.

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TRUMP LOSES: His second nominee for Army Secretary withdraws nomination after homophobia accusations

Today Mark E. Green, who was nominated by Donald Trump for the position of Army Secretary, withdrew from being considered for the post after he was criticized for his position against gay, bisexuaal and transgender people.

According to The New York Times:

Mr. Green, a Tennessee state senator who was an Army flight surgeon, has criticized federal attempts to bar discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender people in workplaces and businesses.

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Trump's executive order on "religious liberty" backfires

Yesterday Donald Trump signed an executive order supposedly to defende religious liberty, allowing the clergy to endorse political candidates.

But the executive order backfired, as the clergy did not want that type of "liberty" and what the most extreme-right conservatives wanted, but dudn't get, was to repeal Obama-era protections against discrimination for G.B.T.Q. people.

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DAY 106: Trump lies about saving money to taxpayers by going to his New Jersey resort for the weekend

Donald Trump was supposed to stay in New York this weekend. Instead, he went to his golf club in New Jersey. No explanation was given for the suddent change, although some suspected he wanted to avoid the inevitable images of people protesting against him for the draconian Trumpcare bill approved by Republicans in the House of Representatives that won't even be voted in the Senate.

Trump, of course, offered his very own bullshit excuse for the change of venue: that he would be saving money for taxpayers:

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

AUTHORITARISM: Woman who protested against Jeff Sessions faces time in prison just for laughing

Back on January 10, during Jeff Session's confirmation hearing as Attorney General, a group of protesters were taken out of the room where the confirmation hearing was taking place. Some were arrested. Why? Because one of them, a woman, laughed for 3 seconds when a Senator told Sessions that Sessions had an "extensive record of treating all Americans equally under the law", which is clearly false, as Sessions has been denounced for being a racist even by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.'s widow.

Because of the giggling, the protesters were taken out of the room by the police. But the woman who laughed, Desiree Fairooz, was charged with two counts of "unlawful conduct" on capitol grounds and will be sentenced in June. The punishment could be time in prison.

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Mike Pence doesn't know shit about 5 de Mayo

Remember Donald Trump posting a photo of him with a "taco bowl" at Trump Tower in May 5th, 2016 supposedly in honor of 5 de Mayo? Remember how offensive that was and how much it showed Trump knowns SHIT about 5 de Mayo starting with the fact that Mexicans don't eat taco bowls? Well, Mike Pence also doesn't know shit about 5 de Mayo.

You see, Pence said the following on May 4, calling it "Casi 5 de Mayo" ("nearly 5th of May"):

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Trump praises Australia's healthcare... which is single-payer

Hours after Republicans in the House of Representatives passed Trumpcare, in an attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, Donald Trump met with the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and literally said that Australia has better healthcare than the US.

This is what Trump said according to CNN:

"It's going to be fantastic health care," Trump said, referring to his new health care plan. "I shouldn't say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia because you have better health care than we do.

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Trade deficit with Mexico grew to record levels with Trump

The Department of Commerce revealed today that the trade deficit with Mexico increased from February to March, 2017, the first two full months with donald Trump in the presidency. From the Commerce Department press release on the subject:

The trade deficit with Mexico and Japan was found to be growing at an alarming rate following the release of March 2017 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services monthly data by the Department of Commerce.

The trade deficit increased by $363 million with Mexico and by $1.6 billion with Japan from February to March of this year.

Two things:

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TRUMP LOSES: Trumpcare House bill will not be voted in the Senate

Right after the House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act, and Donald Trump bragged about it, Senate Republicans said they will not vote the bill and, instead, they will work on their own healthcare bill.

Not only that; according to The Washington Examiner, the Republicans in the Senate said their own bill "will attempt to incorporate elements of the House bill, senators said, but will not take up the House bill as a starting point and change it through the amendment process."

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Trump asks how many people lost their healthcare today and the answer is 24 million

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

The answer is 24 million Americans, which is the amount of people who will lose their healthcare with Trumpcare, narrowly passed today, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.

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DAY 105: Republicans in the House pass Trumpcare by a mere 2 votes... and stocks go down

By a mere 2 votes (217 yes, 193 no and 1 abstention), Republicans passed the American Health Care Act, also known as Trumpcare, thereby giving rich people a huge $1 trillion dollar tax cut and a huge increase in premiums for al Americans, but specially for people with pre-existing conditions.

But guess what? Right after the vote, the stock market saw a pretty big dive:

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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

DAY 104: Sean Spicer can't answer what Ivanka Trump is doing in the White House or why

Eamon Javers, a reporter for MSNBC, asked Sean Spicer what exactly is Ivanka Trump's role in the White House and what are her qualifications for being there. Spicer never answered the question. That is, he spoke back to the reporter, but never Spicer never said what exactly is she doing in the White House and what her qualifications are. This is what Spicer said:

"It's a passion of hers, and for her to bring her business acumen and success, her passion for women and empowerment and education and entrance into areas that they haven't been able to get to is one of the reasons Chancellor Merkel reached out to her."

Merkel? They asked Spicer about Trump's administration, not Merkel's.

But that's not all. After Spicer tried to weasel himself out of the question by talking about "passion for women", Javers asked him why then did she meet with the Treasury Secretary. Spicer once again had a hard time coming up with an excuse for that one.

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

DAY 103: Trump was directly involved in finding who tweeted the inaugural comparison photos

CBS published today that Donald Trump was "directly involved" in searching for the person who used the National Park Services Twitter account to retweet the side-by-side photos of his inaugural crowd and Barack Obama's inaugural crowd in 2009.

The retweet was deleted shortly after it was posted on January 20, 2017, and the Trump administration claimed the White House neither demanded the retweet to be deleted not the accounts of the Interior Department suspended.

Well, turns out Trump did try to find out who retweeted that. From the CBS article:

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Monday, May 1, 2017

Trump releases online ad claiming his first 100 days were a success, then re-uploads it because of the dislkes for the video

Today Donald Trump released a series of online electoral campaign-style ads claiming his first 100 days in office were a success and the new media reports "fake news" about him. According to The New York Times:

President Trump on Monday released a triumphant campaign advertisement declaring his first 100 days in office a success, and branding news media that have reported otherwise as “FAKE NEWS.”

The 30-second television advertisement and a series of more targeted versions that are to run online are the latest examples of Mr. Trump’s extraordinarily early return to politicking at a time when most presidents would be spending their time pushing through their highest legislative priorities.

Here's the ad, which brags about Neil Gorsuch being confirmed to the Supreme Court, half a million jobs that were not created by Trump, eliminating regulations that actually will not create jobs, and his tax plan, which has not even been drafted into legislation:

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Trump says he would be "honored" to meet with Kim Jong-Un

In an interview with Bloomberg published today, Donald Trump said he would be "honored" to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. Verbatim:

“If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honored to do it,” Trump said Monday in an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg News. “If it’s under the, again, under the right circumstances. But I would do that.”

And he went even further:

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DAY 102: Trump lies about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War

Today is the first monday after Donald Trump's 100 days in office and, as I predicted, he continued lying and showing just how ignorant he is.

You see, today Sirius XM satellite radio posted an audio of an interview with Trump in which Trump defended Andrew Jackson, one of the worst, most abusive presidents the United States has ever had. But that's not new. Trump had praised Jackson before. What stands out from the interview is the fact that Trump claimed Andrew Jackson had a negative opinion about the Civil War.

Except Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War started and he was a slave owner.

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