Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trump tries to change the subject away from Comey 3 times... and fails

Donald Trump tried three times today to change the subject and distract people away from the James Comey firing scandal.

First, he tried to change the subject to his tax returns, saying in an interview with The Economist that he might release them AFTER he leaves office.

In the same intereview, Trump claims he invented the term "Prime the Pump", which ins in reality an economics term used since the 19th century. Which is unexplainable if we consider Trump has a degree in economics. Is that fake too?

Those two items made some noise, but not enough to distrect from Comey.

So then Trump signed an executive order to investigate his bullshit claims about voter fraud.

The executive order is just a waste of taxpayer funds, as there is no voter fraud in America. Trump made it up in order to try to justify why lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

That also made some noise, but it still didn't distract from the Comey firing.

So hours later the Trump administration tried to change the subject by announcing a trade deal with China that would open China to the US.

But that trade deal is lukewarm at best. It allows American beef to be exported to China. But in exchange, China can export poultry into the United States, which is going to completely screw over poultry farmers, who are squeezed by American corporations as it is.

What? You think I'm making it up? Here's John Oliver to explain the issue with chicken:

The problem with chicken farming in America is farmers are being abused by giant poultry corporations, making farmers barely making a living.

So what do you think is going to happen when chinese chicken enters America? That's right; American farmers will not be as needed as before by the poultry corporations.

But I digress.

The China deal will also allow Monsanto, some financial companies, Visa and Mastercard MAYBE have access to China. The deal does NOT guarantee it will reduce the trade deficit with China and it will not benefit average Americans. Maybe cattle ranchers, but that's about it.

And yet, despite Trump, via his Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, trying to sell this shitty deal with China as a big win when in reality it's a a FAIL, it didn't make enough noise to distract the public from Comey.

That's how desperate Trump is to change the subject. But he's failing.

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