Monday, May 1, 2017

Trump releases online ad claiming his first 100 days were a success, then re-uploads it because of the dislkes for the video

Today Donald Trump released a series of online electoral campaign-style ads claiming his first 100 days in office were a success and the new media reports "fake news" about him. According to The New York Times:

President Trump on Monday released a triumphant campaign advertisement declaring his first 100 days in office a success, and branding news media that have reported otherwise as “FAKE NEWS.”

The 30-second television advertisement and a series of more targeted versions that are to run online are the latest examples of Mr. Trump’s extraordinarily early return to politicking at a time when most presidents would be spending their time pushing through their highest legislative priorities.

Here's the ad, which brags about Neil Gorsuch being confirmed to the Supreme Court, half a million jobs that were not created by Trump, eliminating regulations that actually will not create jobs, and his tax plan, which has not even been drafted into legislation:

As we've seen before, Neil Gorsuch was not a "success" for Trump, since a Supre Court justice was supposed to be nominated regardless. And besides, it was Mitch McConnell's win, as he was the one who blocked the nomination of Barack Obama's pick.

Second, as we've also seen before, Trump did NOT create half a million jobs. In fact, the economy sunk to 0.7% growth in the first quarter of 2017, most of it with Trump in office.

And Trump did NOT get a tax cut approved. For that matter, the tax cut is just one page with no details that's not even a drafted legislation and it has not been discussed at all in Congress.

Notoriously missing from the ad are the border wall, the repeal and replace of Obamacare, the Muslim ban, the attack on sanctuary cities, and the 0.7% growth, obviously because they are his biggest failures in his first 100 days in office.

What's really funny about this is the fact that by 3:03 PM, Central Standard Time, the video on YouTube had only gotten 6,759 views. The reason for that seems to be due to the fact that most people disliked the video and Trump took it down and re-uploaded it again. That seems to be the reason why these are some of the comments in the video:

"The dislike ratio was so bad that they reuploaded the video."

"lol they reposted this video for better ratings."

"Why was this taken down and reuploaded? Trump probably got butthurt at all the comments exposing him."

"he just deleted and reposted this video."

"If you guys don't stop criticizing him, he's going to take this video down again."

"waiting for yall to take down the video AGAIN and then reupload with comments disabled."

"No freaking way did you just delete the old post and re-upload to stop people commenting/debating on Trump's policy flip flops......"

I only have one comment: Didn't Trump say the 100-day mark was fake? Then why is he trying to convince people it was a success? Because it wasn't. Trump, once again, evidences himself as a loser.

UPDATE: According to

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