Monday, May 15, 2017

DAY 116: Trump's own people feed him fake news

Politico published today an article showing how Donald Trump's own people feed him fake news and Trump believes them.

One particular case has to do with a fake TIME magazine cover Trump's people gave him that supposedly proved there was no climate change. But when other members of Trump's team realized the cover was fake, they immediately tried to stop Trump from tweeting about it.

From the Politico article:

Just days earlier [before White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus warned Trump's people not to slip him fake news], K.T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser, had given Trump a printout of two Time magazine covers. One, supposedly from the 1970s, warned of a coming ice age; the other, from 2008, about surviving global warming, according to four White House officials familiar with the matter.

Trump quickly got lathered up about the media’s hypocrisy. But there was a problem. The 1970s cover was fake, part of an internet hoax that’s circulated for years. Staff chased down the truth and intervened before Trump tweeted or talked publicly about it.

Read the first paragraph again. The deputy national security adviser was the one who slipped Trump the fake cover.


This means two things:

1. Trump is an idiot.
2. Trump is surrounded by idiots.

Even worse: the idiots surrounding Trump are idiots who will peddle any bullshit story that fits their agenda.

Oh because that's the other thing. The Politico article points out that Trump's staff are in an a "seemingly endless Game of Thrones" in the White House:

Aides sometimes slip him [Trump] stories to press their advantage on policy; other times they do so to gain an edge in the seemingly endless Game of Thrones inside the West Wing.

And Trump falls for it.

No wonder conservative fake news sites fooled so many people in 2016.

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