Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions praised James Comey in 2016 for the Clinton emails

During the 2016 campaign Donald and Jeff Sessions praised James Comey for his handling of the Hillary Clinton emails just days before the elections.

Trump praised Comey multiple times during the campaign, saying he had "guts" and did "the right thing." The video of Trump praising Comey was shown on CNN:

Sessions also praised Comey during an interview with Fox News on October 28, 2016. This is what Sessions said according to The New York Times:

Mr. Sessions said Mr. Comey “had an absolute duty, in my opinion, 11 days or not, to come forward with the new information that he has and let the American people know that, too. So she is under crimina

So the story the Trump administration is peddling about Trump firing Trump because of the Clinton emails is bullshit. That leaves only one possible reason for his firing: The Russia investigation.

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