Saturday, May 13, 2017

DAY 114: What bothers Trump about the Russia investigation is it proves he's a loser

The New York Times published an article today showing a second reason why the Russia investigation James Comey was expanding bothered him so much: because it proves he didn't win the presidency on his own. In other words, because it proves Trump is a loser.

Aside from the fact that the Trump campaign could face criminal charges for colluding with Russia to undermine the US elections, what seems to be making Trump furious is the fact that the Russia intervention into US elections proves Trump not only didn't win the popular vote, but he didn't win the electoral college simply because he is Donald Trump.

From the NYT article:

Mr. Trump burns with frustration over not getting enough credit for winning the nation’s highest office after having never so much as run for City Council or town alderman. He ran when pundits predicted he would not, stayed in when they were certain he would drop out, never lost his core supporters and, amid a dysfunctional campaign that was known for self-inflicted wounds, propelled himself to victory over the vastly more experienced Clinton machine. He expected to be celebrated for it, and that has not happened.

Which means Trump is missing the picture. The Russia thing is the LEAST of the issues most Americans don't like him and don't want him in office. Above the Russia collusion there are far stronger reasons, such as (in no particular order):

1. Racism.
2. Stupidity.
3. Corruption.
4. Nepotism.
5. Conflicts of interests.
6. Incompetence.
7. Taking away health care.
8. Cutting taxes for himself and the richest people in America.
9. Discrimination.
10. Lies and dishonesty.

Still, I don't quite buy the idea that Trump fired Comey because Russia makes him look like a loser. I say that because of the following:

In the process, allies and advisers said, Mr. Trump has only made the situation worse for himself. Rather than ignoring the Russia investigation and focusing on priorities like health care and taxes, he keeps drawing more attention to the subject with intemperate Twitter posts, angry interviews and actions like the firing of Mr. Comey.

You could say that Trump is so thin-skinned he doesn't ignore the Russia investigation out of pure ego. But then again, really? That doesn't sound like a solid reason not to ignore it. If he's still paying attention to it is because there IS something in there to pay attention to.

Regardless, the fact is it is day 114 since he took office. That's nearly four months. And Trump is still talking about the 2016 election. Deep inside, Trump must really be thinking that he is a loser and he has to convince people that he isn't.

It isn't working.

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