Thursday, May 4, 2017

Trump praises Australia's healthcare... which is single-payer

Hours after Republicans in the House of Representatives passed Trumpcare, in an attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, Donald Trump met with the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and literally said that Australia has better healthcare than the US.

This is what Trump said according to CNN:

"It's going to be fantastic health care," Trump said, referring to his new health care plan. "I shouldn't say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia because you have better health care than we do.

Trump obviously didn't realize Australia's universal, single-payer health system is the complete opposite of what Trump is advocating, which is to leave the healthcare system in the hands of the private sector and the free market, which is technically what the US had BEFORE Obamacare.

It was such a dumb thing for Trump to say that even Bernie Sanders, a proponent of single-payer healthcare, laugh at Trump for saying it:

So once again Trump makes an ass of himself. Or to put it another way, Trump loses.

UPDATE: The next day Trump tried to save face about his dumb comment, claiming everybody has better healthcare than the US:

So if everybody has better healthcare, and the US is the ONLY undustrialized nation without universal, single-payer healthcare, then by NOT having universal health care with Trumpcare, America will still have worse healthcare than everybody else.

Or in other words, Trump tried to fix a dumb statement, with an even dumber one.

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