Monday, May 8, 2017

Warren Buffet says Trump hasn't had much effect on the economy

You know how Donald Trump has been claiming that he created half a million jobs and that economy is better because he was elected? Well, Warrent Buffet said today Trump hasn't had much effect on the economy.

In an interview ith CNBC Buffet said "I don't think he's had that much of an effect on the economy yet." He added: "I do not make investment or business decisions based on who is president or who I think is going to be president."

So that's two lines of Trump's bullshit Buffet destroyed:

1. No, Trump had no effect on the economy. Thus, the jobs created from January to April had nothing to do with him.

2. No, there is no "optimism" beause of Trump election making businesses invest more. Investors don't even care.

Now, who would you believe? Trump, who claims to be a billionnaire without actually being one, or Warrent Buffet who is an actually billionnaire and one of the richest people on Earth?

I think it's pretty obvious.

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