Thursday, May 4, 2017

Mike Pence doesn't know shit about 5 de Mayo

Remember Donald Trump posting a photo of him with a "taco bowl" at Trump Tower in May 5th, 2016 supposedly in honor of 5 de Mayo? Remember how offensive that was and how much it showed Trump knowns SHIT about 5 de Mayo starting with the fact that Mexicans don't eat taco bowls? Well, Mike Pence also doesn't know shit about 5 de Mayo.

You see, Pence said the following on May 4, calling it "Casi 5 de Mayo" ("nearly 5th of May"):

Cinco de Mayo has become a day to celebrate the extraordinary contributions that Mexican Americans -- and, really, all Hispanic Americans -- have made and continue to make in the United States of America.

What the FUCK is wrong with Mike Pence? Mexican Americans had NOTHING to do with the May 5th battle of Puebla. It was the MEXICAN army in Puebla the one who fought that battle.

So Taco Bowl moment 2.0. Sheesh...

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