Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Reporter gets arrested for asking question about Trumpcare to Tom Price

Because he asked Trump's secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price if domestic violance counted as a pre-existing condition in Trumpcare, reporter Don Heyman, from Public News Service, was arrested and liberated only after paying a $5,000 bond. Heyman was in public space and never received a warning from the police.

According to The Hill:

According to the criminal complaint by the capitol police, Heyman was "aggressively breaching the secret service agents to the point where the agents were forced to remove him a couple of times from the area walking up the hallway in the main building of the Capitol. The defendant was causing a disturbance by yelling at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price.”

But that was not the description in the capitol police gave of the incident in the report of Heyman's arrest.

According to The Washington Post, in an article published 3 days later:

Heyman was jailed and subsequently released on $5,000 bond. Though the police insist that Heyman wasn’t arrested for his actions as a reporter, the complaint said that “the defendant was causing a disturbance by yelling questions at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price,” as a Post editorial emphasized.

So the official reason for his arrest was the fact that he was asking a question to Tom Price.

When asked what he thought about what the police did and if he would ask for the charges to be dropped, and if Heyman was being menacing, what Tom Price said was this:

“Not when I was going through, but that, look, this is an issue for the West Virginia Capitol Police. They were doing a stellar job. Our detail was making certain that we were able to get to the round table and to the press conference. This wasn’t in the press conference, you know, Hugh. This was, this gentleman was not in the press conference.”

In other words, Price thinks freedom of speech can only happen in a press conference.

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