Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Nixon library doesn't want Nixon to be compared with Donald Trump

The Nixon Library posted a tweet today subtly asking people not to compare Donald Trump with Richard Nixon, as Nixon never fired an FBI Director:

The tweet was posted after several people have been comparing Donald Trump with Nixon for firing FBI Director James Comey.

Nixon didn't fire the FBI director when he was president, but he did fire his Attorney General, his Deputy Attorney General and the person in charge of the Watergate investigation.

So why the comparison with Nixon? Because Nixon was the previous president who had fired people who were investigating wrongdoings by the current administration. Comey was investigating the dealings between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016.

In other words, Just as Nixon's firings were seen as a cover-up and an act of obstruction of justice, so is Comey's firing been seen by many as an attempt at a cover-up and obstruction of justice.

But apparently Trump is too low for Nixon Library standards.

UPDATE: Apparently the Nixon Library tweet angered Trump. According to The New York Times, the next day after the tweet, the Trump administration, through the National Archives and Records Administration, said the tweet was "inappropriate." In other words, Trump got angry because of the Tweet making Trump look worse than Nixon.

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